import mill._ import mill.scalalib._ import mill.scalalib.publish._ import $ivy.`com.lihaoyi::mill-contrib-twirllib:`, mill.twirllib._ object astral extends Module { def scalaVersion = "3.3.0" def compile = compiler.compile object compiler extends ScalaModule with PublishModule with TwirlModule { val VERSION = "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT" def scalaVersion = astral.scalaVersion def twirlScalaVersion = scalaVersion def twirlVersion = "1.6.0-RC4" def mainClass = Some("com.astraldb.Astral") def generatedSources = T{ Seq(compileTwirl().classes) } /************************************************* *** Twirl Config *************************************************/ def twirlFormats = super.twirlFormats() ++ Map( "scala" -> "play.twirl.api.TxtFormat" ) /************************************************* *** Backend Dependencies *************************************************/ def ivyDeps = Agg( ivy"${twirlVersion()}" ) def publishVersion = VERSION override def pomSettings = PomSettings( description = "The Astral Compiler Compiler", organization = "com.astraldb", url = "", licenses = Seq(License.`Apache-2.0`), versionControl = VersionControl.github("UBOdin", "astral"), developers = Seq( Developer("okennedy", "Oliver Kennedy", ""), ) ) } object catalyst extends ScalaModule { def scalaVersion = astral.scalaVersion def mainClass = Some("com.astraldb.catalyst.Astral") def moduleDeps = Seq(astral.compiler) def outputClasspath = T{ Seq[PathRef](compile().classes) ++ compileClasspath() ++ resources() } def rendered = T { val target = T.dest val files = scala.collection.mutable.Buffer[String]() os.proc( "scala", "-cp", outputClasspath().mkString(":"), "com.astraldb.catalyst.Generate", target ).call( cwd = target, stdout = os.ProcessOutput.Readlines( line => files += line ), stderr = os.ProcessOutput.Readlines( println(_) ) ) for(f <- files) { println(s"GOT : $f") } /* return */ { file => PathRef(target / file) }.toSeq } def render(args: String*) = T.command { for(file <- rendered()) { println(s"\n\n//////////// ${file.path.baseName} ///////////////") println( } } object impl extends ScalaModule { def scalaVersion = "2.13.8" def generatedSources = T{ astral.catalyst.rendered() } def moduleDeps = Seq(astral.compiler, astral.catalyst) def ivyDeps = Agg( ivy"org.apache.spark::spark-sql::3.4.1", ) } } }