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\caption{Work Breakdown for the Spark 3.2 Optimizer}
Compilers and program analyses grapple with exceedingly large state spaces, a struggle which has historically necessitated that high-level analysis tasks be broken into small, managable chunks
(\emph{e}.\emph{g}., separate compilation and context-insensitive program analyses).
Unfortunately, such a granular analysis methodology can often prohibit the idiomatic expression of useful analyses, and the loss of precision may preclude useful optimizations.
We propose a new relational-algebra-based language (called \systemlang) that
reframes common compilation and analysis tasks as database
operations. \systemlang unifies existing database optimizations (e.g.,
work sharing from streaming systems) with existing compiler tricks
(e.g., Tree Toasting~\cite{balakrishnan:2021:sigmod:treetoaster}),
laying the groundwork for a creating truly scalable, ``declarative'' compiler
by leveraging the wide array of scalable data processing techniques developed by the database community.
\paragraph{Production Rules}
Compiler transformations and optimizations are often expressed in
terms of production rules: if a pattern matching a certain form is
found, it is transformed according to the production rule. For
example, the classic selection push-down rule common in query plan optimization
may be expressed as:
In other words, any relational algebra expression
$\sigma_{\theta}(\pi_{A}(R))$ may be safely replaced by an equivalent
expression of the form $\pi_{A}(\sigma_{\theta}(R))$. Expressions are
often realized as trees, and thus this style of optimization may be
viewed as a tree transformation.
\paragraph{Match Patterns}
Production rules are often implemented via `match patterns' in
functional languages, or via analogous constructs in imperative languages~\cite{DBLP:conf/sigmod/SolimanAREGSCGRPWNKB14}.
Match patterns are ubiquitous in functional languages due to their utility for programming with algebraic data~\cite{Luc:2008}.
For example, the push-down rule above could be expressed in Scala using the \texttt{match} operator:
plan match { case Filter(cond, Project(tgt, child)) =>
Project(tgt, Filter(cond, child)) }
The pattern checks to see if \lstinline{plan} represents a \lstinline{Filter} ($\sigma$) node.
If so, it binds its first field to \lstinline{cond}, and checks to see if its second field is a \lstinline{Project} ($\pi$) node.
If so, it binds two child variables and runs the code to the right of \lstinline{=>} to build a replacement tree.
A key design methodology for optimizers of relational query languages (and other paradigms) is to execute a large set of production rules simultaneously, iteratively inferring more optimal join plans until a fixed-point is reached (or time dictates we must give up). The key insights driving \systemlang are that:
(i) these match patterns are effectively queries over the relational algebra tree, and
(ii) reframing them as such allows us to employ classical database optimizations to create more scalable compilers.
\paragraph{Tree Toasting}
This paper builds on prior work of ours: In \cite{balakrishnan:2021:sigmod:treetoaster}, we developed a compilation technique called Tree Toasting.
A toasted optimizer pre-computes the set of subtrees that match a rewrite rule's predicate.
As the optimizer rewrites segments of the tree, these pre-computed sets (i.e., `materialized views') are maintained.
\paragraph{Work Sharing}
In this paper, we focus on an orthogonal optimization strategy: Work Sharing~\cite{DBLP:journals/ieeecc/KremienKM93} from stream processing.
When two queries with a common sub-plan are registered with stream processor, the common sub-plan is only executed once.
Similarly, we explore a work sharing optimization where pattern matching predicates common to multiple rules are merged.
Although we focus on one specific optimization in this paper, we emphasize that compiling pattern matching down to a query language opens up a range of further optimization opportunities, including
(i) cost-based optimization of evaluation strategies,
(ii) parallelization for exploration of large search optimization spaces, and
(iii) differential dataflow~\cite{DBLP:conf/cidr/McSherryMII13} for incremental `live' compilation.
\paragraph{Case Study: Apache Spark}
We explore this \systemlang in the context of Apache Spark's Catalyst query optimizer.
\Cref{fig:sparkBreakdown} breaks down how Catalyst spends its time while optimizing the 22 queries of the TPC-H workload\footnote{
A similar figure appears in \cite{balakrishnan:2021:sigmod:treetoaster}. \Cref{fig:sparkBreakdown} has been updated to account for improvements to the optimizer in Spark version 3.2
At least a quarter of its time is spent iterating over trees (`Search'), and a further quarter is spent on bookkeeping (`Fixpoint Loop').
Both of these are both strong candidates for database-style optimizations.
For this paper, we translated a significant fragment of the Catalyst optimizer --- \textcolor{red}{[TODO]} rules in total --- into ASTral-compatible match syntax\footnote{
We use this fragment to evaluate our optimizations on a variety of queries, including (i) The 22 queries of the TPC-H benchmark, and
(ii) several large queries generated by deployments of Vizier~\cite{brachmann:2020:cidr:your}, a computational notebook based on Spark.
In this paper, we make the following contributions:
(i) We introduce \systemlang, a declarative language for building compilers in \Cref{sec:datamodel};
(ii) We show how match patterns, the a common format for implementing rewrite rules, can be compiled to \systemlang;
(iii) We develop an runtime for \systemlang based on work sharing in stream processing systems in \Cref{sec:queryEvaluation};
(iv) We adapt tree toasting to \systemlang in \Cref{sec:treetoasting};
(v) We evaluate \systemlang by re-implementing a fragment of Spark's Catalyst Optimizer in \Cref{sec:experiments}; and
(vi) We explore potential further ways to leverage the declarative nature of \systemlang in \Cref{sec:conclusions}.