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\section{Evaluating \systemlang}
A typical optimizer is typically defined as a collection of rules of the form $\tuple{\matcher_i, \expression_i} \in \matcherdom \times \expressiondom$\footnote{
A typical optimizer has many `batches' of such rules, applied in sequence.
As the generalization to multiple batches is straightforward, we assume only one batch.
To perform one rewrite step, the optimizer searches for the first subtree with a successful match from $\bigcup_i \query{\matcher_i}(\db)$.
Given a subtree $\constant$ matched by $\matcher_i$ and the resulting scope $\scope$, the step results in an updated AST $\db' = \db[\constant \backslash \expression_i(\scope)]$ (where $\db[\constant \backslash \constant']$ indicates $\db$ with subtree $\constant$ replaced by subtree $\constant'$).
% \DB{$\db[\constant \backslash \expression_i(\scope)]$ this supports match pattern that have an experssion evaluation right? Not all match patterns.}
The optimizer repeats this process until $\db$ converges to a fixed point, or a timeout or threshold number of steps is reached.
In this section, we focus on optimizing the search for matched subtrees, and return to the rewrite step in \Cref{sec:updates}.
We first outline a baseline query evaluation strategy, and then explore techniques for optimized evaluation.
To begin, we note that while $\rewritematcher{\var}{\cdot}$ emits a wide (`flat') join, many of the relation atoms being joined mimic the behavior of other relational operators, per the following \textbf{join-elimination rewrites}:
Q \bowtie \inbrackets{\expression}
& \equiv \sigma_{\expression}(Q)
& \textbf{if } \schemaOf{Q} \subseteq \varsOf{\expression}\\
Q \bowtie \inbrackets{\var = \expression}
& \equiv \pi_{\schemaOf{Q}, \var \leftarrow \expression}(Q)
& \textbf{if } \schemaOf{Q} \subseteq \varsOf{\expression}\\
&& \textbf{and } \var \not\in \schemaOf{Q}\\
Q \bowtie [\var = \nodelabel(\var_1, \ldots, \var_n)]
& \equiv \expandop_{\var \rightarrow \nodelabel(\var_1, \ldots, \var_n)}(Q)
& \textbf{if } \inset{\var, \var_1, \ldots \var_n} \hspace{7mm}\\
&&\cap\; \schemaOf{Q} = \inset{\var}
We introduce the new operator $\expandop$ in the third equivalence shortly.
The first two equivalences follow from the fact that $\varsOf{\expression}$ is a key for both $\inbrackets{e}$ and $\inbrackets{\var = \expression}$; the join is a foreign-key join.
In the former case, tuples that fail the predicate have no join partner and are filtered out, like a selection.
In the latter, the join is guaranteed to find a foreign key, and the resulting schema is extended by $\var$, like projection.
The constraints on $\schemaOf{Q}$ enforce query safety.
Match atoms similarly act as a foreign key join, but simultaneously filter (like select) and extend the schema (like project): (i) only tuples where $\var$ is a $\nodelabel$-typed AST-node find join partners, but (ii) the resulting schema is extended by $\inset{\var_1, \ldots, \var_n}$.
We capture this behavior in a new operator named \textbf{expand} (denoted $\expandop$);
The expand operator is similar to the Unnest operator in nested relational algebra~\cite{DBLP:conf/pods/JaeschkeS82}; but never emits more than one tuple per input.
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=3mm]
\node (source) {$\db(r)$};
\node (filter) [above=of source] {$\expandop_{r\rightarrow{\textbf{Filter}(\texttt{cond}, b)}}$};
\node (project) [above left=of filter] {$\expandop_{b\rightarrow{\textbf{Project}(\texttt{tgt}, \texttt{child})}}$};
\node (check1) [above=of project] {$\sigma_{\textsc{det}(\texttt{tgt})}$};
\node (check2) [above=of filter] {$\sigma_{\texttt{cond} = true}$};
\node (join) [above right=of filter] {$\expandop_{b\rightarrow \textbf{Join}(c, d)}$};
\node (exp) [above=of join] {$\pi_{*, v \gets \textsc{refs}(\texttt{cond})}$};
\node (leftj) [above left=of exp] {$\sigma_{\textsc{outputs}(c) \subseteq v}$};
\node (rightj) [above=of exp] {$\sigma_{\textsc{outputs}(d) \subseteq v}$};
\draw[very thick,draw=red!50!black] (source) -> (filter);
\draw[very thick,draw=red!50!black] (filter) -> (project);
\draw[very thick,draw=red!50!black] (project) -> (check1);
\draw (filter) -> (check2);
\draw (filter) -> (join);
\draw (join) -> (exp);
\draw (exp) -> (leftj);
\draw (exp) -> (rightj);
\caption{Example rewrite execution plan. Thicker, red lines are for the running example.}
Continuing \Cref{ex:rewrite}, $\db(r) \bowtie \inbrackets{r = \textbf{Filter}(a, b)}$ meets the constraints of the first join elimination rewrite and can be rewritten to
$\expandop_{r\rightarrow\textbf{Filter}(a, b)}(\db(r))$.
As before, one result is produced for every \textbf{Filter}-typed AST subtree of $\db$.
\subsection{Selecting an Execution Plan}
% \DB{Should we call this section differently? Evaluation Workflow or Rewrite Workflow? In my head its conflicting with the physical plan thats evaluated. Ignore if its just me.}
Starting with a join over atomic relations allows us to explore the space of evaluation plans by leveraging the associativity and commutativity of join.
\Cref{alg:makePlan} outlines a simple, greedy strategy for eliminating joins.
Specifically, given a query of the form: $\atom_1 \bowtie \ldots \bowtie \atom_n = \rewritematcher{\var}{\matcher}$, the return value of $\textsc{MakePlan}(\inset{\atom_1, \ldots, \atom_n}, \db(\var))$ is equivalent to $\query{\matcher}(\db)$\footnote{
Matchers with disjunctions rewrite to queries with unions; A more robust optimization strategy is likely possible, but for the purposes of this paper we rely on distributivity to produce a set of union-free queries, each individually passed to \textsc{MakePlan}.
$\textsc{MakePlan}$ proceeds in three steps:
(i) $\textsc{EnumerateCandidates}$ selects atoms that are candidates for a join elimination rewrite according to the relevant constraint on $\schemaOf{Q}$ (listed with the rewrites).
(ii) $\textsc{PickCandidate}$ selects one candidate from the set of rewrites. We discuss this step in greater depth below
(iii) $\textsc{Rewrite}$ applies the selected join elimination rewrite.
In summary, the key challenge of selecting an execution plan is (greedily) selecting an order in which to resolve the atoms.
\caption{\textsc{MakePlan}$(A, Q)$}
\Require $A = \inset{\atom_1, \ldots, \atom_n} \subseteq \atomdom$: A set of target atoms
\Require $Q$: A query
\Ensure $Q': $ A query equivalent to $Q \bowtie \atom_1 \bowtie \ldots \bowtie \atom_n$
\State \textbf{if} {$|A| = 0$} \textbf{then} \Return Q
\State $\texttt{candidates} = \textsc{EnumerateCandidates}(Q, A)$
\State $\atom = \textsc{PickCandidate}(\texttt{candidates})$
\State \Return \textsc{MakePlan}$(\;A - \inset{\atom},\; \textsc{Rewrite}(Q \bowtie \atom)\;)$
The optimal strategy for \textsc{PickCandidate} mirrors the selection predicate ordering problem in a typical database:
We want to prioritize atoms that have a low selectivity and a low cost.
We leave a more thorough cost-based optimizer to future work, and for now adopt the following heuristic order over atoms:
(i) match atoms (which are inexpensive), (ii) test atoms (which have nonzero selectivity), (iii) binding atoms (which are neither).
% We note that universal and empty atoms may be optimized away, and AST atoms only appear at the query root.
Consider the augmented version of our example pattern from \Cref{ex:sideEffects}.
Schema constraints enforce a specific execution plan --- \textsc{EnumerateCandidates} only returns a single candidate for each call.
The output of \textsc{MakePlan} on this pattern is illustrated in \Cref{fig:executionPlan} (bold, red lines).
\subsection{Merging Plans}
An optimizer is simultaneously interested in matching multiple patterns.
We find an appropriate optimization opportunity in stream processing systems (e.g., Aurora/Borealis\cite{DBLP:conf/cidr/AbadiABCCHLMRRTXZ05}), where multiple simultaneous streams are rewritten to share overlapping computations~\cite{DBLP:journals/ieeecc/KremienKM93}.
\Cref{alg:makeSharedPlan} generalizes \Cref{alg:makePlan} to detect and leverage such opportunities, rewriting multiple atom sets in parallel.
\caption{$\textsc{MakeSharedPlan}(Q, \vec A)$}
\Require $Q$: A query
\Require $\vec A$: A vector of target atom sets $A_i$ as in \Cref{alg:makePlan}.
\Ensure $\vec Q'$: A vector of queries, where $Q_i'$ is as in \Cref{alg:makePlan}.
\State \textbf{if } {$|\vec A| = 0$} \textbf{then} \Return $[]$
\For{$A_i \in \vec A$}
\State $C_i = \textsc{EnumerateCandidates}(Q, A_i)$
\State $\atom = \textsc{PickCandidate}(\vec C)$
\State $Q' = \textsc{Rewrite}(Q \bowtie \atom)$
\State \Return $
\textsc{MakeSharedPlan}(Q', \inbrackets{\;
A_i \;\left|\; A_i \in \vec A \wedge \atom \in A_i\right.
})$ \\
\hspace{15mm} $\cup \;
\textsc{MakeSharedPlan}(Q, \inbrackets{\;
A_i \;\left|\; A_i \in \vec A \wedge \atom \not \in A_i\right.
As before, the key challenge is abstracted by $\textsc{PickCandidate}$, which now selects from a vector of candidate sets.
Our preliminary implementation buckets candidate atoms into the same three priority groups, and selects an the atom that appears the most frequently in the highest priority bucket.
Consider the following additional match patterns
{\footnotesize \begin{align*}
&\textbf{Filter}(cond, child) \wedge (cond = true)\\
&\textbf{Filter}(cond, Join(lhs, rhs)) \wedge (v \leftarrow \textsc{refs}(\texttt{cond})) \wedge (\textsc{outputs}(lhs) \subseteq v)\\
&\textbf{Filter}(cond, Join(lhs, rhs)) \wedge (v \leftarrow \textsc{refs}(\texttt{cond})) \wedge (\textsc{outputs}(rhs) \subseteq v)
These test, respectively, for tautological filters and joins that admit filter push-down.
The rewrite into \systemlang, and subsequent variable-elimination optimizations are left as an exercise for the reader, but \Cref{fig:executionPlan} shows the final work-shared plan.
\subsection{Limit-1 Execution}
Naively evaluating the query entails computing the union of all match queries in full, while we only want one tuple at a time.
Volcano style query execution is limited in its ability to share work from common subplans without expensive materialization of intermediate results.
Meanwhile, `push'-based streaming style query execution requires asynchronicity.
Here, we develop a non-asynchronous push-based evaluation strategy that can efficiently shortcut execution once a single result is produced.
We assume, as per above, that all match pattern queries have been rewritten into a join-free DAG of project, select, and expand operators, rooted at a single AST atom.
We write $\parentsOf{Q}$ to denote the set of subplans in the DAG with $Q$ as a child.
\caption{$\textsc{PushParents}(Q, t)$}
\Require $Q$: A query subplan
\Require $t$: A tuple
\Ensure A matched tuple or $\nullresult$
\State \textbf{if} $\parentsOf{Q} = \emptyset$ \textbf{then return} $t$
\Comment{Match found, terminate}
\For{$Q' \in \parentsOf{Q}$}
\State $t' \gets \textsc{PushPlan}(Q, t)$
\State \textbf{if} {$t' \neq \nullresult$} \textbf{then} \Return $t'$
\State \Return $\nullresult$
\caption{$\textsc{PushPlan}(Q, t)$}
\If{$Q$ \textbf{is} $\sigma_{\expression}$}
\State \textbf{if} $\expression(t) = \top$ \textbf{then return} $\textsc{PushParents}(Q, t)$
\State \textbf{else return} $\nullresult$
\ElsIf{$Q$ \textbf{is} $\pi_{\var_1 \gets \expression_1, \ldots, \var_n \gets \expression_n}$}
\State \Return $\textsc{PushParents}(Q, \tuple{\var_1: \expression_1(t),\; \ldots,\; \var_n: \expression_n(t)})$
\ElsIf{$Q$ \textbf{is} $\expandop_{\var \rightarrow \nodelabel(\var_1, \ldots, \var_n)}$}
\If{$t[\var]$ \textbf{is} $\nodelabel(\constant_1, \ldots, \constant_n)$}
\State \Return $\textsc{PushParents}(Q, t \cup \tuple{\var_1:\constant_1,\;\ldots,\;\var_n:\constant_n})$
\State \textbf{else return} $\nullresult$
\Cref{alg:pushParents,alg:pushPlan} define a mutually recursive execution strategy that terminates when it reaches the top of a plan.
\textsc{PushParents} iteratively explores each ancestor of $Q$ until it finds a match, while \textsc{PushPlan} defines semantics for each operator, returning when an operator filters out a tuple.
To find matches, we invoke $\textsc{PushParents}(\db(\var), \tuple{\var: \constant})$ for each $\constant \in \subtreesOf{\db}$ until a match is discovered.
If no match is found, the optimizer has reached a fixed point.
\subsection{Storage and Updates}
Having established a language for querying the subtrees of $\db$, we next turn to the question of how these subtrees are stored.
The optimizer interacts with $\db$ through three access patterns:
(i) Full subtree scan ($\db(\var)$),
(ii) Node expansion ($\expandop_{\var \rightarrow \ell(\var_1, \ldots, \var_n)}$), and
(iii) Subtree replacement $\db' = \db[\constant \backslash \constant]$.
In \cite{balakrishnan:2021:sigmod:treetoaster}, we contrasted two different storage layouts for ASTs.
In one, each node of a subtree was stored as a tuple in a relation, with one relation per AST node type (i.e., $\nodelabel$).
In the other, we superimposed relational semantics over an existing AST.
Both approaches had competitive performance, but the relational representation had significant storage overheads.
We implement the latter approach for \systemlang, and summarize key features of it here.
A naive realization of this representation stores AST nodes and variable-sized constants as as heap-allocated objects.
AST nodes are stored as a tuple of their type and the fields, with fields containing fixed-size constants inlined, and child AST nodes stored by reference.
Enumerating the subtrees is trivial on this structure, requiring only a series of pointer traversals.
Node expansion is likewise viable on this naive representation, as variables holding AST nodes necessarily store references to the node and its fields on the heap.
Subtree replacement requires only maintaining a lookup table of parent nodes, and in the case of Spark, an indirection layer~\cite{balakrishnan:2019:dbpl:fluid} to work around immutability constraints.