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\chapter{Queries in General Random Graph Experiments}
drop table data0;
drop table data;
create table data0(u int, v int);
create table data(u int, v int);
/* Copy the data to a relation. */
copy data0
from 'path_of_the_data_file/www.dat' with delimiter as ' ';
/* Since the data represents a directed graph, we need to
insert all tuples again with u and v swapped.
insert into data0
select v, u from data0;
/* This fetches the distinct pairs of (u,v), which represents
all edges of an undirected graph.
insert into data
select distinct u, v from data0;
drop table edges;
drop table edge0;
create table edges (u integer, v integer, p float4);
/* This fetches all the edges related to the nodes we intend to
keep in the graph.
'1000' in 'u < 1000 and v < 1000' is the number of nodes
which will appear in the graph.
'0.01' in 'random() < 0.01' is the proportion of certainly
present edges in all edges.
'0.1' is the upper bound of the probability that a possibly
present edge is in the graph.
You may change the above-mentioned three parameters in the
insert into edges
select u, v,
CASE WHEN random() < 0.01 THEN 1.0
ELSE random() * 0.1
from data
where u < 1000 and v < 1000 and u < v;
/* The number of edges in the graph */
select count(*) as edge_count from edges;
/* The number of clauses in the confidence computation */
select count(*) as clause_count from
edges e1, edges e2, edges e3
where e1.v = e2.u and e2.v = e3.v and e1.u = e3.u
and e1.u < e2.u and e2.u < e3.v;
/* Creation of an uncertain relations representing the graph */
create table edge0 as
(pick tuples from edges independently with probability p);
/* Confidence computation of existence of at least
a triangle in the graph
select aconf(.05,.05) as triangle_prob
from edge0 e1, edge0 e2, edge0 e3
where e1.v = e2.u and e2.v = e3.v and e1.u = e3.u
and e1.u < e2.u and e2.u < e3.v;