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2015-12-03 19:57:30 -05:00
# URI.js - Changelog #
The release notes tracked in this document are also made available on the [releases page](
### 1.17.0 (November 13th 2015) ###
* fixing [`URI.removeQuery()`]( to cast values to string before matching - [Issue #250](, [Issue #252](, by [ryanelian]( and [Siltaar](
* fixing [`.segment()`]( to allow appending an empty element - [Issue #236](, [Issue #253](, by [orlando](
* adding [`.origin()`]( to get protocol and authority, counter-part to `.resource()` - [Issue #210](, [Issue #263](, by [justinmchase](
### 1.16.1 (September 19th 2015) ###
Package Management Cleanup - no changes to source code!
* renaming package to "urijs", was "URIjs" (because npm decided to go lower-case at some point and maintaining capitals in your package name poses all sorts of stupid issues)
* removing [jam](, [spm](, `component.json` and `URI.jquery.json` as nobody cared that URI.js was stuck on 1.14 for a year
### 1.16.0 (July 24th 2015) ###
* **SECURITY** fixing [`URI.parseHost()`]( to rewrite `\` to `/` as Node and Browsers do - [Issue #233](
* fixing [`.host()`]( and [`.authority()`]( to raise an error if they contain a path segment (extending [Issue #233](
### 1.15.2 (July 2nd 2015) ###
* fixing [`URI.parseQuery()`]( to accept `?foo&foo=bar` - [Issue #220](
* fixing [`.segmentCoded()`]( to encode (instead of decode) array input - [Issue #223](
* fixing [`.normalizePath()`]( to properly resolve `/foo/..` to `/` - [Issue #224](
* fixing [`.relativeTo()`]( to resolve `/foo/` and `/foo/bar` to `./` instead of empty string - [Issue #226](
* fixing `bower.json`'s `"main": "src/URI.js"` - [Issue #227](
### 1.15.1 (April 5th 2015) ###
* fixing `URI()` to match behavior of `new URI()` (caused by [#196]( - [Issue #205](
* fixing [`URI.removeQuery()`]( to accept RegExp for name and value arguments - ([Issue #204](, [peterwillis](
### 1.15.0 (April 1st 2015 - no joke, promise!) ###
* fixing `URI(undefined)` to throw TypeError - ([Issue #189](, [Issue #196](, [eakron]( - *tiny backward-compatibility-break*
* fixing [`.absoluteTo()`]( - ([Issue #200](, [giltayar](
* fixing [`.pathname()`]( to properly en/decode URN paths - ([Issue #201](, [mlefoster](
* fixing URI normalization to properly handle URN paths based on [RFC 2141]( syntax - ([Issue #201](, [mlefoster](
* fixing [`.normalize()`]( and [`.normalizePath()`]( to properly normalize URN paths
* adding `URI.encodeUrnPathSegment()`
* adding `URI.decodeUrnPathSegment()`
* adding `URI.decodeUrnPath()`
* adding `URI.recodeUrnPath()`
### 1.14.2 (February 25th 2015) ###
* fixing inclusion of LICENSE in packages - ([Issue #174](
* fixing [`URI.parseHost()`]( to not interpret colon in path as IPv6 hostname - ([Issue #190](
* adding meta data for [SPM]( package manager - ([Issue #176](
* adding license meta to `bower.json`
### 1.14.1 (October 1st 2014) ###
* fixing handling of String instances (not string primitives) - ([Issue #146](
* fixing Firefox [`.watch()`]( interfering with `.parseQuery()` - ([Issue #169](
* fixing [`addQuery()`]( to not throw error on null value - ([Issue #171](
### 1.14.0 (September 8th 2014) ###
* adding Hungarian second level domains - ([Issue #159](
* adding `<audio src="…">` and `<video src="…">` to supported DOM attributes - ([Issue #160](, ([Issue #161](
* fixing `file://hostname/path` parsing - ([Issue #158](
* fixing `.decodePathSegment()` to not throw malformed URI error - ([Issue #163](
### 1.13.2 (May 29th 2014) ###
* changes to package management manifests only
### 1.13.1 (April 16th 2014) ###
* fixing IPv6 normalization (bad variable name) - ([Issue #145](
* adding grunt and jshint
* changing code style to 2 spaces indentation, single quote strings
* applying `'use strict';` everywhere
* fixing jshint warnings
### 1.13.0 (April 15th 2014) ###
* fixing [`URI.parseHost()`]( and [`URI.buildHost()`]( to properly parse and build the IPv6 examples given in [RFC2732 Format for Literal IPv6 Addresses in URL's]( - ([Issue #144](
* adding performance improvements to SecondLevelDomain - ([PR #122](, [gorhill](
### 1.12.1 (March 8th 2014) ###
* fixing [`.encodeQuery()`]( and [`.decodeQuery()`]( to respect [`URI.escapeQuerySpace`]( - ([Issue #137](
* fixing fragment plugins to return URI for simpler loading - ([Issue #139](
### 1.12.0 (January 23rd 2014) ###
* fixing [`.absoluteTo()`]( to comply with [RFC3986 Reference Resolution Examples]( - ([Issue #113](
* fixing [`.normalizePath()`]( to maintain leading parent references (`../`) for relative paths, while removing them for absolute paths - ([Issue #133](
* fixing `URI.protocol_expression` to properly accept `.` in compliance with [RFC 3986 - Scheme]( - ([Issue #132](
* fixing [`URI.withinString()`]( to not use backtracking prone regular expression `URI.find_uri_expression` anymore - ([Issue #131](
* fixing [`URI.withinString()`]( to accept options `ignore` and `ignoreHtml` to allow better control over which detected URLs get handled - ([Issue #117](
* fixing [`URI.withinString()`]( to accept option `start` to specify the RegExp used for finding the beginning of an URL (defaults to `/\b(?:([a-z][a-z0-9.+-]*:\/\/)|www\.)/gi`) - ([Issue #115](
### 1.11.2 (August 14th 2013) ###
* fixing regression for Node.js introduced by `fixing unsafe eval by using UMD's root` - ([Issue #107](
* fixing parser to accept malformed userinfo (non-encoded email address) - ([Issue #108](
### 1.11.1 (August 13th 2013) ###
* fixing inconsistent [`.relativeTo()`]( results caused by inconsistent URI component handling - ([Issue #103](
* fixing unsafe eval by using UMD's root - ([Issue #105](
* fixing [`.segment()`]( to allow appending an empty element - ([Issue #106](
* fixing [`.segment()`]( to collapse empty elements in array notation
### 1.11.0 (August 6th 2013) ###
* adding [`.segmentCoded()`]( to provide en/decoding interface to `.segment()` - ([Issue #79](
* optimize [`.relativeTo()`]( results - ([Issue #78](, [Issue #95](
* removing obsolete code fragments from `URI.parse()` and `relativeTo()` - ([Issue #100](
* adding setting [`URI.escapeQuerySpace`]( to control if query string should escape spaces using `+` or `%20` - ([Issue #74](
* updating [Punycode.js]( to version 1.2.3
* fixing internal `strictEncodeURIComponent()` to work in Firefox 3.6 - ([Issue #91](
* fixing [`.normalizePath()`]( to properly resolve `/.` and `/.//` to `/` - ([Issue #97](
* fixing [`.path()`]( to return empty string if there is no path - ([Issue #82](
* fixing crashing of `URI.decodeQuery()` on malformed input - now returns original undecoded data - ([Issue #87](, [Issue #92](
* fixing build tool - ([Issue #83](
* fixing for-loop to make closure compiler happy - ([Issue #93](
* adding [`URI.noConflict()`]( - ([Issue #84](
* fixing whitespace in code - ([Issue #84](
* fixing [`.readable()`]( to decode the hash value as well - ([Issue #90](
* prevent `jquery.URI.js` from temporarily using `window.location` as the `href` of an empty attribute of a DOM element - ([Issue #94](
* fixing internal `getType()` for IE8 with undefined value - ([Issue #96](
* adding DOM elements to [URI constructor]( - ([Issue #77](
* [`<a href="...">`](
* [`<blockquote cite="...">`](
* [`<link href="...">`](
* [`<base href="...">`](
* [`<script src="...">`](
* [`<form action="...">`](
* [`<input type="image" src="...">`](
* [`<img src="...">`](
* [`<area href="...">`](
* [`<iframe src="...">`](
* [`<embed src="...">`](
* [`<source src="...">`](
* [`<track src="...">`](
* optimize `jquery.URI.js` to use new DOM element infrastructure
### 1.10.2 (April 15th 2013) ###
* fixing [`relativeTo()`]( - ([Issue #75](
* fixing [`normalizePath()`]( to not prepend `./` to relative paths - ([Issue #76](
### 1.10.1 (April 2nd 2013) ###
* adding [`absoluteTo()`]( to properly resolve relative scheme - ([Issue #71](
### 1.10.0 (March 16th 2013) ###
* adding [`hasQuery()`]( - ([Issue #71](
* fixing URI property detection to return 'src' if none was detected (`jquery.URI.js`) - ([Issue #69](
### 1.9.1 (February 12th 2013) ###
* fixing IE9 compatibility with location import: `URI(location)`
* fixing string character access for IE7 - ([Issue #67](, ([Issue #68](
### 1.9.0 (February 11th 2013) ###
* adding [`.setQuery()`]( - ([Issue #64](
* adding callback argument to [`.query()`](
* adding jQuery 1.9.1 to the test suite
### 1.8.3 (January 9th 2013) ###
* fixing [UglifyJS2]( compression - ([Issue #60](, [fidian](
### 1.8.2 (December 27th 2012) ###
* adding `.fragmentPrefix()` to configure prefix of fragmentURI and fragmentQuery extensions - ([Issue #55](
* adding docs for [`.toString()`, `.valueOf()`]( and [`.href()`]( - ([Issue #56](
* fixing [`.relativeTo()`]( for descendants - ([Issue #57](
### 1.8.1 (November 15th 2012) ###
* fixing build() to properly omit empty query and fragment ([Issue #53](
### 1.8.0 (November 13th 2012) ###
* adding [`.resource()`]( as compound of [path, query, fragment]
* adding jQuery 1.8.x compatibility for jQuery.URI.js (remaining backwards compatibility!)
* adding default ports for gopher, ws, wss
* adding [`.duplicateQueryParameters()`]( to control if `key=value` duplicates have to be preserved or reduced ([Issue #51](
* updating [Punycode.js]( to version 1.1.1
* improving AMD/Node using [UMD returnExports]( - ([Issue #44](, [Issue #47](
* fixing `.addQuery("empty")` to properly add `?empty` - ([Issue #46](
* fixing parsing of badly formatted userinfo `http://username:pass:word@hostname`
* fixing parsing of Windows-Drive-Letter paths `file://C:/WINDOWS/foo.txt`
* fixing `URI(location)` to properly parse the URL - ([Issue #52](
* fixing type error for fragment abuse demos - ([Issue #50](
* adding documentation for various [encode/decode functions](
* adding some pointers on possible problems with URLs to [About URIs](
* adding tests for fragment abuse and splitting tests into separate scopes
* adding meta-data for [Jam]( and [Bower](
Note: QUnit seems to be having some difficulties on IE8. While the jQuery-plugin tests fail, the plugin itself works. We're still trying to figure out what's making QUnit "lose its config state".
### 1.7.4 (October 21st 2012) ###
* fixing parsing of `/wiki/Help:IPA` - ([Issue #49](
### 1.7.3 (October 11th 2012) ###
* fixing `strictEncodeURIComponent()` to properly encode `*` to `%2A`
* fixing IE9's incorrect report of `img.href` being available - ([Issue #48](
### 1.7.2 (August 28th 2012) ###
* fixing SLD detection in [`.tld()`]( - `` would detect `` - ([Issue #42](
* fixing [`.absoluteTo()`]( to comply with [RFC 3986 Section 5.2.2]( - ([Issue #41](
* fixing `location` not being available in non-browser environments like node.js ([Issue #45]( [grimen](
### 1.7.1 (August 14th 2012) ###
* fixing [`.segment()`]('s append operation - ([Issue #39](
### 1.7.0 (August 11th 2012) ###
* fixing URI() constructor passing of `base` - ([Issue #33]( [LarryBattle](
* adding [`.segment()`]( accessor - ([Issue #34](
* upgrading `URI.encode()` to strict URI encoding according to RFC3986
* adding `URI.encodeReserved()` to exclude reserved characters (according to RFC3986) from being encoded
* adding [URI Template (RFC 6570)]( support with [`URITemplate()`](
### 1.6.3 (June 24th 2012) ###
* fixing [`.absoluteTo()`]( to join two relative paths properly - ([Issue #29](
* adding [`.clone()`]( to copy an URI instance
### 1.6.2 (June 23rd 2012) ###
* [`.directory()`]( now returns empty string if there is no directory
* fixing [`.absoluteTo()`]( to join two relative paths properly - ([Issue #29](
### 1.6.1 (May 19th 2012) ###
* fixing TypeError on [`.domain()`]( with dot-less hostnames - ([Issue #27](
### 1.6.0 (March 19th 2012) ###
* adding [URN]( (`javascript:`, `mailto:`, ...) support
* adding [`.scheme()`]( as alias of [`.protocol()`](
* adding [`.userinfo()`]( to comply with terminology of [RFC 3986](
* adding [jQuery Plugin]( `src/jquery.URI.js`
* fixing relative scheme URLs - ([Issue #19]( [byroot](
### 1.5.0 (February 19th 2012) ###
* adding Second Level Domain (SLD) Support - ([Issue #17](
### 1.4.3 (January 28th 2012) ###
* fixing global scope leakage - ([Issue #15]( [mark-rushakoff](
### 1.4.2 (January 25th 2012) ###
* improving CommonJS compatibility - ([Issue #14]( [FGRibreau](
### 1.4.1 (January 21st 2012) ###
* adding CommonJS compatibility - ([Issue #11](, [Evangenieur](
### 1.4.0 (January 12th 2012) ###
* adding [`URI.iso8859()`]( and [`URI.unicode()`]( to switch base charsets - ([Issue #10](, [mortenn](
* adding [`.iso8859()`]( and [`.unicode()`]( to convert an URI's escape encoding
### 1.3.1 (January 3rd 2011) ###
* updating Punycode.js to version 0.3.0
* adding edge-case tests ("jim")
* fixing edge-cases in .protocol(), .port(), .subdomain(), .domain(), .tld(), .filename()
* fixing parsing of hostname in [`.hostname()`](
### 1.3.0 (December 30th 2011) ###
* adding [`.subdomain()`]( convenience accessor
* improving internal deferred build handling
* fixing thrown Error for `URI("").query(true)` - ([Issue #6](
* adding examples for extending URI.js for [fragment abuse](, see src/URI.fragmentQuery.js and src/URI.fragmentURI.js - ([Issue #2](
### 1.2.0 (December 29th 2011) ###
* adding [`.equals()`]( for URL comparison
* fixing encoding/decoding for [`.pathname()`](, [`.directory()`](, [`.filename()`]( and [`.suffix()`]( according to [RFC 3986 3.3](
* fixing escape spaces in query strings with `+` according to [application/x-www-form-urlencoded](
* fixing to allow [`URI.buildQuery()`]( to build duplicate key=value combinations
* fixing [`URI(string, string)`]( constructor to conform with the [specification](
* adding [`.readable()`]( for humanly readable representation of encoded URIs
* fixing bug where @ in pathname would be parsed as part of the authority
### 1.1.0 (December 28th 2011) ###
* adding [`URI.withinString()`](
* adding [`.normalizeProtocol()`]( to lowercase protocols
* fixing [`.normalizeHostname()`]( to lowercase hostnames
* fixing String.substr() to be replaced by String.substring() - ([Issue #1](
* fixing parsing "?foo" to `{foo: null}` [Algorithm for collecting URL parameters](
* fixing building `{foo: null, bar: ""}` to "?foo&bar=" [Algorithm for serializing URL parameters](
* fixing RegExp escaping
### 1.0.0 (December 27th 2011) ###
* Initial URI.js