diff --git a/src/teaching/cse-562/2018sp/checkpoint1.erb b/src/teaching/cse-562/2018sp/checkpoint1.erb index 80fbaaab..57cb6e54 100644 --- a/src/teaching/cse-562/2018sp/checkpoint1.erb +++ b/src/teaching/cse-562/2018sp/checkpoint1.erb @@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ Eval eval = new Eval(){

Each line of text (see BufferedReader.readLine()) corresponds to one row of data. Each record is delimited by a vertical pipe '|' character.  Integers and floats are stored in a form recognized by Java’s Long.parseLong() and Double.parseDouble() methods. Dates are stored in YYYY-MM-DD form, where YYYY is the 4-digit year, MM is the 2-digit month number, and DD is the 2-digit date. Strings are stored unescaped and unquoted and are guaranteed to contain no vertical pipe characters.

Grading Workflow


As before, all .java files in the src directory at the root of your repository will be compiled (and linked against JSQLParser). Also as before, the class edu.buffalo.www.cse4562.Main will be invoked with no arguments, and a stream of semicolon-delimited queries will be printed to System.in (after you print out a prompt)


All .java files in the src directory at the root of your repository will be compiled (and linked against JSQLParser). As before, the class edu.buffalo.www.cse4562.Main will be invoked with no arguments, and a stream of semicolon-delimited queries will be printed to System.in (after you print out a prompt)

For example (red text is entered by the user/grader):

bash> ls data
@@ -237,7 +237,6 @@ $> SELECT A + B AS Q FROM R;

For this project, your code will be timed, for only two queries. You will receive up to 7 points for answering queries successfully, up to 3 additional points for matching the reference implementation timewise.

For this project, we will issue 5 queries to your program excluding CREATE TABLE queries. 3 of these queries will NOT be timed, and they will evaluated based on the correctness of the query results. Answering each query successfully will bring you 1 point each. An example file you will read the data from is given here. This file is the same size and has the same structure with what we will use to evaluate these three queries. The remaining two queries will be timed, and they will run on a file that has 4000 tuples (~200 KB). You will get 2 point for each query if you can return correct results. You will receive additional 1.5 points for each query for matching or beating the reference implementation timewise. Also keep in mind that for ALL queries, the grader will time out and exit after 5 minutes.

diff --git a/src/teaching/cse-562/2018sp/index.erb b/src/teaching/cse-562/2018sp/index.erb index 28441bbe..dc4570ae 100644 --- a/src/teaching/cse-562/2018sp/index.erb +++ b/src/teaching/cse-562/2018sp/index.erb @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ In this course, you will learn...
  • Class M/W/F 4:00-4:50 PM in in Cooke 121
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