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Oliver Kennedy 2016-11-01 22:22:06 -04:00
parent e6acb935af
commit 4a178b49ca
2 changed files with 1 additions and 271 deletions

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@ -324,3 +324,4 @@ Projects are submitted through the online submission system using GIT. You may
<p>Note that OAR gets extremely busy towards the end of the term. If you anticipate needing special testing accomodations, please make sure to contact them 2-4 weeks in advance.</p>

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@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
title: CSE 462 - Spring 2016
- date: Jan. 26
topic: Introduction and Outline
slides: slides/01-IntroAndStructure.pdf
- date: Jan. 28
topic: Relational Algebra
slides: slides/02-RelationalAlgebra.pdf
video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qj67794J8eg
- date: Feb. 2
topic: SQL
slides: slides/03-SQL.pdf
video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tp2X0NrlulY
- date: Feb. 4
topic: SQL to RA and Evaluation
slides: slides/04-SQLToRAAndEval.pdf
video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-A9pMY-mPk
- date: Feb. 9
topic: Project 1 Overview, Generalized RA
slides: slides/05-ExtendedRAProj1.pdf
video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uB3wuS_Ykdg
- date: Feb. 11
topic: Data Layout (Serialization, Paging, Columnar)
slides: slides/06-Storage.pdf
video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8YJYruhNfY
- date: Feb. 16
topic: Data Organization (Sorting, Tree Indexes)
slides: slides/07-Indexes.pdf
video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ai6C4foE5Kk
- date: Feb. 18
topic: Hash Indexes, Joins, and Optimization
slides: slides/08-Indexes2.pdf
- date: Feb. 23
topic: Joins and Optimization
slides: slides/09-Optimization.pdf
- date: Feb. 25
topic: Midterm 1 Review
slides: slides/10-Review.pdf
video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMdfQ65XKas
- date: Mar. 1
topic: __Midterm 1__
- date: Mar. 3
topic: External Algorithms
slides: slides/11-ExternalSort.pdf
video: https://youtu.be/yhdCd_ScMWA
- date: Mar. 8
topic: Project 2 Review
code: slides/12-Checkpoint2.zip
video: https://youtu.be/ksV3QM3EQMo
- date: Mar. 10
topic: Data Modeling (E/R and Constraints)
slides: slides/13-DataModeling.pdf
video: https://youtu.be/c5Sw9ryGcqM
- date: Mar. 15
topic: __Spring Break!__
- date: Mar. 17
topic: __Spring Break!__
- date: Mar. 22
topic: Cost-Based-Optimization
slides: slides/14-CostBasedOptimization.pdf
video: https://youtu.be/cOHfnBQ2kNw
- date: Mar. 24
topic: Transaction Correctness
slides: slides/15-TransactionCorrectness.pdf
videos: https://youtu.be/NK5oeZY6BmA
- date: Mar. 29
topic: Transactions-Locking
slides: slides/16-TransactionsAndLocking.pdf
video: https://youtu.be/XinEfFjNpow
- date: Mar. 31
topic: Transactions-OCC, Versioning
slides: slides/17-TransactionOCC.pdf
video: https://youtu.be/PYiVR90_2Lc
- date: Apr. 5
topic: ARIES (Write-Ahead Logging, Undo-Logging, Recovery)
slides: slides/18-Logging.pdf
video: https://youtu.be/C-yiTS_uPTI
- date: Apr. 7
topic: Midterm 2 Review
slides: slides/19-Review.pdf
video: https://youtu.be/YNXJzjTis14
- date: Apr. 12
topic: __Midterm 2__
- date: Apr. 14
topic: Project 3 Review
video: https://youtu.be/mCqN45CsZ9k
- date: Apr. 19
topic: Views
slides: slides/21-Views.pdf
video: https://youtu.be/hUZvLL6UhFk
- date: Apr. 21
topic: Stream Queries
slides: slides/22-Streams.pdf
- date: Apr. 26
topic: Parallel Data
slides: slides/23-ParallelQueries.pdf
- date: Apr. 28
topic: Parallel Joins
slides: slides/24-ParallelJoins.pdf
- date: May 3
topic: Parallel Updates
slides: slides/25-ParallelUpdates.pdf
- date: May 5
topic: Final Review
slides: slides/26-Review.pdf
# CSE-462 Spring 2016
Data Management Systems (including Relational Databases, Non-Relational Databases, and NoSQL storage systems) are the basis for any big data project.  A data management system is responsible for storing data, enabling efficient access to that data, as well as mediating concurrent modifications.  This class teaches data management systems both in terms of the basic principles of their design, and the practical challenges of implementing them. The course is built around a term-long programming assignment, in which you will build a system for answering SQL queries efficiently.  Course lectures will focus on the conceptual basis for this system and how the techniques that you implement in the project generalize (e.g., to the use of NoSQL systems)
In this course, you will learn...
* ... how to efficiently store and retrieve data programatically.
* ... how to optimize big-data computations.
* ... how to use index structures to accelerate computations.
* ... how to safely and efficiently manipulate data concurrently.
* ... how to recover state after software and hardware failures.
* ... how to query and update distributed data consistently.
## Course Details
* __Class__: T/Th, 12:30-1:50 PM in <a href="http://www.buffalo.edu/buildings/building?id=nsc">NSC 220</a>
* __Class Forum__: <a href="https://piazza.com/buffalo/spring2016/cse462/home">Piazza</a>
* __Textbook__: "Database Systems, The Complete Book" 2nd Edition<br/> by Garcia-Molina, Ullman, and Widom.
* __Optional Readings__:
* "<a href="https://infosys.uni-saarland.de/datenbankenlernen/Patterns_In_Data_Management_Preview.pdf">Patterns in Data Management</a>"<br/> by Jens Dittrich
* "<a href="http://www.redbook.io/">The Red Book: Readings in Databases</a>"<br/> ed. Bailis, Hellerstein, and Stonebraker
* __Instructor__: <a href="http://odin.cse.buffalo.edu/people/oliver_kennedy.html">Oliver Kennedy</a> (Davis 338H, Office Hours Weds 10 AM-11 AM or by appointment; okennedy at buffalo)
* __TA__: Jun Chu (TA Lounge; Office Hours Tu 3:30-5:30; jchu6 at buffalo)
* Recitations: Tuesday 9 AM, Wednesdays 12 Noon
* __Project Submission__: <a href="http://dubstep.odin.cse.buffalo.edu">http://dubstep.odin.cse.buffalo.edu</a>
* __Project Groups__: 1-4 people
* __Grading__:
* 10% Homework (Lowest 2 grades dropped)
* Due ~1/week on Thursdays
* 40% Exams
* 10% Midterm 1 on __March 1__ (in class)
* 10% Midterm 2 on __April 12__ (in class)
* 20% Comprehensive Final on Thu May 12 (11:45-2:45)
* OR 5%/10%/25% OR 5%/5%/30% (whichever is most advantageous to you)
* 50% Projects
* 5% <a title="Checkpoint 0" href="{{{rootPath}}}teaching/dubstep/checkpoint0.html">Hello World</a> due on Feb. 8, 11:59 PM
* 15% <a title="Checkpoint 1" href="{{{rootPath}}}teaching/dubstep/checkpoint1.html">Project 1</a> due on Mar. 7, 11:59 PM
* 15% <a title="Checkpoint 2" href="{{{rootPath}}}teaching/dubstep/checkpoint2.html">Project 2</a> due on Mar. 30, 11:59 PM
* 15% <a title="Checkpoint 3" href="{{{rootPath}}}teaching/dubstep/checkpoint3.html">Project 3</a> due on May 8, 11:59 PM
## Library Documentation
* __JSqlParser__ ( <a href="/software/jsqlparser/jsqlparser.jar">binary</a> | <a href="https://github.com/UBOdin/jsqlparser">source</a> | <a href="/software/jsqlparser/">docs</a> | <a href="https://youtu.be/U4TyaHTJ3Zg">demo</a> )
## Lecture Schedule
{{#each classContent}}
<li>_{{date}}_:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;{{topic}}{{#if meta}} ({{{linkList meta}}}){{/if}}</li>
## Content Outline
* <a title="Checkpoint 0" href="{{{rootPath}}}teaching/dubstep/checkpoint0.html">Project 0</a> - Basic Setup
* <a title="Checkpoint 1" href="{{{rootPath}}}teaching/dubstep/checkpoint1.html">Project 1</a> - Infrastructure & Query Evaluation
* __Relational Algebra__ (Ch 2.4, 5.1)
* __SQL__ (Ch 2.3, 6.1-6.4 and 16.1)
* __Query Compilers__ (Ch 15.1-15.3, 16.1, 16.3)
* __Data Modeling__ (Ch 2.1-2.2)
* <a title="Checkpoint 2" href="{{{rootPath}}}teaching/dubstep/checkpoint2.html">Project 2</a> - Optimization & External Algorithms
* __Algebraic Query Optimization__ (Ch 16.2)
* __Join Algorithms__ (Ch 15.4, 15.5)
* __Extended Relational Algebra__ (Ch 5.2)
* __Buffering & External Algorithms__ (Ch 15.7-15.8)
* __Physical Plans__ (Ch 16.7)
* <a title="Checkpoint 3" href="{{{rootPath}}}teaching/dubstep/checkpoint3.html">Project 3</a> - Indexing & Physical Layout
* __The Memory Hierarchy__ (Ch 13.1-13.3)
* __Physical Design__ (Ch 13.5-13.7)
* __Indexing__ (Ch 8.3, 14.1-14.4)
* __Materialized Views__ (Ch 8.1-8.2, 8.5)
* __Cost-Based Optimization__ (Ch 8.4, 16.4-16.6)
* Concepts (No Project)
* __Failure Recovery__ (Ch 13.4, 19.1, 19.3)
* __Updating Data__ (Ch 6.5, 13.8)
* __Transactions__ (Ch 6.6, 18.1-18.2)
* __Locking__ (Ch 18.3-18.7)
* __Deadlocks__ (Ch 19.2)
* __Lock-free Concurrency__ (Ch 18.8-18.9)
* __Distributed Data Management__ (Ch 20)
* __Uncertain Data Management__
* Time permitting, other subjects will also be covered.
## Assignment Submission
Homeworks will be collected in recitation on the day they are due, or by email to the instructor and TA(s) __before__ class begins if you are unable to attend class. Late homeworks will __not__ be accepted and will receive a grade of 0. Note that your lowest 2 homework grades will be dropped.
Projects are submitted through the online submission system using GIT. You may submit your assignments to be graded many times as you like. Late submissions for Checkpoint 0 will not be accepted. Submissions for checkpoints 1-3 will receive a 3/15 point penalty per day late. Late penalties are per-submission. Your group's grade is the highest of all grades received by your group for the project, so your grade can never decrease from additional submissions (even if they're late). Don't be afraid to experiment with new ideas once you've gotten a grade you're happy with!
## Letter Grades
| You will get a(n)... | A | A- | B+ | B | B- | C+ | C | C- | D | F |
| If your number grade is at least... | 93 | 90 | 87 | 83 | 80 | 77 | 73 | 70 | 60 | $-\infty$ |
| But less than... | $\infty$ | 93 | 90 | 87 | 83 | 80 | 77 | 73 | 70 | 59 |
## Attendance
I see attendance as a privilege rather than a requirement: You (or your parents, or your scholarship, etc...) are paying me so that you can interrupt me with a question <strike>if</strike> when I say something stupid or confusing in class. **There is no mandatory attendance.** However, if you ask me a question by email or during office hours that I already addressed to the class's satisfaction, I reserve the right to tease you mercilessly.
That all being said, I will _try_ to post lecture videos online so that you can catch up on what you missed.
## Academic Integrity
Students may discuss and advise one another on their projects, but groups are expected to turn in their own work.  Discussing concepts is permitted.  Referencing code (e.g., from another group, or from stack overflow or github) is not. When in doubt, ask a TA or the instructor. Violations typically result in an F grade in the course for all students involved.  The Department's policy on academic integrity can be reviewed at:
<center><a href="http://www.cse.buffalo.edu/undergrad/policy_academic.php">UB-CSE's Academic Integrity Policy</a></center>
## Medical Emergencies
Accommodations for medical emergencies will be made on a case-by-case basis.  Requests for extensions based on medical emergencies must be accompanied by documentation of the emergency from student health services:
<center><a href="http://www.student-affairs.buffalo.edu/shs/student-health/">Student Health Services</a></center>
## Accessibility Resources
If you have a diagnosed disability (physical, learning, or psychological) that will make it difficult for you to carry out the course work as outlined, or that requires accommodations such as recruiting note-takers, readers, or extended time on exams or assignments, please advise the instructor and contact the Office of Accessibility Resources during the first two weeks of the course so that we may review possible arrangements for reasonable accommodations. The Office of Accessibility Resources can be reached at:
<center><a href="http://www.student-affairs.buffalo.edu/ods/">The Office of Accessibility Resources</a></center>
<center>(716) 645-2608 | <a href="mailto:accessibility@buffalo.edu">accessibility@buffalo.edu</a></center>
Note that OAR gets extremely busy towards the end of the term. If you anticipate needing special testing accomodations, please make sure to contact them 2-4 weeks in advance.