course updates

This commit is contained in:
Oliver Kennedy 2019-02-02 15:17:41 -05:00
parent a5095577d2
commit ccd73c5e58
2 changed files with 48 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -6,15 +6,13 @@ schedule:
slides: ""
- date: "Jan 30"
topic: "SQL Overview + Physical Data Organization"
textbook: "Ch. 2.3, 6.1-6.4, and 13.5-13.7"
slides: ""
topic: "<b>Class Cancelled: Snow</b>"
- date: "Feb 1"
topic: "Checkpoint 0 + JSQLParser"
textbook: "Ch. 16.1"
topic: "Checkpoint 0, JSQLParser, SQL Overview"
textbook: "Ch. 16.1, 2.3, 6.1-6.4"
slides: ""
sql: ""
- date: "Feb 4"
topic: "Relational Algebra"
textbook: "Ch. 2.4, 5.1"
@ -175,16 +173,17 @@ In this course, you will learn...
<h2>Course Details</h2>
<li><strong>Class</strong> M/W/F 4:00-4:50 PM in in <a href="">Hoch 114</a></li>
<li><strong>CSE 462 Recitation</strong> W/F 5:00-5:50 PM in in <a href="">Cooke 248</a></li>
<strong>Instructors: </strong><ul>
<li><a href="">Oliver Kennedy</a>: Capen 212 (<b>inside</b> the library); Weds: 10:00-12:00 (Starting Feb 6)</li>
<li><strong>TAs: </strong><ul>
<li>Vicky Zheng (Time/Location TBD)</li>
<li>Vicky Zheng</li>
<li>Qiuling Suo (Time/Location TBD)</li>
<li><strong>Ninjas: </strong><ul>
<li>William Spoth (Availability TBD)</li>
<li>Darshana Balakrishnan (Availability TBD)</li>
<li>William Spoth: Davis TA Area, Fridays 9:00-11:00 AM</li>
<li>Darshana Balakrishnan: Davis TA Area, Thursdays 3:00-4:00 AM</li>
<li>Carl Nuessle (Availability TBD)</li>
<li><strong>Course Discussions: </strong> <a href="">Piazza</a></li>

View file

@ -68,6 +68,39 @@ papers:
abstract: |
Recent tools for interactive data exploration significantly increase the chance that users make false discoveries. They allow users to (visually) examine many hypotheses and make inference with simple interactions, and thus incur the issue commonly known in statistics as the "multiple hypothesis testing error." In this work, we propose a solution to integrate the control of multiple hypothesis testing into interactive data exploration systems. A key insight is that existing methods for controlling the false discovery rate (such as FDR) are not directly applicable to interactive data exploration. We therefore discuss a set of new control procedures that are better suited for this task and integrate them in our system, QUDE. Via extensive experiments on both real-world and synthetic data sets we demonstrate how QUDE can help experts and novice users alike to efficiently control false discoveries.
- name: William Spoth
- title: "HomeRun: Scalable Sparse-Spectrum Reconstruction of Aggregated Historical Data"
- title: "Incremental Knowledge Base Construction Using DeepDive"
- name: Sneha Sudhakaran Nair
- title: Big Data Linkage for Product Specification Pages
- title: "ICARUS: Minimizing Human Effort in Iterative Data Completion"
- title: "Data canopy: Accelerating Exploratory Statistical Analysis"
- name: Meha Rajeev Raote
- title: "Synthesizing Type-Detection Logic for Rich Semantic Data Types using Open-Source Code"
- title: "Data canopy: Accelerating exploratory statistical analysis"
- title: "Incremental knowledge base construction using deepdive"
- name: Diksha Harishchandra Marathe
- title: "Data canopy: Accelerating exploratory statistical analysis."
- title: "Incremental knowledge base construction using deepdive."
- title: "Synthesizing Type-Detection Logic for Rich Semantic Data Types using Open-source Code."
- title: Big Data Linkage for Product Specification Pages
speaker: Sneha Sudhakaran Nair
- title: "Synthesizing Type-Detection Logic for Rich Semantic Data Types using Open-source Code"
speaker: Meha Rajeev Raote
- title: "Data canopy: Accelerating exploratory statistical analysis"
speaker: Diksha Harishchandra Marathe
- title: "HomeRun: Scalable Sparse-Spectrum Reconstruction of Aggregated Historical Data"
speaker: William Spoth
- title: "ICARUS: Minimizing Human Effort in Iterative Data Completion"
speaker: Sneha Sudhakaran Nair
- title: "Incremental knowledge base construction using deepdive"
speaker: Meha Rajeev Raote
- date: Feb 6
event: Class Canceled due to Snow
@ -116,7 +149,8 @@ The course is graded Sat/Unsat. For a satisfactory grade:
<table style="padding-left: 30px;">
papers_by_title = { |paper| [paper["title"], paper] }.to_h
claimed_papers = { |event| event.fetch("speakers", []).map { |speaker| [speaker["title"], speaker["name"]] } }.flatten(2).to_h
claimed_papers = { |event| event.fetch("speakers", []).map { |speaker| [speaker["title"], speaker["name"]] } }.flatten(1).to_h
claims.each { |claim| claimed_papers[claim["title"]] = claim["speaker"] }
<% schedule.each do |event| %>
@ -125,9 +159,9 @@ The course is graded Sat/Unsat. For a satisfactory grade:
<td><% if event.has_key? "event" %>
<b><%= event["event"] %></b>
<% elsif event.has_key? "speakers" %>
<ul><% event["speakers"].each do |speaker| %>
<li><%= speaker["name"] %> presents '<a href="<%= speaker.fetch("url") { papers_by_title[speaker["title"]] } %>"><%= speaker["paper"] %></a>'</li>
<% end %></ul>
<% event["speakers"].each do |speaker| %>
<div><%= speaker["name"] %> presents '<a href="<%= speaker.fetch("url") { papers_by_title[speaker["title"]]["url"] } %>"><%= speaker["title"] %></a>'</div>
<% end %>
<% else %>
No One Signed Up (yet)
<% end %></td>
@ -143,7 +177,7 @@ The course is graded Sat/Unsat. For a satisfactory grade:
.each.with_index do |paper, idx| %>
<dt style="margin-top: 30px;"><b><%= idx+1 %>.</b>
<% if claimed_papers.has_key? paper["title"] %>
<span style="text-decoration: line-through; "><a href="<%= paper["url"]%>"><%= paper["title"] %></a></span> (claimed by <%=claimed_papers[paper["title"]] %>
<span style="text-decoration: line-through; "><a href="<%= paper["url"]%>"><%= paper["title"] %></a></span><br/>(claimed by <%=claimed_papers[paper["title"]] %>)
<% else %>
<a href="<%= paper["url"]%>"><%= paper["title"] %></a>
<% end %>