module LabMetadata @@cnames = {} def LabMetadata.build_people_metadata $db["lab/members"].each do |name, data| data["link_relative"] = not(data.has_key? "link") data["name"] = name unless data.has_key? "shortname" data["shortname"] = name. downcase. gsub(/ /, "_"). gsub(/[^a-z0-9A-Z_]/, "") end @@cnames[name] = name @@cnames[data["shortname"]] = name @@cnames[data["ubit"]] = name if data.has_key? "ubit" page = "/people/#{data["shortname"]}.html" unless data.has_key? "link" data["link"] = page end data["page"] = page end $db["lab/alumni"].each do |name, data| data["name"] = name @@cnames[name] = name @@cnames[data["shortname"]] = name @@cnames[data["ubit"]] = name if data.has_key? "ubit" end end def LabMetadata.is_member?(name) $db["lab/members"].has_key? name or $db["lab/alumni"].has_key? name end def LabMetadata.create_people_pages known_pages = GemSmith::all_outputs. delete_if { |x| not /people\/.*\.html$/ =~ x } $db["lab/members"].each do |name, data| unless known_pages.include? data["page"] GemSmith::add_file_string(data["page"], "#{name} hasn't written anything about themselves yet.") end GemSmith::metadata_for(data["page"]).merge!({ title: name, name: name }.merge(data)) end end def LabMetadata.project_link(project) data = $db["lab/projects"].fetch(project, {}) url = data.fetch("url", "/research/#{project}") name = data.fetch("name", project.gsub(/[_-]/, " ").capitalize) return "#{name}" end def LabMetadata.data_for(person) cname = @@cnames[person] || person data = $db["lab/members"][cname] if data.nil? data = $db["people"][cname] end data end def LabMetadata.link_for(person) cname = @@cnames[person] || person data = $db["lab/members"][cname] unless data.nil? then link = if /^https?:\/\// =~ data["link"] then data["link"] else GemSmith::root_path(data["link"]) end "#{person}" else alum = $db["lab/alumni/#{cname}"] if alum and alum["link"] then "#{person}" elsif alum then "#{person}" else person end end end def LabMetadata.publications_for(person) cname = @@cnames[person] raise "Unknown person '#{person}'" if cname.nil? $db["publications"]. where { |pub| pub["authors"].include? cname } end def LabMetadata.shortname_for(publication) venue = LabMetadata.complete_venue(publication) publication.fetch("shortname", [ publication["authors"][0].split(/ +/)[-1].downcase, publication["year"], publication["venue"].nil? ? nil : publication["venue"].downcase.gsub(/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-]/, ""), publication["title"].split(/ +/). map {|x| x.downcase.gsub(/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-]/, "") }. delete_if {|x| ["the", "a"].include? x }[0] ].compact.join(":") ) end def LabMetadata.bibtex_for(publication) venue = LabMetadata.complete_venue(publication) authors = publication["authors"]. map { |author| author = author.split(/ +/) last = author.pop "#{last}, #{author.join(" ")}" } type, meta = case venue["type"] when "workshop", "conference", "demo" [ "inproceedings", { author: authors.join(" and "), title: publication["title"], booktitle: LabMetadata.venue_name(venue, size: :short), year: publication["year"] } ] when "chapter", "book" [ "incollection", { author: authors.join(" and "), title: publication["title"], editor: publication["editor"], booktitle: publication["booktitle"], publisher: venue["publisher"], year: publication["year"], pages: publication["pages"] } ] when "journal" [ "article", { author: authors.join(" and "), title: publication["title"], journal: LabMetadata.venue_name(venue, size: :short), volume: publication["volume"], number: publication["number"], year: publication["year"], month: publication["month"], pages: publication["pages"] } ] when "techreport" [ "techreport", { author: authors.join(" and "), title: publication["title"], institution: LabMetadata.venue_name(venue, size: :short), year: publication["year"] } ] when "patent", "panel" [ "misc", { title: publication["title"], author: authors.join(" and "), year: publication["year"] } ] when "thesis" [ "#{venue["degree"].downcase}thesis", { author: authors.join(" and "), title: publication["title"], school: venue["school"], year: publication["year"] } ] when "abstract" [ "misc", { author: authors.join(" and "), title: publication["title"], howpublished: LabMetadata.venue_name(venue, size: :short), year: publication["year"] } ] else raise "Unknown venue type '#{venue["type"]}' for publication '#{publication["title"]}'" end "@#{type}{#{LabMetadata.shortname_for(publication)},"+( meta.delete_if { |k,v| v.nil? }. map { |k,v| "\n #{k} = {#{v}}" }. join(",") )+"\n}" end def LabMetadata.members_on_project(project, role = /.*/) role = case role when :student then /PhD|BS|MS/ else role end $db["lab/members"].values .where { |m| m.fetch("projects", []).include? project } .select { |m| role =~ m.fetch("status", "") } .map { |m| m["name"] } end def LabMetadata.alumni_on_project(project) $db["lab/alumni"].values. where { |m| m.fetch("projects", []).include? project }. map { |m| m["name"] } end def LabMetadata.complete_venue(record) v = record["venue"]; t = record["track"]; y = record["year"] v = $db["venues"][v]; ## if there is no additional metadata for the venue, we're done. return record if v.nil?; ## if there's no request for a subtrack or year, merge with what we have. result = if t.nil? then v.clone.merge record else tracks = v["tracks"] if tracks.nil? then record elsif tracks[t].nil? then record else tracks[t].clone.merge record end end if result.has_key? "years" and not y.nil? and result["years"].has_key? y.to_s result = result.merge result["years"][y.to_s] end return result end def LabMetadata.venue_name(record, args = {}) v = LabMetadata.complete_venue(record) short = v["acronym"] || v["venue"] raise "Unknown venue: #{short}" if v.nil? raise "Unknown abbreviation: #{v}" if short.nil? case args.fetch(:size, :full_parens) when :full_parens then "#{v["fullname"]} (#{short})" when :full then v["fullname"] when :short then short end end def LabMetadata.venue_selectivity(record, params = {}) rounding = params.fetch(:rounding, 2) year = record["year"].to_s v = LabMetadata.complete_venue(record) sel_data = v["selectivity"] if sel_data.nil? "unavailable" elsif sel_data["average"].is_a? Numeric "approximately #{(sel_data["average"]*100).round(rounding)}%" elsif not sel_data["average"].nil? sel_data["average"] else "approximately #{ (sel_data.keys. delete_if { |k| /a-zA-Z/ =~ k }. map { |k| sel_data[k].to_f }. avg * 100).round(rounding) }%" end end def LabMetadata.abbreviate_person(name) n = name.split(/ +/) last = n.pop ( { |n| "#{n[0]}." } + [last]).join(" ") end def LabMetadata.pubmed_abbreviation(name) n = name.split(/ +/) last = n.pop last + " " + { |n| n[0] }.join("") end def LabMetadata.ris_for(pub) fields = [] venue = LabMetadata.complete_venue(pub) fields.push(["TY", case venue["type"] when "journal" then "JOUR" when "conference", "workshop", "abstract" then "CONF" when "thesis" then "THES" when "techreport" then "RPRT" when "chapter" then "CHAP" when "patent" then "PAT" else raise "Unknown pub type for RIS: '#{venue["type"]}' (in #{pub["title"]})" end ]) pub["authors"].each do |au| au = au.split(" ") last = au.pop first = au.shift first = ([first] + { |n| n[0]+"." }).join(" ") fields.push(["AU", "#{last}, #{first}" ]) end fields.push(["PY", venue["year"].to_s]) fields.push(["TI", pub["title"]]) fields.push(["T2", venue["fullname"]]) if venue["type"] == "journal" then if pub.include? "pages" pages = pub["pages"].split("-+") fields.push(["SP", pages[0]]) fields.push(["EP", if pages.size > 1 then pages[1] else pages[0] end]) end fields.push(["VL", pub["volume"].to_s]) end fields.push(["ER", ""]) { |tag,value| "#{tag} - #{value}" }.join("\n") end def LabMetadata.person_name(full, args = {}) person = LabMetadata.data_for(full) person = {} if person.nil? case args.fetch(:size, :short) when :full then person["full"] or full when :short then person["short"] or abbreviate_person(full) when :last then person["last"] or full.split(/ +/).pop end end @@publication_erb ="lib/publication.erb"){ |f| } def LabMetadata.render_pub(pub) b = binding() b.local_variable_set(:pub, pub) @@publication_erb.result(b) end def LabMetadata.render_pubs(publist) "
\n" { |pub| render_pub(pub) }.join("\n")+"\n" end def LabMetadata.info_for_affiliate(name) info = { "canonical" => name } while(info.include? "canonical") name = info["canonical"] info = $db["people"][name] or raise "Unknown Collaborator: #{name}" end return { "name" => name }.merge(info) end def LabMetadata.format_pub_for_report(pub) pub = LabMetadata::complete_venue(pub) pub = case pub["type"] when "conference", "journal", "workshop", "abstract" then [ pub["title"], pub["authors"].join(", "), "#{LabMetadata::venue_name(pub, size: :full_parens)} #{pub["year"]}", pub["urls"].map { |k,v| "#{k.capitalize}: #{v}" }, LabMetadata.bibtex_for(pub).split("\n") ].flatten when "thesis" then [ pub["title"], pub["authors"].join(", "), "Thesis #{pub["degree"]} #{pub["year"]}", pub.fetch("urls", []).map { |k,v| "#{k.capitalize}: #{v}" }, LabMetadata.bibtex_for(pub).split("\n") ].flatten else nil end pub = "> " + pub.join("\n ") unless pub.nil? return pub end end