{ "Andrew Myers" : { "institution" : "Cornell University", "updated" : "2019" }, "James Sethna" : { "institution" : "Cornell University", "updated" : "2019" }, "Nate Foster" : { "institution" : "Cornell University", "updated" : "2019" }, "Atri Rudra" : { "institution" : "University at Buffaoo", "updated" : "2019" }, "Zia Ahmed" : { "institution" : "University at Buffalo", "updated" : "2018" }, "Craig Colder" : { "institution" : "University at Buffalo", "updated" : "2018" }, "Elena I. Queirolo" : { "institution" : "University at Buffalo", "updated" : "2018" }, "Gabriel Barg" : { "institution" : "University at Buffalo", "updated" : "2018" }, "Kennedy, Oliver" : { "institution" : "University at Buffalo", "updated" : "2018" }, "Katarzyna Kordas" : { "institution" : "University at Buffalo", "updated" : "2018" }, "James Olson" : { "institution" : "University at Buffalo", "updated" : "2018" }, "Su Feng" : { "institution" : "Illinois Institute of Technology", "updated" : "2018" }, "Barry Smith" : { "institution" : "University at Buffalo", "updated" : "2017", "email" : "phismith@buffalo.edu" }, "Debabrata Talukdar" : { "institution" : "University at Buffalo", "updated" : "2017", "email" : "dtalukda@buffalo.edu" }, "Greg Tauer" : { "institution" : "CUBRC", "updated" : "2017", "email" : "tauer@cubrc.org" }, "Justin Del Vecchio" : { "institution" : "CUBRC", "updated" : "2017", "email" : "delvecchio@cubrc.org" }, "Kemper Lewis" : { "institution" : "University at Buffalo", "updated" : "2017", "email" : "kelewis@buffalo.edu" }, "Ron Rudnicki" : { "institution" : "CUBRC", "updated" : "2017", "email" : "rudnicki@cubrc.org" }, "Sara Behdad" : { "institution" : "University at Buffalo", "updated" : "2017", "email" : "sarabehd@buffalo.edu" }, "Beda Hammerschmidt" : { "institution" : "Oracle", "updated" : "2017", "email" : "beda.hammerschmidt@oracle.com" }, "Carmela Troncoso" : { "institution" : "IMDEA Software Institute", "updated" : "2017", "email" : "carmela.troncoso@imdea.org" }, "D. Richard Hipp" : { "institution" : "Hipp, Wyrick & Company, Inc.", "updated" : "2017", "email" : "drh@sqlite.org" }, "Daniel Williams" : { "institution" : "Unknown Employer", "updated" : "2017" }, "Eduardo Lage-Otero" : { "institution" : "Yale-NUS College", "updated" : "2017" }, "Emin Gun Sirer" : { "institution" : "Cornell University", "updated" : "2017" }, "Eric S. Chan" : { "institution" : "Oracle", "updated" : "2017", "email" : "eric.s.chan@oracle.com" }, "Eugene Wu" : { "institution" : "Columbia University", "updated" : "2017", "email" : "ew2493@columbia.edu" }, "Fred Schneider" : { "institution" : "Cornell University", "updated" : "2017" }, "Gary Shawver" : { "institution" : "New York University", "updated" : "2017" }, "Heiko Mueller" : { "institution" : "New York University", "updated" : "2017", "email" : "heiko.mueller@nyu.edu", "web" : "http://cims.nyu.edu/~hmueller/" }, "Jianchang Mao" : { "institution" : "Unknown Employer", "updated" : "2017" }, "Juliana Freire" : { "institution" : "New York University", "updated" : "2017", "email" : "juliana.freire@nyu.edu", "web" : "http://vgc.poly.edu/~juliana/" }, "Kevin Walsh" : { "institution" : "Unknown Employer", "updated" : "2017" }, "Moises Sudit" : { "institution" : "University at Buffalo / CUBRC", "updated" : "2017", "email" : "sudit@cubrc.org" }, "Patrick Coonan" : { "institution" : "University at Buffalo", "updated" : "2017", "email" : "pcoonan@buffalo.edu" }, "Patrick Reynolds" : { "institution" : "LinkedIn", "updated" : "2017" }, "Said Achmiz" : { "institution" : "Self-Employed", "updated" : "2017", "email" : "achmizs@gmail.com" }, "Seokki Lee" : { "institution" : "Illinois Institute of Technology", "updated" : "2017", "email" : "slee195@hawk.iit.edu" }, "Stratos Idreos" : { "institution" : "Harvard University", "updated" : "2017", "email" : "stratos@seas.harvard.edu" }, "Vasudha Krishnaswamy" : { "institution" : "Oracle", "updated" : "2017", "email" : "vasudha.krishnaswamy@oracle.com" }, "Wolfgang Gatterbauer" : { "institution" : "Northeastern University", "updated" : "2017", "email" : "gatterbauer@gmail.com", "old" : [ { "institution" : "Carnegie Mellon University", "updated" : "2016", "email" : "gatt@cmu.edu" } ] }, "Xing Niu" : { "institution" : "Illinois Institute of Technology", "updated" : "2017", "email" : "xniu7@hawk.iit.edu" }, "Zhen Hua Liu" : { "canonical" : "Zhen Hua-Liu" }, "Arnab Nandi" : { "institution" : "Ohio State University", "updated" : 2017, "email" : "arnab@arnab.org" }, "Amélie Marian" : { "institution" : "Rutgers University", "updated" : 2017, "email" : "amelie@cs.rutgers.edu" }, "Alan Shieh" : { "institution" : "VMware", "updated" : 2011 }, "Adel Ghoneimy" : { "institution" : "Oracle", "updated" : 2017, "email" : "adel.ghoneimy@oracle.com" }, "Bahareh Arab" : { "canonical" : "Bahareh Sadat Arab", "updated" : 2017 }, "Bahareh Sadat Arab" : { "institution" : "Illinois Institute of Technology", "updated" : 2017, "email" : "barab@hawk.iit.edu" }, "Xuanlong Nguyen" : { "institution" : "University of Michigan", "updated" : 2016, "email" : "xuanlong@umich.edu" }, "Hung Ngo" : { "institution" : "LogicBlox", "updated" : 2017, "email" : "hung.q.ngo@gmail.com" }, "Shambhu Upadhyaya" : { "institution" : "University at Buffalo", "updated" : 2016, "email" : "shambhu@buffalo.edu", "web" : "http://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~shambhu/" }, "Varun Chandola" : { "institution" : "University at Buffalo", "updated" : 2016, "email" : "chandola@buffalo.edu", "web" : "http://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~chandola/" }, "Vinayak Karuppasamy" : { "institution" : "Bloomberg", "updated" : 2016 }, "Arindam Nandi" : { "institution" : "Vertica", "updated" : 2016 }, "Boris Glavic" : { "institution" : "Illinois Inst. Tech.", "updated" : 2016, "email" : "bglavic@iit.edu", "web" : "http://www.cs.iit.edu/~glavic/" }, "Oliver Kennedy" : { "institution" : "University at Buffalo", "updated" : 2014 }, "Al Demers" : { "institution" : "Cornell University", "updated" : 2014 }, "Amir Shaikhana" : { "institution" : "EPFL", "updated" : 2014 }, "Anandatirtha Nandugudi" : { "institution" : "University at Buffalo", "updated" : 2014, "email" : "ans25@buffalo.edu" }, "Andres Nötzli" : { "institution" : "Stanford", "updated" : 2014 }, "Ankur Upadhyay" : { "institution" : "FactSet", "updated" : 2014 }, "Anudipa Maiti" : { "institution" : "University at Buffalo", "updated" : 2014, "email" : "anudipam@buffalo.edu" }, "Charles Loboz" : { "institution" : "Microsoft Corp.", "updated" : 2014 }, "Christoph Koch" : { "institution" : "EPFL", "email" : "christoph.koch@epfl.ch", "updated" : 2014 }, "Daniel Bellinger" : { "institution" : "Global Foundries", "updated" : 2014 }, "Daniel Lupei" : { "institution" : "EPFL", "updated" : 2014 }, "Dieter Gawlick" : { "institution" : "Oracle", "updated" : 2014, "email" : "dieter.gawlick@oracle.com" }, "Eric Vee" : { "institution" : "Yahoo!", "updated" : 2014 }, "Feng Shen" : { "institution" : "University at Buffalo", "updated" : 2014 }, "Geoffrey Challen" : { "institution" : "University at Buffalo", "updated" : 2014, "email" : "challen@buffalo.edu", "web" : "https://www.bluegroup.systems" }, "Guru Prasad Srinivasa" : { "institution" : "University at Buffalo", "updated" : 2014, "email" : "gurupras@buffalo.edu" }, "Jan Chomicki" : { "institution" : "University at Buffalo", "updated" : 2014, "email" : "chomicki@buffalo.edu" }, "Jayavel Shanmugasundaram" : { "institution" : "Google", "updated" : 2014 }, "Jerry Antony Ajay" : { "institution" : "University at Buffalo", "updated" : 2014, "email" : "jerryant@buffalo.edu" }, "Jian Yang" : { "institution" : "Yahoo!", "updated" : 2014 }, "Jinghao Shi" : { "institution" : "University at Buffalo", "updated" : 2014, "email" : "jinghaos@buffalo.edu" }, "John Tomlin" : { "institution" : "Yahoo!", "updated" : 2014 }, "Kyungho Jeon" : { "institution" : "University at Buffalo", "updated" : 2014 }, "Lukasz Ziarek" : { "institution" : "University at Buffalo", "updated" : 2014, "email" : "lziarek@buffalo.edu", "web" : "http://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~lziarek" }, "Milos Nicolic" : { "institution" : "EPFL", "updated" : 2014 }, "Nick DiRienzo" : { "institution" : "Unknown Employer", "updated" : 2014, "email" : "nvdirienzo@gmail.com" }, "Ronny Fehling" : { "institution" : "Airbus", "updated" : 2017, "email" : "ronny.fehling@airbus.com" }, "Sergei Vassilvitskii" : { "institution" : "Google", "updated" : 2014 }, "Sharath Chandrashekhara" : { "institution" : "University at Buffalo", "updated" : 2014 }, "Shikhar Mehra" : { "institution" : "University at Buffalo", "updated" : 2014 }, "Slawek Smyl" : { "institution" : "Microsoft Corp.", "updated" : 2014 }, "Sriram Shantharam" : { "institution" : "University at Buffalo", "updated" : 2014, "email" : "sriramsh@buffalo.edu" }, "Steve Lee" : { "institution" : "Microsoft Corp.", "updated" : 2014 }, "Steven Y. Ko" : { "institution" : "University at Buffalo", "updated" : 2014 }, "Suman Nath" : { "institution" : "Microsoft Research", "updated" : 2014 }, "Sumit Agarwal" : { "institution" : "Gannett", "updated" : 2016 }, "Tasos Anastasakos" : { "institution" : "Yahoo!", "updated" : 2014 }, "Yanif Ahmad" : { "institution" : "Johns Hopkins University", "updated" : 2014 }, "Zhen Hua-Liu" : { "institution" : "Oracle", "updated" : 2014, "email" : "zhen.liu@oracle.com" } }