# win-spawn Spawn for node.js but in a way that works regardless of which OS you're using. Use this if you want to use spawn with a JavaScript file. It works by explicitly invoking node on windows. It also shims support for environment variable setting by attempting to parse the command with a regex. Since all modification is wrapped in `if (os === 'Windows_NT')` it can be safely used on non-windows systems and will not break anything. ## Installation $ npm install win-spawn ## Usage ### Command Line All the following will work exactly as if the 'win-spawn ' prefix was ommitted when on unix. $ win-spawn foo $ win-spawn ./bin/foo $ win-spawn NODE_PATH=./lib foo $ win-spawn NODE_PATH=./lib foo arg1 arg2 You can also transform all the line endings in a directory from `\r\n` to `\n` just by running: $ win-line-endings You can preview the changes by running: $ win-line-endings -p It will ignore `node_modules` and `.git` by default, but is not clever enough to recognise binary files yet. ### API This will just pass through to `child_process.spawn` on unix systems, but will correctly parse the arguments on windows. ```javascript spawn('foo', [], {stdio: 'inherit'}); spawn('./bin/foo', [], {stdio: 'inherit'}); spawn('NODE_PATH=./lib foo', [], {stdio: 'inherit'}); spawn('NODE_PATH=./lib foo', [arg1, arg2], {stdio: 'inherit'}); ```