{ "_args": [ [ "cssom@>= 0.3.0 < 0.4.0", "/Users/okennedy/Documents/Website/node_modules/jsdom" ] ], "_from": "cssom@>=0.3.0 <0.4.0", "_id": "cssom@0.3.0", "_inCache": true, "_installable": true, "_location": "/cssom", "_npmUser": { "email": "domenic@domenicdenicola.com", "name": "domenic" }, "_npmVersion": "1.3.8", "_phantomChildren": {}, "_requested": { "name": "cssom", "raw": "cssom@>= 0.3.0 < 0.4.0", "rawSpec": ">= 0.3.0 < 0.4.0", "scope": null, "spec": ">=0.3.0 <0.4.0", "type": "range" }, "_requiredBy": [ "/cssstyle", "/jsdom" ], "_resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/cssom/-/cssom-0.3.0.tgz", "_shasum": "386d5135528fe65c1ee1bc7c4e55a38854dbcf7a", "_shrinkwrap": null, "_spec": "cssom@>= 0.3.0 < 0.4.0", "_where": "/Users/okennedy/Documents/Website/node_modules/jsdom", "author": { "email": "me@elv1s.ru", "name": "Nikita Vasilyev" }, "bugs": { "url": "https://github.com/NV/CSSOM/issues" }, "dependencies": {}, "description": "CSS Object Model implementation and CSS parser", "devDependencies": { "jake": "~0.7.3" }, "directories": {}, "dist": { "shasum": "386d5135528fe65c1ee1bc7c4e55a38854dbcf7a", "tarball": "http://registry.npmjs.org/cssom/-/cssom-0.3.0.tgz" }, "homepage": "https://github.com/NV/CSSOM", "keywords": [ "CSS", "CSSOM", "parser", "styleSheet" ], "license": { "type": "MIT", "url": "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/MIT/" }, "main": "./lib/index.js", "maintainers": [ { "name": "nv", "email": "me@elv1s.ru" }, { "name": "domenic", "email": "domenic@domenicdenicola.com" } ], "name": "cssom", "optionalDependencies": {}, "readme": "# CSSOM\n\nCSSOM.js is a CSS parser written in pure JavaScript. It also a partial implementation of [CSS Object Model](http://dev.w3.org/csswg/cssom/). \n\n CSSOM.parse(\"body {color: black}\")\n -> {\n cssRules: [\n {\n selectorText: \"body\",\n style: {\n 0: \"color\",\n color: \"black\",\n length: 1\n }\n }\n ]\n }\n\n\n## [Parser demo](http://nv.github.com/CSSOM/docs/parse.html)\n\nWorks well in Google Chrome 6+, Safari 5+, Firefox 3.6+, Opera 10.63+.\nDoesn't work in IE < 9 because of unsupported getters/setters.\n\nTo use CSSOM.js in the browser you might want to build a one-file version with [Jake](http://github.com/mde/jake):\n\n ➤ jake\n build/CSSOM.js is done\n\nTo use it with Node.js:\n\n npm install cssom\n\n## [Specs](http://nv.github.com/CSSOM/spec/)\n\n## [Who uses CSSOM.js](https://github.com/NV/CSSOM/wiki/Who-uses-CSSOM.js)\n", "readmeFilename": "README.mdown", "repository": { "type": "git", "url": "git://github.com/NV/CSSOM.git" }, "scripts": { "prepublish": "jake lib/index.js" }, "version": "0.3.0" }