var xpath = require('./xpath.js') , dom = require('xmldom').DOMParser , assert = require('assert'); module.exports = { 'api': function(test) { assert.ok(xpath.evaluate, 'evaluate api ok.'); assert.ok(, 'select api ok.'); test.done(); }, 'evaluate': function(test) { var xml = 'Harry Potter'; var doc = new dom().parseFromString(xml); var nodes = xpath.evaluate('//title', doc, null, xpath.XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).nodes; assert.equal('title', nodes[0].localName); assert.equal('Harry Potter', nodes[0]; assert.equal('Harry Potter', nodes[0].toString()); test.done(); }, 'select': function(test) { var xml = 'Harry Potter'; var doc = new dom().parseFromString(xml); var nodes ='//title', doc); assert.equal('title', nodes[0].localName); assert.equal('Harry Potter', nodes[0]; assert.equal('Harry Potter', nodes[0].toString()); test.done(); }, 'select single node': function(test) { var xml = 'Harry Potter'; var doc = new dom().parseFromString(xml); assert.equal('title','//title[1]', doc)[0].localName); test.done(); }, 'select text node': function (test) { var xml = 'HarryPotter'; var doc = new dom().parseFromString(xml); assert.deepEqual('book','local-name(/book)', doc)); assert.deepEqual('Harry,Potter','//title/text()', doc).toString()); test.done(); }, 'select number node': function(test) { var xml = 'HarryPotter'; var doc = new dom().parseFromString(xml); assert.deepEqual(2,'count(//title)', doc)); test.done(); }, 'select xpath with namespaces': function (test) { var xml = 'Harry Potter'; var doc = new dom().parseFromString(xml); var nodes ='//*[local-name(.)="title" and namespace-uri(.)="myns"]', doc); assert.equal('title', nodes[0].localName); assert.equal('myns', nodes[0].namespaceURI) ; test.done(); }, 'select xpath with namespaces, using a resolver': function (test) { var xml = 'Harry PotterJKR'; var doc = new dom().parseFromString(xml); var resolver = { mappings: { 'testns': '' }, lookupNamespaceURI: function(prefix) { return this.mappings[prefix]; } } var nodes = xpath.selectWithResolver('//testns:title/text()', doc, resolver); assert.equal('Harry Potter', xpath.selectWithResolver('//testns:title/text()', doc, resolver)[0].nodeValue); assert.equal('JKR', xpath.selectWithResolver('//testns:field[@testns:type="author"]/text()', doc, resolver)[0].nodeValue); test.done(); }, 'select xpath with default namespace, using a resolver': function (test) { var xml = 'Harry PotterJKR'; var doc = new dom().parseFromString(xml); var resolver = { mappings: { 'testns': '' }, lookupNamespaceURI: function(prefix) { return this.mappings[prefix]; } } var nodes = xpath.selectWithResolver('//testns:title/text()', doc, resolver); assert.equal('Harry Potter', xpath.selectWithResolver('//testns:title/text()', doc, resolver)[0].nodeValue); assert.equal('JKR', xpath.selectWithResolver('//testns:field[@type="author"]/text()', doc, resolver)[0].nodeValue); test.done(); }, 'select xpath with namespaces, prefixes different in xml and xpath, using a resolver': function (test) { var xml = 'Harry PotterJKR'; var doc = new dom().parseFromString(xml); var resolver = { mappings: { 'ns': '' }, lookupNamespaceURI: function(prefix) { return this.mappings[prefix]; } } var nodes = xpath.selectWithResolver('//ns:title/text()', doc, resolver); assert.equal('Harry Potter', xpath.selectWithResolver('//ns:title/text()', doc, resolver)[0].nodeValue); assert.equal('JKR', xpath.selectWithResolver('//ns:field[@ns:type="author"]/text()', doc, resolver)[0].nodeValue); test.done(); }, 'select xpath with namespaces, using namespace mappings': function (test) { var xml = 'Harry PotterJKR'; var doc = new dom().parseFromString(xml); var select = xpath.useNamespaces({'testns': ''}); assert.equal('Harry Potter', select('//testns:title/text()', doc)[0].nodeValue); assert.equal('JKR', select('//testns:field[@testns:type="author"]/text()', doc)[0].nodeValue); test.done(); }, 'select attribute': function (test) { var xml = ''; var doc = new dom().parseFromString(xml); var author = xpath.select1('/author/@name', doc).value; assert.equal('J. K. Rowling', author); test.done(); }, 'evaluate substring-after': function (test) { var xml = 'Hermione'; var doc = new dom().parseFromString(xml); var part ='substring-after(/classmate, "Her")', doc); assert.deepEqual('mione', part); test.done(); } }