# YAML Spec YAML spec seeks to provide a standardised suite of tests for YAML. ## ./spec.json This file provides YAML inputs and expected JSON equivalents for host-language independent aspects of YAML. In particular the aspects tested are: - comments - document start + end - basic ints, floats, booleans, nulls and strings - sequences (inline and block) - mappings (inline and block) - non-recursive anchors and aliases - string formatting modes An implementation passing these tests would likely be suitable for parsing many YAML files that don't use more 'advanced' features such as user-defined tags, recursive structures, etc. ## ./platform This folder contains language-specific `spec.ext` files for different platforms. # Contributing If you want to add to the specs or add platform-specific specs, don't hesitate to drop a pull request. # License WTFPL (http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/)