{ "ICDT" : { "fullname" : "The International Conference on Database Theory", "type" : "conference" }, "SoCC" : { "fullname" : "Symposium on Cloud Computing", "type" : "conference" }, "KAIS" : { "fullname" : "Knowledge and Information Systems", "type" : "journal" }, "TOIT" : { "fullname" : "Transactions on Information Technology", "type" : "journal" }, "EDBT" : { "fullname" : "International Conference on Extending Database Technology", "type" : "conference", "selectivity" : { "2017" : 0.218 // Source: acceptance email } }, "UB-MS" : { "fullname" : "Masters Thesis", "type" : "thesis", "degree" : "ms", "university" : "University at Buffalo" }, "UB-PhD" : { "fullname" : "PhD Thesis", "type" : "thesis", "degree" : "phd", "university" : "University at Buffalo" }, "MIST" : { "fullname" : "ACM CCS International Workshop on Managing Insider Security Threats", "type" : "workshop" }, "QDB" : { "fullname" : "International Workshop on Quality in DataBases", "type" : "workshop" }, "TaPP" : { "fullname" : "USENIX Workshop on Theory and Practice of Provenance", "type" : "workshop" }, "ERMIS" : { "fullname" : "Workshop on Empirical Research Methods in Information Security", "type" : "workshop" }, "HILDA" : { "fullname" : "Workshop on Human-In-the-Loop Data Analytics", "type" : "workshop", "startyear" : 2016, "selectivity" : { "2016" : 0.5 } }, "PWEEK" : { "fullname" : "Provenance Week", "type" : "workshop" }, "CSE" : { "fullname" : "Computer Science Education", "type" : "journal" }, "TODS" : { "fullname" : "ACM Transactions on Database Systems", "type" : "journal" }, "TKDE" : { "fullname" : "IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering", "type" : "journal" }, "TPC-TC" : { "shortname" : "Performance Characterization and Benchmarking", "fullname" : "The TPC Technology Conference on Performance Evaluation & Benchmarking", "type" : "workshop", "series" : "Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing", "publisher" : "Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg", "editors" : { "2015" : [ "R. Nambiar", "M. Poess" ] } }, "HotMobile" : { "fullname" : "The ACM Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications", "startyear" : 1999, "selectivity" : { "2015" : 0.2875 // source: acceptance email }, "type" : "workshop" }, "CIDR" : { "fullname" : "The Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research", "startyear" : 2003, "frequency" : 2, "type" : "conference", "selectivity" : { "average" : "unknown (less than 30% in previous years)" // source: http://www.cs.duke.edu/~shivnath/publications.html }, "tracks" : { "abstract" : { "fullname" : "CIDR Abstracts", "type" : "abstract", "acronym" : "CIDR-Abstract" } } }, "IEEE BigData" : { "fullname" : "The IEEE International Conference on Big Data", "type" : "conference", "selectivity" : { "2014" : 0.186 } }, "BIRTE" : { "fullname" : "Enabling Real-Time Business Intelligence", "type" : "workshop", "series" : "Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing", "publisher" : "Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg", "selectivity" : { "2015" : 0.45 }, "editors" : { "2015" : [ "M. Castellanos", "U. Dayal", "T.B. Pedersen", "N. Tabul" ] } }, "WebDB" : { "fullname" : "The International Workshop on the Web and Databases", "type" : "workshop", "selectivity" : { "2013" : 0.25 } }, "ICORES" : { "fullname" : "The International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems", "type" : "conference" }, "ICDE" : { "fullname" : "The International Conference on Data Engineering", "type" : "conference", "selectivity" : { "2017" : 0.18, // Executive Meeting: 63/356 accepted "2013" : 0.19, // source: http://digitalpiglet.org/research/ "2010" : 0.21, // source: http://www.cs.duke.edu/~shivnath/publications.html "2009" : 0.17, // source: http://www.cs.duke.edu/~shivnath/publications.html "2007" : 0.276, // source: http://www.cs.duke.edu/~shivnath/publications.html "2005" : 0.129 // source: http://www.cs.duke.edu/~shivnath/publications.html }, "tracks" : { "panel" : { "fullname" : "ICDE Panels", "type" : "panel", "acronym" : "Panel" } } }, "NSDI" : { "fullname" : "The USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation", "type" : "conference", "tracks" : { "poster" : { "fullname" : "NSDI Poster Session", "type" : "workshop", "acronym" : "NSDI-Poster" } } }, "ACH/ALLH" : { "fullname" : "The Joint International Conference of the Association for Computers and the Humanities and the Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing", "type" : "conference" }, "E-Learn" : { "fullname" : "The World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education" , "type" : "conference" }, "VLDBJ" : { "fullname" : "The VLDB Journal", "type" : "journal" }, "UB CSE" : { "fullname" : "SUNY Buffalo Computer Science & Engineering Report", "type" : "techreport" }, "ArXiv" : { "fullname" : "The ArXiv", "type" : "techreport" } }