Just-in-Time Data Structures

Oliver Kennedy


Saurav Singhi Darshana Balakrishnan
Hank Lin Ankur Upadhyay Lukasz Ziarek
(PhD In Progress) (MS In Progress) (BS 2017) (MS 2014) (Prof @ UB)

What is best in life?

(for organizing your data)

© Universal Pictures


    Insert $\lt key, value\gt$

    Query for $key \in [low, high)$

Available Structures

Binary Tree, Linked List, Sorted Array

Other Tradeoffs

  • Support for Threads
  • Lookup vs Full Scan vs Range Scan
  • Optimal Update Size
[Best] [Best] [Best] [Best?] [Best?]

Interactive Analytics

  1. User Opens CSV File
  2. User Poses Query as File Loads
  3. Lots More Queries
  4. User Adds More Data

Even in a single session, there may be more than one "optimal" data structure.

State of the Art

  • Find a jack-of-all-trades data structure
  • Trash and re-build structures for different workloads
  • Use a bespoke data structure

What would it take to enable incremental transitions from one set of tradeoffs to another one?

Incremental Transitions

  1. What does it mean for a data structure to be halfway between a Binary Tree and a Linked List?
  2. How would we access and manipulate such a data structure?
  3. When and how should a data structure transition?
  4. How do we automatically generate bespoke data-structures?

Incremental Transitions

  1. A Universal Instance Language
  2. Realizing Universal Data Structures
  3. Just-In-Time Data Structure Optimization
  4. Optimization Policy Discovery

Logical Content

Physical Structure

A Bag of $\lt Key \rightarrow Value \gt$ Pairs

One Physical Realization of the Bag

Core Idea: A grammar of physical realizations.


  • A Key ($\mathbb K$)
  • A Record ($\mathbb R$)
    Logically a single record
  • A Pointer ($\mathbb P$)
    Logically a bag of records


\begin{align} \mathbb P :=\; &|\;Sng(\mathbb R) \\ &|\uplus(\mathbb P, \mathbb P) \\ &|\;BT_{\mathbb K}(\mathbb P, \mathbb P) \\ &|\;Array_N(\mathbb R \ldots \mathbb R) \\ &|\;Sorted_N(\mathbb R \ldots \mathbb R) \end{align}


UIL:$Sng(x: \mathbb R)$
Logical:$\{ x \}$

Union Node

UIL:$\uplus(a: \mathbb P, b: \mathbb P)$
Logical:$a \uplus b$

Combining Primitives: Linked List

UIL:\begin{align}LL :=\;&|\;U(Sng(x: \mathbb R), a: LL)\\&|\;Sng(x)\end{align}
Logical:$\{ x \} \uplus a$ or $\{ x \}

Existing data structures can be expressed as syntactic restrictions on this grammar.

Extension 1: Semantic Constraints

UIL:$BT_{k: \mathbb K}(a: \mathbb P, b: \mathbb P)$
Logical:$a \uplus b$
Constraint:$\forall r \in a: r.key \lt K$
$\forall r \in b: r.key \geq K$

Nodes can define syntactic constraints on the contents of descendents.

Combining Primitives: Binary Tree

\begin{align} BinTree :=\;&|\;BT_{k: \mathbb K}(a: BinTree, b: BinTree)\\&|\;Sng(x: \mathbb R) \end{align}

Extension 2: Repetition

UIL:$Array_{N : \mathbb N}(x_1: \mathbb R, \ldots, x_N: \mathbb R)$
Logical:$\{ x_1, \ldots, x_N \}$

Can repeat structures for efficiency (e.g., B+Tree vs BinTree)

Combining Extensions

UIL:$Sorted_{N : \mathbb N}(x_1: \mathbb R, \ldots, x_N: \mathbb R)$
Logical:$\{ x_1, \ldots, x_N \}$
Constraint:$\forall i \lt j: x_i.key \leq x_j.key$


$\uplus(Sng(1), $ $\uplus(Array_2(2,4,7), $ $BT_6($ $Sorted_2(3, 5)$ $, Sng(6))$ $)$ $)$

Incremental Transitions

  1. A Universal Instance Language
  2. Realizing Universal Data Structures
  3. Just-In-Time Data Structure Optimization
  4. Optimization Policy Discovery

Universal Data Structures

  • Physiological Morphisms
    • Queries
    • Updates
  • Purely Physical Morphisms
    • Optimization

Example: Range Queries

$Q_{\ell,h} : \mathbb P \mapsto \mathbb P$

Return tuples in $[\ell,h)$

\begin{align} Q_{\ell,h}(\uplus(a, b)) \rightarrow &\;\uplus(Q_{\ell,h}(a), Q_{\ell,h}(b))\\[10px] Q_{\ell,h}(BT_k(a, b)) \rightarrow &\; \begin{cases} Q_{\ell,h}(a) & \text{if } h \lt k\\ Q_{\ell,h}(b) & \text{if } \ell \geq k\\ BT_k(Q_{\ell,h}(a), Q_{\ell,h}(b)) & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}\\[10px] Q_{\ell,h}(Array_N(x_1,\ldots,x_N)) \rightarrow &\; Array_{|Y|}(y_1, \ldots, y_{|Y|}) \\&\;\;\text{ s.t. } Y = \{\;x_i\;|\;\ell \leq x_i \lt h\;\}\\[10px] Q_{\ell,h}(Sorted_N(x_1,\ldots,x_N)) \rightarrow &\; Sorted_{j-i+1}(x_i, \ldots, x_j) \\&\;\;\text{ s.t. } i = argmin_i(x_i \geq \ell); \\&\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;j = argmax_(x_j \lt h); \end{align}


$$Insert: \mathbb P \times \mathbb P \rightarrow \mathbb P$$

Do the least work possible (optimize later)

$$Insert(a, b) \rightarrow \uplus(a, b)$$

Incremental Transitions

  1. A Universal Instance Language
  2. Realizing Universal Data Structures
  3. Just-In-Time Data Structure Optimization
  4. Optimization Policy Discovery

Core Idea: Physical layout as a compiler optimization problem.

Example: Organize A Hybrid Data Structure

$$\uplus(Sng(x), BT_k(a, b)) \rightarrow \begin{cases} BT_k(\uplus(Sng(x), a), b) & \text{if } x.key \lt k\\ BT_k(a, \uplus(Sng(x), b)) & \text{if } x.key \geq k\end{cases}$$
$$\uplus(Sng(x), Sorted_N(y_1, \ldots, y_N) \rightarrow Sorted_N(y_1, \ldots, y_i, x, y_{i+1}, \ldots y_N)$$ $$\text{ where }y_i.key \leq x.key \leq y_{i+1}.key$$


A pattern/replacement pair.

  • Crack-Array
  • Sort-Array
  • Sort-Merge
  • Pushdown-Array
  • Pushdown-BT
  • Pushdown-Sorted
  • ...


A trigger for applying a rewrite.

  • Before-Scan
  • After-Scan
  • Before-Visit
  • After-Visit
  • Before-Insert
  • After-Insert
  • Idle-Tick

Policies (Take 1)

A set of Rewrite/Event pairs.

  • Cracker (Implements [Idreos et.al.-CIDR 2007])
  • Adaptive Merge (Implements [Graefe/Kano-EDBT 2010])
  • Swap (Heuristic Hybrid: Switch after 2000 events)
  • Transition (Heuristic Hybrid: Gradient from 1-3k events)
[Kennedy/Ziarek-CIDR 2015]; https://github.com/UBOdin/jitd

The Entire Transition Policy

package jitd;

import java.util.*;

public class TransitionMode extends Mode {
  int stepsTotal;
  int stepsTaken = 0;
  Random rand = new Random();
  Mode source, target;
  public TransitionMode(Mode source, Mode target, int steps)
    this.stepsTotal = steps;
    this.source = source;
    this.target = target;
  public Mode pick()
    if(rand.nextInt(stepsTotal) < stepsTaken){
      return target;
    } else {
      return source;

  public KeyValueIterator scan(Driver driver, long low, long high)
    return pick().scan(driver, low, high);
  public void insert(Driver driver, Cog values)
    pick().insert(driver, values);
  public void idle(Driver driver)

(40 lines of java)

Cracker Policy

Adaptive Merge Policy

(first read: 33s)

Swap Policy

Transition Policy

Universal data structures allow us to
hybridize policies "for free".

Policies (Take 2)

Core Idea: Physical layout as a just-in-time compiler optimization problem.

Just-in-Time Data Structures

A background thread incrementally optimizes the data structure.


  1. Which rewrite to apply?
  2. Which data to rewrite?

Two simple transforms: Crack or Sort


\begin{align} Array_N(x_1, \ldots, x_N) \rightarrow BT_{x_j.key}(\;\;&Array_{|Y|}(y_1, \ldots, y_{|Y|}), \\&Array_{|Z|}(z_1, \ldots, z_{|Z|})\;\;) \end{align}

where $j \in [1, N]$, $Y = \{x_i | x_i.key \lt x_j\}$, $Z = \{x_i | x_i.key \geq x_j\}$


$$Array_N(x_1, \ldots, x_N) \rightarrow Sorted_N(x_{f(1)}, \ldots, x_{f(N)})$$

where $f : [N] \rightarrow [N]$ and $x_{f(i)} \leq x_{f(i+1)}$


Deqeue: 1x Array

Enqueue: 2x Array


Deqeue: 1x Array

Enqueue: 1x Sorted Array

Option 1: Crack($Array_8(1 \ldots 8)$)

Option 2: Sort($Array_8(1 \ldots 8)$)

Option 1: Crack($Array_4(1 \ldots 4)$)

Option 2: Sort($Array_4(1 \ldots 4)$)

Option 3: Crack($Array_4(5 \ldots 8)$)

Option 4: Sort($Array_4(5 \ldots 8)$)

Option 1: Crack($Array_4(1 \ldots 4)$)

Option 2: Sort($Array_4(1 \ldots 4)$)

Incremental Transitions

  1. A Universal Instance Language
  2. Realizing Universal Data Structures
  3. Just-In-Time Data Structure Optimization
  4. Optimization Policy Discovery

How to prioritize rewrites?

Cost Model

Array_N: $O(N)$

Sorted_N: $O(N\cdot \log(N))$

BT: Negligible

Compute expected utility of a static state.


  1. Throughput
  2. (Negative) Latency
  3. Time spent with latency below 300ms

Heuristic: Sort Below Threshold Size

Short-term value vs long-term performance.

Deriving Policies

  1. Start with a heuristic and optimzie parameters.
    • e.g., Pick a threshold to sort at.
  2. Model the expected cumulative utility of each candidate rewrite
    • e.g., Priority queue of Array nodes remaining.

Just-in-Time Data Structures

  • The Universal Instance Language can describe the intermediate state of a data structure in transition.
  • Localized, event-driven rewrites can emulate the behaviors of existing data structures and be hybridized.
  • Simulation + Cost-Analysis can be used to derive policies to drive direct rewrites.
