2.1.0 - September 24, 2015 -------------------------- * cli: add support for `frontmatter` option 2.0.1 - July 14, 2015 --------------------- * meta: bumping patch because `2.0.0` was mistakenly published once before 2.0.0 - July 14, 2015 --------------------- * cli: adding separate `_metalsmith` bin to allow custom transpilers * support: no longer supporting node 0.10 natively or in tests 1.7.0 - April 30, 2015 ---------------------- * add `ignore` support 1.6.0 - April 14, 2015 ---------------------- * add `concurrency` support 1.5.0 - March 29, 2015 ---------------------- * add ability to pass in plugins to #run 1.4.5 - March 27, 2015 ---------------------- * improve plugin error handling 1.4.4 - March 27, 2015 ---------------------- * fix for `isAbsolute` not being in node `0.10` 1.4.3 - March 27, 2015 ---------------------- * fix variable name typo 1.4.2 - March 26, 2015 ---------------------- * switch to `gray-matter` for frontmatter parsing * fix bug in frontmatter parser 1.4.1 - March 25, 2015 ---------------------- * add nicer error for invalid frontmatter 1.4.0 - March 25, 2015 ---------------------- * add support for overriding the read and write directory 1.3.0 - February 6, 2015 ------------------------ * adding support for local (non-npm, but still node) plugins 1.2.0 - February 4, 2015 ------------------------ * add stack trace printing to cli output 1.1.1 - January 25, 2015 ------------------------ * update `recursive-readdir` to `1.2.1` to fix #110 1.1.0 - January 25, 2015 ------------------------ * add type checking to getter/setters * allow for alternate config file path * add file-specific errors on writing and reading 1.0.1 - September 30, 2014 -------------------------- * move `gnode` to regular dependencies 1.0.0 - September 29, 2014 -------------------------- * add generator support for node 0.11 * change `#join` to `#path` and use `path.resolve` * add support for absolute `source` and `directory` paths * add `#directory` getter and setter method * add `#readFile` method to expose the core reading logic * add `#writeFile` method to expose the core writing logic * fix default `clean` setting when running the cli 0.11.0 - September 12, 2014 --------------------------- * move `clean` logic to happen at the beginning of a build 0.10.0 - August 19, 2014 ------------------------ * expose `stats` on files 0.9.0 - July 13, 2014 --------------------- * add `frontmatter` option to disable parsing frontmatter 0.8.1 - July 7, 2014 -------------------- * update dependencies 0.8.0 - May 6, 2014 ------------------- * add `clean` option 0.7.0 - April 29, 2014 ---------------------- * let `plugins` be an array in `metalsmith.json` 0.6.1 - April 24, 2014 ---------------------- * update `ware` to `0.3.0` for passing arrays 0.6.0 - April 2, 2014 --------------------- * add `mode` handling for files 0.5.0 - March 21, 2014 ---------------------- * remove destination directory when writing * expose `#run` to run middleware stack * fix jade examples 0.4.0 - March 14, 2014 ---------------------- * change #metadata to set a clone 0.3.0 - March 8, 2014 --------------------- * change to not trim file contents 0.2.3 - March 7, 2014 --------------------- * add setting back to `#metadata` 0.2.2 - March 7, 2014 --------------------- * fix install error 0.2.1 - March 7, 2014 --------------------- * change to `chalk` from `colors` 0.2.0 - March 6, 2014 --------------------- * change to `#metadata` just being a getter 0.1.0 - February 5, 2014 ------------------------ * change to `contents` always being a Buffer 0.0.4 - February 5, 2014 ------------------------ * fix corrupted non-utf8 files 0.0.3 - February 5, 2014 ------------------------ * expose `files` dictionary to `build` callback 0.0.2 - February 5, 2014 ------------------------ * do not mix in global metadata, leave it up to plugins 0.0.1 - February 4, 2014 ------------------------ :sparkles: