// Generated by LiveScript 1.2.0 (function(){ var identifierRegex, tokenRegex; identifierRegex = /[\$\w]+/; function peek(tokens){ var token; token = tokens[0]; if (token == null) { throw new Error('Unexpected end of input.'); } return token; } function consumeIdent(tokens){ var token; token = peek(tokens); if (!identifierRegex.test(token)) { throw new Error("Expected text, got '" + token + "' instead."); } return tokens.shift(); } function consumeOp(tokens, op){ var token; token = peek(tokens); if (token !== op) { throw new Error("Expected '" + op + "', got '" + token + "' instead."); } return tokens.shift(); } function maybeConsumeOp(tokens, op){ var token; token = tokens[0]; if (token === op) { return tokens.shift(); } else { return null; } } function consumeArray(tokens){ var types; consumeOp(tokens, '['); if (peek(tokens) === ']') { throw new Error("Must specify type of Array - eg. [Type], got [] instead."); } types = consumeTypes(tokens); consumeOp(tokens, ']'); return { structure: 'array', of: types }; } function consumeTuple(tokens){ var components; components = []; consumeOp(tokens, '('); if (peek(tokens) === ')') { throw new Error("Tuple must be of at least length 1 - eg. (Type), got () instead."); } for (;;) { components.push(consumeTypes(tokens)); maybeConsumeOp(tokens, ','); if (')' === peek(tokens)) { break; } } consumeOp(tokens, ')'); return { structure: 'tuple', of: components }; } function consumeFields(tokens){ var fields, subset, ref$, key, types; fields = {}; consumeOp(tokens, '{'); subset = false; for (;;) { if (maybeConsumeOp(tokens, '...')) { subset = true; break; } ref$ = consumeField(tokens), key = ref$[0], types = ref$[1]; fields[key] = types; maybeConsumeOp(tokens, ','); if ('}' === peek(tokens)) { break; } } consumeOp(tokens, '}'); return { structure: 'fields', of: fields, subset: subset }; } function consumeField(tokens){ var key, types; key = consumeIdent(tokens); consumeOp(tokens, ':'); types = consumeTypes(tokens); return [key, types]; } function maybeConsumeStructure(tokens){ switch (tokens[0]) { case '[': return consumeArray(tokens); case '(': return consumeTuple(tokens); case '{': return consumeFields(tokens); } } function consumeType(tokens){ var token, wildcard, type, structure; token = peek(tokens); wildcard = token === '*'; if (wildcard || identifierRegex.test(token)) { type = wildcard ? consumeOp(tokens, '*') : consumeIdent(tokens); structure = maybeConsumeStructure(tokens); if (structure) { return structure.type = type, structure; } else { return { type: type }; } } else { structure = maybeConsumeStructure(tokens); if (!structure) { throw new Error("Unexpected character: " + token); } return structure; } } function consumeTypes(tokens){ var lookahead, types, typesSoFar, typeObj, type; if ('::' === peek(tokens)) { throw new Error("No comment before comment separator '::' found."); } lookahead = tokens[1]; if (lookahead != null && lookahead === '::') { tokens.shift(); tokens.shift(); } types = []; typesSoFar = {}; if ('Maybe' === peek(tokens)) { tokens.shift(); types = [ { type: 'Undefined' }, { type: 'Null' } ]; typesSoFar = { Undefined: true, Null: true }; } for (;;) { typeObj = consumeType(tokens), type = typeObj.type; if (!typesSoFar[type]) { types.push(typeObj); } typesSoFar[type] = true; if (!maybeConsumeOp(tokens, '|')) { break; } } return types; } tokenRegex = RegExp('\\.\\.\\.|::|->|' + identifierRegex.source + '|\\S', 'g'); module.exports = function(input){ var tokens, e; if (!input.length) { throw new Error('No type specified.'); } tokens = input.match(tokenRegex) || []; if (in$('->', tokens)) { throw new Error("Function types are not supported.\ To validate that something is a function, you may use 'Function'."); } try { return consumeTypes(tokens); } catch (e$) { e = e$; throw new Error(e.message + " - Remaining tokens: " + JSON.stringify(tokens) + " - Initial input: '" + input + "'"); } }; function in$(x, xs){ var i = -1, l = xs.length >>> 0; while (++i < l) if (x === xs[i]) return true; return false; } }).call(this);