module.exports = plugin; var formatAuthor = require("../lib/format-name.js"); var push = function(arr, key, elem) { if(typeof arr[key] == 'undefined') { arr[key] = [] } arr[key].push(elem) } function plugin() { return function (files, smith, done){ var lab = smith.metadata().labMembers; var pubs = smith.metadata() smith.metadata().altPubs); var venues = smith.metadata().okennedy.venues; var pubsByYear = {} var pubsByProject = {} for(i in pubs){ var pub = pubs[i] var venue = venues[pub.venue] || {} if(pub.type == "patent"){ continue; } if(venue.type == "techreport") { if(pub.venue != "ArXiv"){ continue; } } var authorFormat = pub.authors .map(formatAuthor(lab)) .join(", ") if(typeof pub.year == 'undefined'){ console.log(pub); throw "Unknown year for "+pub } var resourcesFormat = "" if(typeof pub.urls == 'object') { var resources = [] for(cat in pub.urls){ resources.push(""+cat+"") } resourcesFormat = "( "+resources.join(" | ")+" )"; } var venue = pub.venue; // console.log(pub); if(typeof pub.track != 'undefined'){ venue = venue+"-"+pub.track.toUpperCase(); } venue = venue+" "+pub.year var pubMeta = { title: pub.title, visible: !(pub.hidden || false), authorFormat: authorFormat, authors: pub.authors, venue: venue, resourcesFormat: resourcesFormat, projects: pub.projects } // console.log(pubMeta) // Associate the publication with its year, but only if not hidden push(pubsByYear, pub.year, pubMeta) // Associate the publication with each of its authors if they're lab // members for(i in pub.authors){ var author = pub.authors[i] // console.log("affiliating " +pub.title+" with "+author) // console.log(smith.metadata().odinLab.members[author]) if(typeof smith.metadata().odinLab.members[author] != 'undefined'){ if(typeof smith.metadata().odinLab.members[author].pubs == 'undefined'){ smith.metadata().odinLab.members[author].pubs = [pubMeta] } else { smith.metadata().odinLab.members[author].pubs.push(pubMeta) } } } // Associate the publication with each of its projects for(p in pub.projects){ // console.log("Associating "+pubMeta.title+" with "+pub.projects[p]) push(pubsByProject, pub.projects[p], pubMeta) } } var out = [] for(i in pubsByYear) { out.push({year: i, pubs: pubsByYear[i]}) } // console.log(out) smith.metadata()["allpubs"] = out.reverse() // console.log(pubsByProject) smith.metadata()["projectPubs"] = pubsByProject done() } }