CSE 4/562 - Database Systems

Query Evaluation

CSE 4/562 – Database Systems

February 12, 2018

Query Evaluation Styles

All-At-Once (Collections)
Bottom-up, one operator at a time.
Volcano-Style (Iterators)
Operators "request" one tuple at a time from children.
Push-Style (Buffers)
Operators continuously produce/consume tuples.

Basic Mindset

  r = get_table("R")

  s = get_table("S")
  temp1 = apply_join(r, s, "R.B = S.B")
  temp2 = apply_select(temp1, "S.C = 10")
  result = apply_projection(temp2, "R.A")

Basic Mindset

      def build_tree(operator):

        if """ operator is a base table """:
          return get_table(...)

        elif """ operator is a selection """:
          return apply_select(operator.child, operator.condition)

        elif """ handle remaining cases similarly """:


$$\sigma_{A \neq 3} R$$



                  def apply_select(input, condition)
                    result = []

                    for row in input:
                      if condition(row):
                        result += [row]

                    return result;



$$\sigma_{A \neq 3} R$$

getNext()for row in input:
12return row;
getNext()for row in input:
56return row;
getNext()for row in input:
Nonereturn None;





                    def apply_cross(lhs, rhs):
                      result = []

                      for r in lhs:
                        for s in rhs:
                          result += [r + s]

                      return result


What's the complexity of this cross-product algorithm?

... in terms of compute

... in terms of IOs

Cross Product Problems

Need to scan the inner relation multiple times!
Load data intelligently to mitigate expensive IOs
Every tuple needs to be paired with every other tuple!
Exploit join conditions to minimize pairs of tuples

Preloading Data

Nested-Loop Join

                    def apply_cross(lhs, rhs):
                      result = []

                      while r = lhs.next():
                        while s = rhs.next():
                          result += [r + s]

                      return result

Nested-Loop Join

Problem: We need to evaluate rhs iterator
once per record in lhs

Preloading Data

Naive Solution: Preload records from lhs

                    def apply_cross(lhs, rhs):
                      result = []
                      rhs_preloaded = []
                      while s = rhs.next():
                        rhs_preloaded += [s]

                      while r = lhs.next():
                        for s in rhs_preloaded:
                          result += [r + s]

                      return result

Any problems with this?

Preloading Data

Better Solution: Load both lhs and rhs records in blocks.

                    def apply_cross(lhs, rhs):
                      result = []

                      while r_block = lhs.take(100):
                        while s_block = rhs.take(100):
                          for r in r_block:
                            for s in s_block: 
                              result += [r + s]

                      return result

Block-Nested Loop Join

How big should the blocks be?

What is the IO complexity of the algorithm?

Join Conditions

Problem: Naively, any tuple matches any other

Join Conditions

Solution: First organize the data


Sort/Merge Join
Sort all of the data upfront, then scan over both sides.
In-Memory Index Join (1-pass Hash; Hash Join)
Build an in-memory index on one table, scan the other.
Partition Join (2-pass Hash; External Hash Join)
Partition both sides so that tuples don't join across partitions.

Sort/Merge Join

Hash Functions

  • A hash function is a function that maps a large data value to a small fixed-size value
    • Typically is deterministic & pseudorandom
  • Used in Checksums, Hash Tables, Partitioning, Bloom Filters, Caching, Cryptography, Password Storage, …
  • Examples: MD5, SHA1, SHA2
    • MD5() part of OpenSSL (on most OSX / Linux / Unix)
  • Can map h(k) to range [0,N) with h(k) % N (modulus)

Hash Functions

$$h(X) \mod N$$

  • Pseudorandom output between $[0, N)$
  • Always the same output for a given $X$

1-Pass Hash Join

2-Pass Hash Join

Why is it important that the hash function is pseudorandom?

Next Class

More operators, More algorithms