--- Salary --- 1n9lRY5NxHjmXfqZfXJxytBqznzP_vWOPfSbv2rL-T38/Form Responses 1 --- by_language --- SELECT PRIMARY_LANGUAGE_TECHNOLOGY_STACK AS LANGUAGE, COUNT(*) as tot, AVG(HOW_MANY_YEARS_HAVE_YOU_WORKED_IN_TECH) as YEARSWORKED, MIN(HOW_MANY_YEARS_HAVE_YOU_WORKED_IN_TECH) as yearsworked_min, MAX(HOW_MANY_YEARS_HAVE_YOU_WORKED_IN_TECH) as yearsworked_max, AVG(WHAT_IS_YOUR_ANNUALIZED_BASE_SALARY_IN_USD) as salary FROM salaries GROUP BY PRIMARY_LANGUAGE_TECHNOLOGY_STACK HAVING tot > 2; --- group by race_ethnicity --- = 'Other Race/ Ethnicity' or race_ethnicity = 'Black Non-Hispanic' or race_ethnicity = 'White Non-Hispanic' or race_ethnicity = 'Hispanic' or race_ethnicity = 'Asian and Pacific Islander'or race_ethnicity = 'Not Stated/Unknown' SELECT year, SUM( CASE WHEN race_ethnicity = 'Other Race/ Ethnicity' THEN deaths ELSE 0 END ) as Other, SUM( CASE WHEN race_ethnicity = 'Black Non-Hispanic' THEN deaths ELSE 0 END ) as Black_NH, SUM( CASE WHEN race_ethnicity = 'White Non-Hispanic' THEN deaths ELSE 0 END ) as White_NH, SUM( CASE WHEN race_ethnicity = 'Hispanic' THEN deaths ELSE 0 END ) as Hispanic, SUM( CASE WHEN race_ethnicity = 'Asian and Pacific Islander' THEN deaths ELSE 0 END ) as Asian_Pacific, SUM( CASE WHEN race_ethnicity = 'Not Stated/Unknown' THEN deaths ELSE 0 END ) as Unknown_Ethnicity FROM causes GROUP BY year --- # Import matplotlib, generate a plot, and output it. import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import io #switch to non display backend plt.switch_backend('agg') import numpy as np # Get object for dataset with given name. ds = vizierdb.get_dataset('causes') data = dict() for row in ds.rows: year = row.get_value('YEAR') ethnicity = row.get_value('RACE_ETHNICITY') deaths = row.get_value('DEATHS') if deaths != None: if ethnicity not in data: data[ethnicity] = dict() if year not in data[ethnicity]: data[ethnicity][year] = 0 data[ethnicity][year] += deaths # Data for plotting fig, ax = plt.subplots() for ethnicity in data: by_year = data[ethnicity] years = sorted(by_year.keys()) ax.plot( years, [ by_year[year] for year in years ], label = ethnicity, linewidth=3 ) ax.plot() ax.set(xlabel='Year', ylabel='Death Rate') ax.grid() ax.legend(loc = 'upper left') with io.BytesIO() as imgbytes: fig.savefig(imgbytes, format="svg") print(imgbytes.getvalue().decode("utf-8"))