require "rubygems" require "time" require "net/http" require "uri" require "json" $:.push "lib" require "gemsmith.rb" require "jdb.rb" require "lab_metadata.rb" require "util.rb" require "cv.rb" require "nsfcp.rb" require "nsfconflicts.rb" require "ubreporting.rb" require "bootstrap_markdown.rb" require "disqus.rb" require "ABET" include GemSmith $db ="db") $cv_users = ["okennedy"] LabMetadata::build_people_metadata() site :odin_lab, out: "build" do ## Splice off header information for_files(/((\.erb)|(\.md)|(\.html))$/) do exclude_files(/^\/?(slides)\//) do extract_headers end end ## Render specialized formats for_files(/\.md$/) do render_markdown(, tables: true, disable_indented_code_blocks: true, fenced_code_blocks: true, autolink: true, no_intra_emphasis: true ) end for_files(/\.erb$/) do render_erb end ## Generate pages for each lab member LabMetadata::create_people_pages for_files(/people\/.*\.html$/) do exclude_files(/index\.html/) do apply_template("templates/person.erb") end end ## Render 'news' pages for_files(/rants\/.*\.html$/) do exclude_files(/index\.html$/) do extract_date_from_filename create_collection("rants") apply { |f| f[:news_prev] = f[:rants_prev]; f[:news_next] = f[:rants_next] } apply_template("templates/news.erb") end for_files(/index\.html$/) do get_collection("rants").map { |f| f[:in_path] }.each { |dep| add_dependency dep } end end for_files(/news\/.*\.html$/) do exclude_files(/index\.html$/) do extract_date_from_filename create_collection("news") apply_template("templates/news.erb") end for_files(/index\.html$/) do get_collection("news").map { |f| f[:in_path] }.each { |dep| add_dependency dep } end end ## Render 'talks' pages for_files(/talks\/.*/) do exclude_files(/talks\/index|talks\/graphics|talks\/ubodin/) do extract_date_from_filename create_collection("talks") end for_files(/talks\/index/) do get_collection("talks").map { |f| f[:in_path] }.each { |dep| add_dependency dep } end end ## Specialized Formatting for_files(/seminar\/[0-9]{4}(sp|fa)\.html$/) do apply {|f| f[:extraCSS] = [{ "asset" => "seminar.css" }] } apply_template("templates/seminar.erb") end ## Specialized Formatting for_files(/demoday\/[0-9]{4}(sp|fa)\.html$/) do add_dependency "db/demoday/2019fa.json" end ## Apply templating for_files(/\.html$/) do exclude_files(/^\/?(slides)\//) do exclude_files(/^\/?teaching\/.*\/?(slides)\/.*\.html/) do apply_template("templates/lab.erb") end end end ## Specify specialized dependencies (e.g., on the database) for_files(/people\/.*\.html$/) do add_dependency "db/lab.json" add_dependency "db/publications.json" end for_files(/grants\/index\.html/) do add_dependency "db/cv/okennedy/grants.json" add_dependency "db/lab.json" end for_files(/papers\/index.html/) do add_dependency "db/publications.json" add_dependency "db/lab.json" add_dependency "lib/publication.erb" end for_files(/research\/.*\/index.html/) do add_dependency "db/lab.json" add_dependency "db/publications.json" end for_files(/^\/index.html$/) do get_collection("news").map { |f| f[:in_path] }.each { |dep| add_dependency dep } end for_files(/teaching\/cse-562\/2018sp\/index.html/) do add_dependency "db/teaching/cse4_562/2018sp/schedule.json" end ## Static assets add_assets([ "bootstrap", "jquery.js", "mathjax", "odin.css", "seminar.css", "logos", "favicon", "people", "photos" ]) add_static("slides", "slides") ## Sub-sites add_static("subsites/nmeneghetti", "people/niccolo_meneghetti") end task :default => [ :odin_lab ] task :open => :default do case `uname`.chomp when "Darwin" system("open build/index.html") when "Linux" system("xdg-open build/index.html &>/dev/null") else puts "Unknown platform #{`uname`}; Can't open" end end task :clean do system("rm -r build") end directory "artifacts" $cv_users.each do |who| file "artifacts/#{who}.tex" => (["artifacts", "db/cv/#{who}.json", "lib/cv.rb", "Rakefile"]+Dir["db/cv/#{who}/**"]) do"artifacts/#{who}.tex", "w+") do |fh| CV.make(who, fh) end end file "artifacts/#{who}.pdf" => "artifacts/#{who}.tex" do system("cd artifacts; pdflatex #{who}.tex") end task :cv => "artifacts/#{who}.pdf" end file "artifacts/okennedy_current_and_pending.pdf" do cnp ="Oliver Kennedy", $db["cv/okennedy/grants"].select { |r| r["status"] == "accepted" or r["status"] == "submitted" or r["status"] == "planned"} ) cnp.render("artifacts/okennedy_current_pending.pdf") cnp.print end task :cnp => "artifacts/okennedy_current_and_pending.pdf" file "artifacts/db.json" => "artifacts" do"artifacts/db.json", "w+") do |f| f.puts JSON.generate($ end end task :documents => ["artifacts/db.json", :cv, :cnp] directory "build/artifacts" task :deploy => [:documents,:odin_lab,"build/artifacts"] do system("cp -r artifacts/*.{pdf,json} build/artifacts/") end ###################### Specialized Stuff for Individual Use ###################### file "okennedy_short.tex" => (["db/cv/okennedy.json", "lib/cv.rb", "Rakefile"]+Dir["db/cv/okennedy/**"]) do"okennedy_short.tex", "w+") do |fh| CV.make("okennedy", fh, title: "Recent Activities", since: { education: 2008, general_service: 2015, volunteering: 2015, courses: 2015, }, skip: [ :invited_talks, # :honors, :reviewer, :publications, :contact, :employment, :memberships, # :dept_service, :tech_reports, # :general_service, :reviewer, # :publications, :artifacts, :grants ], abbreviate: [ ] ) end end file "okennedy_short.pdf" => "okennedy_short.tex" do system("pdflatex okennedy_short.tex") end file "okennedy_full.tex" => (["db/cv/okennedy.json", "lib/cv.rb", "Rakefile"]+Dir["db/cv/okennedy/**"]) do"okennedy_full.tex", "w+") do |fh| CV.make("okennedy", fh, title: "Curriculum Vitae (Long)", include_pending_papers: true, include_pending_grants: true, include_rejected_grants: false, include_blurb: true ) end end file "okennedy_full.pdf" => "okennedy_full.tex" do system("pdflatex okennedy_full.tex") end file "KennedyOliver-CV.tex" => (["db/cv/okennedy.json", "lib/cv.rb", "lib/ABET.rb", "Rakefile"]+Dir["db/cv/okennedy/**"]) do"KennedyOliver-CV.tex", "w+") do |fh| end end file "KennedyOliver-CV.pdf" => "KennedyOliver-CV.tex" do system("pdflatex KennedyOliver-CV.tex") end task abet_cv: "KennedyOliver-CV.pdf" file "artifacts/okennedy_collaborators.txt" => ($db.files + ["lib/nsfconflicts.rb"]) do"Oliver Kennedy", $db). render("artifacts/okennedy_collaborators.txt") end task :collab => "artifacts/okennedy_collaborators.txt" task :conflicts => "artifacts/okennedy_collaborators.txt" ["mimir", "insider-threats", "astral"].each do |project| file "artifacts/#{project}_papers.txt" => [ $db.files, "artifacts", "Rakefile" ].flatten do"artifacts/#{project}_papers.txt", "w+") do |fh| fh.puts $db["publications"]. where { |pub| pub.fetch("projects", []).include? project }. map { |pub| LabMetadata::format_pub_for_report(pub) }. compact. join("\n\n") end end task :projectreport => "artifacts/#{project}_papers.txt" end task :report => :projectreport file "artifacts/grant_report.txt" do"artifacts/grant_report.txt", "w+") do |fh| $db["publications"] .map { |pub| pub.fetch("grants_cited", []) .map { |grant| [ [ grant["agency"], grant.fetch("agency_id", grant.fetch("project_name", "???")) ], pub ] } }.flatten(1) .reduce .each { |grant, pubs| fh.puts grant[0]+"/"+grant[1] fh.puts "-----------" pubs.each { |pub| pub = LabMetadata::format_pub_for_report(pub) fh.puts "\n"+pub unless pub.nil? } fh.puts "\n\n" } end end task :report => "artifacts/grant_report.txt" task :ub_report do UBSOE::generate_yearly_report( end file "artifacts/nsf_merit_blurb.txt" => [ $db.files, "artifacts", "Rakefile" ].flatten do #"artifacts/nsf_related_blurb.txt", "w+") do |fh| citable_pubs = $db["publications"] .where { |pub| pub.fetch("grants_cited", []).index { |grant| /NSF/ =~ grant.fetch("agency", "") } } citable_pubs.each { |pub| puts pub["title"] } # end end task "email-lab" do members = $db["lab/members"].map do |name, data| raise "No UBIT for #{name}" unless data.has_key? "ubit" "#{name} <#{data["ubit"]}>" end puts members.join("\n") # (system("open", "-a", "Mail", "mailto://#{members.join(", ")}")) end task :test do puts ImageSmith::img("assets/people/oliver.jpg", bounding_box: [50,50], inline: true) end task :demoday do uri = URI("") outfile = "db/demoday/2019fa.json" Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port, { :use_ssl => true }) do |http| request = uri.path request.basic_auth("mimir", "jormugundir") response = http.request(request) json = JSON.parse(response.body), "w+") do |f| f.puts(json["modules"][-1]["outputs"]["stdout"][0]["value"]) end puts "Wrote to #{outfile}" # p json["outputs"]#["stdout"]#[0]["value"] end end