module LabMetadata @@cnames = {} def LabMetadata.build_people_metadata $db["lab/members"].each do |name, data| data["link_relative"] = not(data.has_key? "link") data["name"] = name unless data.has_key? "shortname" data["shortname"] = name. downcase. gsub(/ /, "_"). gsub(/[^a-z0-9A-Z_]/, "") end @@cnames[name] = name @@cnames[data["shortname"]] = name @@cnames[data["ubit"]] = name if data.has_key? "ubit" page = "/people/#{data["shortname"]}.html" unless data.has_key? "link" data["link"] = page end data["page"] = page end $db["lab/alumni"].each do |name, data| data["name"] = name @@cnames[name] = name @@cnames[data["shortname"]] = name @@cnames[data["ubit"]] = name if data.has_key? "ubit" end end def LabMetadata.is_member?(name) $db["lab/members"].has_key? name or $db["lab/alumni"].has_key? name end def LabMetadata.create_people_pages known_pages = GemSmith::all_outputs. delete_if { |x| not /people\/.*\.html$/ =~ x } $db["lab/members"].each do |name, data| unless known_pages.include? data["page"] GemSmith::add_file_string(data["page"], "#{name} hasn't written anything about themselves yet.") end GemSmith::metadata_for(data["page"]).merge!({ title: name, name: name }.merge(data)) end end def LabMetadata.project_link(project) data = $db["lab/projects"].fetch(project, {}) url = data.fetch("url", "/research/#{project}") name = data.fetch("name", project.gsub(/[_-]/, " ").capitalize) return "#{name}" end def LabMetadata.data_for(person) cname = @@cnames[person] || person data = $db["lab/members"][cname] if data.nil? data = $db["people"][cname] end data end def LabMetadata.link_for(person) cname = @@cnames[person] || person data = $db["lab/members"][cname] unless data.nil? then link = if /^https?:\/\// =~ data["link"] then data["link"] else GemSmith::root_path(data["link"]) end "#{person}" else alum = $db["lab/alumni/#{cname}"] if alum and alum["link"] then "#{person}" elsif alum then "#{person}" else person end end end def LabMetadata.publications_for(person) cname = @@cnames[person] raise "Unknown person '#{person}'" if cname.nil? $db["publications"]. where { |pub| pub["authors"].include? cname } end def LabMetadata.shortname_for(publication) venue = LabMetadata.complete_venue(publication) publication.fetch("shortname", [ publication["authors"][0].split(/ +/)[-1].downcase, publication["year"], publication["venue"].nil? ? nil : publication["venue"].downcase.gsub(/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-]/, ""), publication["title"].split(/ +/). map {|x| x.downcase.gsub(/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-]/, "") }. delete_if {|x| ["the", "a"].include? x }[0] ].compact.join(":") ) end def LabMetadata.bibtex_for(publication) venue = LabMetadata.complete_venue(publication) authors = publication["authors"]. map { |author| author = author.split(/ +/) last = author.pop "#{last}, #{author.join(" ")}" } type, meta = case venue["type"] when "workshop", "conference", "demo" [ "inproceedings", { author: authors.join(" and "), title: publication["title"], booktitle: LabMetadata.venue_name(venue, size: :short), year: publication["year"] } ] when "chapter", "book" [ "incollection", { author: authors.join(" and "), title: publication["title"], editor: publication["editor"], booktitle: publication["booktitle"], publisher: venue["publisher"], year: publication["year"], pages: publication["pages"] } ] when "journal" [ "article", { author: authors.join(" and "), title: publication["title"], journal: LabMetadata.venue_name(venue, size: :short), volume: publication["volume"], number: publication["number"], year: publication["year"], month: publication["month"], pages: publication["pages"] } ] when "techreport" [ "techreport", { author: authors.join(" and "), title: publication["title"], institution: LabMetadata.venue_name(venue, size: :short), year: publication["year"] } ] when "patent", "panel" [ "misc", { title: publication["title"], author: authors.join(" and "), year: publication["year"] } ] when "thesis" [ "#{venue["degree"].downcase}thesis", { author: authors.join(" and "), title: publication["title"], school: venue["school"], year: publication["year"] } ] when "abstract" [ "misc", { author: authors.join(" and "), title: publication["title"], howpublished: LabMetadata.venue_name(venue, size: :short), year: publication["year"] } ] else raise "Unknown venue type '#{venue["type"]}' for publication '#{publication["title"]}'" end "@#{type}{#{LabMetadata.shortname_for(publication)},"+( meta.delete_if { |k,v| v.nil? }. map { |k,v| "\n #{k} = {#{v}}" }. join(",") )+"\n}" end def LabMetadata.members_on_project(project, role = /.*/) role = case role when :student then /PhD|BS|MS/ else role end $db["lab/members"].values .where { |m| m.fetch("projects", []).include? project } .select { |m| role =~ m.fetch("status", "") } .map { |m| m["name"] } end def LabMetadata.alumni_on_project(project) $db["lab/alumni"].values. where { |m| m.fetch("projects", []).include? project }. map { |m| m["name"] } end def LabMetadata.complete_venue(record) v = record["venue"]; t = record["track"]; y = record["year"] v = $db["venues"][v]; ## if there is no additional metadata for the venue, we're done. return record if v.nil?; ## if there's no request for a subtrack or year, merge with what we have. result = if t.nil? then v.clone.merge record else tracks = v["tracks"] if tracks.nil? then record elsif tracks[t].nil? then record else tracks[t].clone.merge record end end if result.has_key? "years" and not y.nil? and result["years"].has_key? y.to_s result = result.merge result["years"][y.to_s] end return result end def LabMetadata.venue_name(record, args = {}) v = LabMetadata.complete_venue(record) short = v["acronym"] || v["venue"] raise "Unknown venue: #{short}" if v.nil? raise "Unknown abbreviation: #{v}" if short.nil? case args.fetch(:size, :full_parens) when :full_parens then "#{v["fullname"]} (#{short})" when :full then v["fullname"] when :short then short end end def LabMetadata.venue_selectivity(record, params = {}) rounding = params.fetch(:rounding, 2) year = record["year"].to_s v = LabMetadata.complete_venue(record) sel_data = v["selectivity"] if sel_data.nil? "unavailable" elsif sel_data["average"].is_a? Numeric "approximately #{(sel_data["average"]*100).round(rounding)}%" elsif not sel_data["average"].nil? sel_data["average"] else "approximately #{ (sel_data.keys. delete_if { |k| /a-zA-Z/ =~ k }. map { |k| sel_data[k].to_f }. avg * 100).round(rounding) }%" end end def LabMetadata.abbreviate_person(name) n = name.split(/ +/) last = n.pop ( { |n| "#{n[0]}." } + [last]).join(" ") end def LabMetadata.person_name(full, args = {}) person = LabMetadata.data_for(full) person = {} if person.nil? case args.fetch(:size, :short) when :full then person["full"] or full when :short then person["short"] or abbreviate_person(full) when :last then person["last"] or full.split(/ +/).pop end end @@publication_erb ="lib/publication.erb"){ |f| } def LabMetadata.render_pub(pub) b = binding() b.local_variable_set(:pub, pub) @@publication_erb.result(b) end def LabMetadata.render_pubs(publist) "
\n" { |pub| render_pub(pub) }.join("\n")+"\n" end def LabMetadata.info_for_affiliate(name) info = { "canonical" => name } while(info.include? "canonical") name = info["canonical"] info = $db["people"][name] or raise "Unknown Collaborator: #{name}" end return { "name" => name }.merge(info) end def LabMetadata.format_pub_for_report(pub) pub = LabMetadata::complete_venue(pub) pub = case pub["type"] when "conference", "journal", "workshop", "abstract" then [ pub["title"], pub["authors"].join(", "), "#{LabMetadata::venue_name(pub, size: :full_parens)} #{pub["year"]}", pub["urls"].map { |k,v| "#{k.capitalize}: #{v}" }, LabMetadata.bibtex_for(pub).split("\n") ].flatten when "thesis" then [ pub["title"], pub["authors"].join(", "), "Thesis #{pub["degree"]} #{pub["year"]}", pub.fetch("urls", []).map { |k,v| "#{k.capitalize}: #{v}" }, LabMetadata.bibtex_for(pub).split("\n") ].flatten else nil end pub = "> " + pub.join("\n ") unless pub.nil? return pub end end