# cliui [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/bcoe/cliui.png)](https://travis-ci.org/bcoe/cliui) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/bcoe/cliui/badge.svg?branch=)](https://coveralls.io/r/bcoe/cliui?branch=) [![NPM version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/cliui.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/cliui) easily create complex multi-column command-line-interfaces. ## Example ```js var ui = require('cliui')({ width: 80 }) ui.div('Usage: $0 [command] [options]') ui.div({ text: 'Options:', padding: [2, 0, 2, 0] }) ui.div( { text: "-f, --file", width: 20, padding: [0, 4, 0, 4] }, { text: "the file to load." + chalk.green("(if this description is long it wraps).") , width: 20 }, { text: chalk.red("[required]"), align: 'right' } ) console.log(ui.toString()) ``` ## Layout DSL cliui exposes a simple layout DSL: If you create a single `ui.row`, passing a string rather than an object: * `\n`: characters will be interpreted as new rows. * `\t`: characters will be interpreted as new columns. * `\s`: characters will be interpreted as padding. **as an example...** ```js var ui = require('./')({ width: 60 }) ui.div( 'Usage: node ./bin/foo.js\n' + ' \t provide a regex\n' + ' \t provide a glob\t [required]' ) console.log(ui.toString()) ``` **will output:** ```shell Usage: node ./bin/foo.js provide a regex provide a glob [required] ``` ## Methods ```js cliui = require('cliui') ``` ### cliui({width: integer}) Specify the maximum width of the UI being generated. ### cliui({wrap: boolean}) Enable or disable the wrapping of text in a column. ### cliui.div(column, column, column) Create a row with any number of columns, a column can either be a string, or an object with the following options: * **width:** the width of a column. * **align:** alignment, `right` or `center`. * **padding:** `[top, right, bottom, left]`. * **border:** should a border be placed around the div? ### cliui.span(column, column, column) Similar to `div`, except the next row will be appended without a new line being created.