--- template: templates/cse4562_2021_slides.erb title: "Cost-Based Optimization" date: March 11, 2021 textbook: Ch. 16 ---

Remember the Real Goals

  1. Accurately rank the plans.
  2. Don't spend more time optimizing than you get back.
  3. Don't pick a plan that uses more memory than you have.
OperationRATotal IOs (#pages)Memory (#tuples)
Table Scan $R$ $\frac{|R|}{\mathcal P}$ $O(1)$
Projection $\pi(R)$ $\textbf{io}(R)$ $O(1)$
Selection $\sigma(R)$ $\textbf{io}(R)$ $O(1)$
Union $R \uplus S$ $\textbf{io}(R) + \textbf{io}(S)$ $O(1)$
Sort (In-Mem) $\tau(R)$ $\textbf{io}(R)$ $O(|R|)$
Sort (On-Disk) $\tau(R)$ $\frac{2 \cdot \lfloor log_{\mathcal B}(|R|) \rfloor}{\mathcal P} + \textbf{io}(R)$ $O(\mathcal B)$
(B+Tree) Index Scan $Index(R, c)$ $\log_{\mathcal I}(|R|) + \frac{|\sigma_c(R)|}{\mathcal P}$ $O(1)$
(Hash) Index Scan $Index(R, c)$ $1$ $O(1)$
  1. Tuples per Page ($\mathcal P$) – Normally defined per-schema
  2. Size of $R$ ($|R|$)
  3. Pages of Buffer ($\mathcal B$)
  4. Keys per Index Page ($\mathcal I$)
OperationRATotal IOs (#pages)Mem (#tuples)
Nested Loop Join (Buffer $S$ in mem) $R \times_{mem} S$ $\textbf{io}(R)+\textbf{io}(S)$ $O(|S|)$
Block NLJ (Buffer $S$ on disk) $R \times_{disk} S$ $\frac{|R|}{\mathcal B} \cdot \frac{|S|}{\mathcal P} + \textbf{io}(R) + \textbf{io}(S)$ $O(1)$
Block NLJ (Recompute $S$) $R \times_{redo} S$ $\textbf{io}(R) + \frac{|R|}{\mathcal B} \cdot \textbf{io}(S)$ $O(1)$
1-Pass Hash Join $R \bowtie_{1PH, c} S$ $\textbf{io}(R) + \textbf{io}(S)$ $O(|S|)$
2-Pass Hash Join $R \bowtie_{2PH, c} S$ $\frac{2|R| + 2|S|}{\mathcal P} + \textbf{io}(R) + \textbf{io}(S)$ $O(1)$
Sort-Merge Join $R \bowtie_{SM, c} S$ [Sort] [Sort]
(Tree) Index NLJ $R \bowtie_{INL, c}$ $|R| \cdot (\log_{\mathcal I}(|S|) + \frac{|\sigma_c(S)|}{\mathcal P})$ $O(1)$
(Hash) Index NLJ $R \bowtie_{INL, c}$ $|R| \cdot 1$ $O(1)$
(In-Mem) Aggregate $\gamma_A(R)$ $\textbf{io}(R)$ $adom(A)$
(Sort/Merge) Aggregate $\gamma_A(R)$ [Sort] [Sort]

Cardinality Estimation

(The Hard Parts)

$\sigma_c(Q)$ (Cardinality Estimation)
How many tuples will a condition $c$ allow to pass?
$\delta_A(Q)$ (Distinct Values Estimation)
How many distinct values of attribute(s) $A$ exist?

Remember the Real Goals

  1. Accurately rank the plans.
  2. Don't spend more time optimizing than you get back.

(Some) Estimation Techniques

Guess Randomly
Rules of thumb if you have no other options...
Uniform Prior
Use basic statistics to make a very rough guess.
Sampling / History
Small, Quick Sampling Runs (or prior executions of the query).
Using more detailed statistics for improved guesses.
Using rules about the data for improved guesses.

(Some) Estimation Techniques

Guess Randomly
Rules of thumb if you have no other options...
Uniform Prior
Use basic statistics to make a very rough guess.
Sampling / History
Small, Quick Sampling Runs (or prior executions of the query).
Using more detailed statistics for improved guesses.
Using rules about the data for improved guesses.

Idea 1: Pick 100 tuples at random from each input table.

The Birthday Paradox

Assume: $\texttt{UNIQ}(A, R) = \texttt{UNIQ}(A, S) = N$

It takes $O(\sqrt{N})$ samples from both $R$ and $S$
to get even one match.

To be resumed later in the term when we talk about AQP

How DBs Do It: Instrument queries while running them.

(Some) Estimation Techniques

Guess Randomly
Rules of thumb if you have no other options...
Uniform Prior
Use basic statistics to make a very rough guess.
Sampling / History
Small, Quick Sampling Runs (or prior executions of the query).
Using more detailed statistics for improved guesses.
Using rules about the data for improved guesses.

Limitations of Uniform Prior

Don't always have statistics for $Q$
For example, $\pi_{A \leftarrow (B \times C)}(R)$
Don't always have clear rules for $c$
For example, $\sigma_{\texttt{FitsModel}(A, B, C)}(R)$
Attribute values are not always uniformly distributed.
For example, $|\sigma_{SPC\_COMMON = 'pin\ oak'}(T)|$ vs $|\sigma_{SPC\_COMMON = 'honeylocust'}(T)|$
Attribute values are sometimes correlated.
For example, $\sigma_{(stump < 5) \wedge (diam > 3)}(T)$

Ideal Case: You have some $$f(x) = \left(\texttt{SELECT COUNT(*) WHERE A = x}\right)$$ (and similarly for the other aggregates)

Slightly Less Ideal Case: You have some $$f(x) \approx \left(\texttt{SELECT COUNT(*) WHERE A = x}\right)$$

If this sounds like CDF-based indexing... you're right!

... but we're not going to talk about NNs today

Simpler/Faster Idea: Break $f(x)$ into chunks

Example Data

Name YearsEmployed Role
'Alice' 3 1
'Bob' 2 2
'Carol' 3 1
'Dave' 1 3
'Eve' 2 2
'Fred' 2 3
'Gwen' 4 1
'Harry' 2 3


1 1
2 4
3 2
4 1
COUNT(DISTINCT YearsEmployed) $= 4$
MIN(YearsEmployed) $= 1$
MAX(YearsEmplyed) $= 4$
COUNT(*) YearsEmployed = 2 $= 4$


1-2 5
3-4 3
COUNT(DISTINCT YearsEmployed) $= 4$
MIN(YearsEmployed) $= 1$
MAX(YearsEmplyed) $= 4$
COUNT(*) YearsEmployed = 2 $= \frac{5}{2}$

The Extreme Case

1-4 8
COUNT(DISTINCT YearsEmployed) $= 4$
MIN(YearsEmployed) $= 1$
MAX(YearsEmplyed) $= 4$
COUNT(*) YearsEmployed = 2 $= \frac{8}{4}$

More Example Data

1-10 20
11-20 0
21-30 15
31-40 30
41-50 22
51-60 63
61-70 10
71-80 10
SELECT … WHERE A = 33 $= \frac{1}{40-30}\cdot 30 = 3$
SELECT … WHERE A > 33 $= \frac{40-33}{40-30}\cdot 30+22$ $\;\;\;+63+10+10$ $= 126$

(Some) Estimation Techniques

Guess Randomly
Rules of thumb if you have no other options...
Uniform Prior
Use basic statistics to make a very rough guess.
Sampling / History
Small, Quick Sampling Runs (or prior executions of the query).
Using more detailed statistics for improved guesses.
Using rules about the data for improved guesses.

Key / Unique Constraints

        A int,
        B int UNIQUE

No duplicate values in the column. $$\texttt{COUNT(DISTINCT A)} = \texttt{COUNT(*)}$$

Foreign Key Constraints

        B int,

All values in the column appear in another table. $$\pi_{attrs(S)}\left(S \bowtie_B R\right) \subseteq S$$

Functional Dependencies

      Not expressible in SQL

One set of columns uniquely determines another.
$\pi_{A}(\delta(\pi_{A, B}(R)))$ has no duplicates and... $$\pi_{attrs(R)-A}(R) \bowtie_A \delta(\pi_{A, B}(R)) = R$$


The Good

The Not-So Good

Foreign Key Constraints

Foreign keys are like pointers. What happens with broken pointers?

Foreign Key Enforcement

Foreign keys are defined with update triggers ON INSERT [X], ON UPDATE [X], ON DELETE [X]. Depending on what [X] is, the constraint is enforced differently:

Create/delete rows as needed to avoid invalid foreign keys.
Abort any transaction that ends with an invalid foreign key reference.
Automatically replace any invalid foreign key references with NULL

CASCADE and NO ACTION ensure that the data never has broken pointers, so

$$\pi_{attrs(S)}\left(S \bowtie_B R\right) = S$$

Functional Dependencies

A generalization of keys: One set of attributes that uniquely identify another.

Two rows with the same As must have the same Bs

(but can still have identical Bs for two different As)

Normal Forms

"All functional dependencies should be keys."

(Otherwise you want two separate relations)

(for more details, see CSE 560)

$$P(A = B) = min\left(\frac{1}{\texttt{COUNT}(\texttt{DISTINCT } A)}, \frac{1}{\texttt{COUNT}(\texttt{DISTINCT } B)}\right)$$

$$R \bowtie_{R.A = S.B} S = \sigma_{R.A = S.B}(R \times S)$$ (and $S.B$ is a foreign key referencing $R.A$)

The (foreign) key constraint gives us two things... $$\texttt{COUNT}(\texttt{DISTINCT } A) \approx \texttt{COUNT}(\texttt{DISTINCT } B)$$ and $$\texttt{COUNT}(\texttt{DISTINCT } A) = |R|$$

Based on the first property the total number of rows is roughly... $$|R| \times |S| \times \frac{1}{\texttt{COUNT}(\texttt{DISTINCT } A)}$$

Then based on the second property... $$ = |R| \times |S| \times \frac{1}{|R|} = |S|$$

(Statistics/Histograms will give you the same outcome... but constraints can be easier to propagate)