$plot_terminal = "aqua" $plot_suffix = nil; $plot_auto_open = false; $current_plot = nil; def plot_output(output, settings = {}) case output when :aqua then $plot_terminal = "aqua"; $plot_suffix = nil; when :pdf then $plot_terminal = "pdf"; $plot_suffix = ".pdf" when :png then $plot_terminal = "png"; $plot_suffix = ".png" end $plot_terminal_opts = settings end def plot_terminal(plot, settings) settings = $plot_terminal_opts + settings $plot_terminal+( if settings.size < 1 then "" else " " + settings.to_a.flatten.join(" ") end ) end $pretty_styles = [ { :lt => "rgb \"#A00000\"", :lw => 2, :pt => 1 }, { :lt => "rgb \"#00A000\"", :lw => 2, :pt => 6 }, { :lt => "rgb \"#5060D0\"", :lw => 2, :pt => 2 }, { :lt => "rgb \"#F25900\"", :lw => 2, :pt => 9 } ]; def pretty_style(idx, opts = {}) opts = opts.clone; $pretty_styles[idx].each { |k, v| opts[k] = v unless opts.has_key? k } opts.map { |kv| kv.to_a.join(" ") unless kv[1].nil? }.compact.join(" ") end def pretty_plot(plot, opts = {}) # plot based on Brighten Godfrey's blog post: # http://youinfinitesnake.blogspot.com/2011/02/attractive-scientific-plots-with.html plot.terminal [ "pdf", "font \"#{opts.fetch(:fontface, "Times-Roman")},#{opts.fetch(:fontsize, 10)}\"", "linewidth #{opts.fetch(:linewidth, 4)} rounded", "fontscale #{opts.fetch(:fontscale, 1.0)}", "size #{opts.fetch(:sizex, 5)}in,#{opts.fetch(:sizey, 3)}in" ].join(" ") # Line style for axes plot.style "line 80 lc #{opts.fetch(:bordercolor, "rgb \"#808080\"")}" # Line style for grid plot.style "line 81 lt 0" # dashed plot.style "line 81 lc #{opts.fetch(:gridcolor, "rgb \"#808080\"")}" # grey plot.grid "back linestyle 81" border_groups = opts.fetch(:border, [:left, :bottom]).map do |b| case b when :bottom then 1 when :left then 2 when :top then 4 when :right then 8 when :all then 1+2+4+8 else raise "Invalid border type : #{b}" end end.sum plot.border "#{border_groups} back linestyle 80" # Remove border on top and right. These # borders are useless and make it harder # to see plotted lines near the border. # Also, put it in grey; no need for so much emphasis on a border. plot.xtics "nomirror" plot.ytics "nomirror" if(opts.fetch(:logx, false)) then plot.logscal "x" plot.mxtics "10" # Makes logscale look good. end if(opts.fetch(:logy, false)) then plot.logscal "y" plot.mytics "10" # Makes logscale look good. end # Line styles: try to pick pleasing colors, rather # than strictly primary colors or hard-to-see colors # like gnuplot's default yellow. Make the lines thick # so they're easy to see in small plots in papers. $pretty_styles.each_index { |x| plot.style "line #{x+1} #{pretty_style(x)}" } plot.key "bottom right" end def auto_open_plots(new_val = true) $plot_auto_open = new_val; end def row_data(data) $current_plot.data << Gnuplot::DataSet.new(data.unzip) { |ds| yield ds } end def plot(args = {}) task(args) do task_name = case args when Hash then args.keys[0] when Symbol,String then args.to_s end Gnuplot.open do |gp| Gnuplot::Plot.new(gp) do |plot| $current_plot = plot; $plot_terminal plot.terminal $plot_terminal if $plot_suffix and task_name then plot.output "#{task_name}#{$plot_suffix}" end yield plot; end end if $plot_auto_open and [".pdf", ".png"].include? $plot_suffix system("open #{task_name}#{$plot_suffix}") end end end def line_plot(args = {}) plot(args) do |plot| data_elements = yield(plot) data_elements = { :data => data_elements } unless data_elements.is_a? Hash; data = data_elements[:data].unzip; xaxis = data_elements.fetch(:xaxis) { data.shift }; keys = data_elements.fetch(:keys) { data.map { nil; } } withs = data_elements.fetch(:with, "linespoints"); withs = data.map { withs } unless withs.is_a? Array; raise "Missing data!" if data.nil?; raise "Missing X Axis!" if xaxis.nil?; data.zip(keys, withs).each do |line, key, with| plot.data << Gnuplot::DataSet.new([xaxis, line]) do |ds| ds.title = key unless key.nil? ds.with = with unless with.nil? end end end end def bar_plot_position(group, element, num_elements, args = {}) base_offset = args.fetch(:base_offset, 0); interbar_offset = args.fetch(:interbar_offset, 18); intergroup_offset = args.fetch(:intergroup_offset, interbar_offset); margins = args.fetch(:margins, intergroup_offset); bar_width = args.fetch(:bar_width, 10); group_offset = base_offset + margins group_size = interbar_offset * num_elements + intergroup_offset; position_relative_to_element = (interbar_offset * (group)) position_of_group = (group_size * element) group_offset + position_relative_to_element + position_of_group end def draw_clustered_bar_plot plot, args = {} data = args.fetch(:data).unzip; base_offset = args.fetch(:base_offset, 0); interbar_offset = args.fetch(:interbar_offset, 18); intergroup_offset = args.fetch(:intergroup_offset, interbar_offset); margins = args.fetch(:margins, intergroup_offset); bar_width = args.fetch(:bar_width, 10); tic_commands = args.fetch(:tic_commands, ""); label_offset = args.fetch(:label_offset, 0); box_style = args.fetch(:box_style, lambda { |i| "boxes fill pattern #{i}" }); plot.grid "noxtics" group_offset = base_offset + margins group_size = interbar_offset * data.length + intergroup_offset; plot.boxwidth bar_width.to_s; pattern = 0; data.zip(args[:dataset_labels]).each do |dataset, dataset_title| offset = group_offset - group_size; group_offset += interbar_offset; indices = dataset.map { |i| offset += group_size; } plot.data << Gnuplot::DataSet.new([indices,dataset]) do |ds| ds.title = dataset_title ds.with = box_style.call(pattern += 1); end end label_offset += (group_size+intergroup_offset-margins)/2 group_offset = base_offset - label_offset; plot.xtics "(#{args[:group_labels].map do |label| "\"#{label}\" #{group_offset += group_size}"; end.join(", ")}) scale 0 #{tic_commands}"; plot.xrange "[-10:#{group_offset+label_offset+margins-intergroup_offset}]" end def draw_bar_plot plot, args plot.key "off" args = args.clone args[:data] = args[:data].map {|d| [d]} args[:dataset_labels] = [""]; args[:group_labels] = args[:labels]; draw_clustered_bar_plot plot, args end