class Tokenizer def initialize(string, token, input_source = nil) @tokens = string.scan(token); @last = nil; @input_source = input_source; @string = string; end def scan while @tokens.size > 0 if !(yield @tokens.shift) then break; end end end def peek if @tokens.size > 0 then @tokens[0] else nil; end end def next @last = if @tokens.size > 0 then @tokens.shift else nil; end end def last @last; end def more? @tokens.size > 0; end def flatten @tokens = @tokens.flatten; end def assert_next(token, errstr = nil) case token when String then raise_error(errstr || "Expected '#{token}' but found '#{last}'") unless == token when Array then raise_error(errstr || "Expected '#{token.join("','")}' but found '#{last}'") unless token.include?; end self.last; end def raise_error(errstr); errstr = "#{errstr} (line #{@input_source.lineno})" if @input_source; errstr = "#{errstr} (#{@string})" unless @input_source; raise "Parse Error: #{errstr}"; end def tokens_up_to(token) ret =; while (more? && ( != token)) ret.push(last); end ret; end end class Array def map_index (0...length) { |i| yield(i, self[i]) } end def to_h ret =; each { |k,v| ret[k] = v; } return ret; end def unzip ret =; each_index do |i| ret.push while ret.length < self[i].length ret.each_index do |j| ret[j][i] = self[i][j] end end return ret; end def count size end def sum ret = 0; each { |item| ret += item } return ret; end def avg sum.to_f / length.to_f end def prod ret = 1; each { |item| ret *= item } return ret; end def rms_avg Math.sqrt(map { |x| x.to_f ** 2 }.avg) end def rms_err Math.sqrt(map { |x,y| (x.to_f - y.to_f) ** 2 }.avg) end def stddev Math.sqrt((avg ** 2 - (map{|i| i.to_f ** 2}.avg)).abs) end def reduce(&reducer) ret =; each do |k,v| ret[k] = unless ret.has_key? k; ret[k].push(v); end if reducer.nil? then ret else ret.to_a.collect do |k,vs| [ k,, vs) ] end.to_h end end # Round-robin partition into K arrays def subdivide(k) cnt = 0; ret = (0...k).map {|i| }; each { |i| ret[cnt % k].push i; cnt += 1; }; ret; end # Inorder partition into groups of K elements def take_groups(k) (0...(size / k.to_f).ceil).map do |i| self[k*i...[k*(i+1), size].min] end end def zip_members self[0].zip(*(self[1..-1])) end def grep(pattern, &block) ret = []; if block.nil? then each { |l| ret.push(l) if pattern =~ l; } else each { |l| match = pattern.match(l); ret.push( if match; } end ret end def window(window_size = 10, &block) if length <= window_size then if block.nil? then return [self.clone]; else return []; end else ret =; w =; each do |item| w.push(item); w.shift if w.length > window_size; if w.length >= window_size then ret.push(if block.nil? then [w.clone] else end) end end ret end end def fold(accum = nil) each { |i| accum = yield accum, i } accum end def pick_samples_evenly(num_samples) return self if(self.length <= num_samples); keep_steps = (self.length / num_samples).to_i step = 0; self.delete_if { step += 1; (step % keep_step) == 0 } end def to_table(headers = nil) row_sizes = ((headers.nil? ? [] : [headers]) + self). map { |row| { |c| c.to_s.length } }. unzip. map { |col| col.compact.max } ( unless headers.nil? then [ " " + do |col, exp_size| col + (if col.size < exp_size then (" " * (exp_size - col.size)) else "" end) end.join(" | "), ("-" * (row_sizes.sum + 2 + (row_sizes.length - 1) * 3)) ] else [] end + map do |row| " " + do |col, exp_size| col = col.to_s if col.size < exp_size then else col end end.join(" | ") end ).join("\n") end def tabulate_schemaless_records keys = map {|r| r.keys}.flatten.unique.sort [ keys , map {|r| {|k| r[k] }} ] end def for_all each { |v| return false unless yield v } true; end def each_prefix each_index do |i| yield self[0..i]; end end def select map { |x| x if yield x }.compact end def cogroup ret = { |h,k| h[k] = [nil] * size } each_index do |i| self[i].each do |k, v| ret[k][i] = v end end ret end # Return every cnt'th element of the array. def every(cnt, start = 0) (0..(((size-1-start)/cnt).to_i)).map { |i| self[i*cnt+start] } end # Create batches of up to size cnt. def batch(cnt) (0..(((size-1)/cnt).to_i)).map { |i| self[(i*cnt)...((i+1)*cnt)] } end def flatmap ret = [] each { |i| ret = ret + yield(i) } ret end def project(*keys) map { |x| x.project(*keys) } end def unique last = nil sort. map { |c| last = c if c != last }. # map { |c| p c }. compact end def histogram(bin_width = 5) min_val = (min - min % bin_width).to_i max_val = (max - max % bin_width + bin_width).to_i (min_val..max_val).to_a.every(bin_width). map { |x| [x, 0] }. to_h. join(map { |x| (x.to_f / bin_width).to_i * bin_width }. reduce { |k,v| v.count }, :left ). map { |bin, cnt| [bin, cnt.compact.sum] }. sort { |a, b| a[0] <=> b[0] } end def cumulative_sum tot = 0; map { |x| tot += x } end def splice(val, idx) return [val] + self if idx <= 0 return self + [val] if idx >= length return self[0...idx] + [val] + self[idx..-1] end def all_sorts return [[]] if empty? return [self] if length == 1 hd = self[0] self[1..-1] do |rest| ( { |i| rest.splice(hd, i) } end.flatten(1) end def merge(other, args = {}) if args.has_key?(:eq) args[:eq] = [args[:eq], args[:eq]] unless args[:eq].is_a? Array a, b = args[:eq] idx = { |h,k| h[k] = [] } self.each {|i| idx[i[a]].push i } {|j| idx[i[b]].map { |i| i + j } }.flatten(1) else {|i| {|j| i + j if yield i,j }.compact }.flatten(1) end end def where map {|i| i if yield i }.compact end end class Hash def intersect(other) keys.find_all { |k| other.has_key?(k) } end def bar_graph_dataset(bar = 0.5, set_sep = 1.0, bar_sep = 0.2) curr_width = 0; tics = collect do |human,data| next_delta = data.length * bar + (data.length - 1) * bar_sep; curr_width += next_delta + set_sep; "\"#{human}\" #{curr_width - next_delta / 2}" end curr_width = 0; points = values.collect do |data| curr_width += set_sep - bar_sep data.collect do |point| curr_width += bar_sep + bar; [curr_width - bar / 2, point] end end.unzip; return ["(#{tics.join(', ')})" , points, "[0:#{curr_width+set_sep}]"]; end def to_sorted_a do |k| [k, self[k]] end end def map_leaves(prefix = []) do |k| [ k, if self[k].is_a? Hash then self[k].map_leaves(prefix+[k]) { |ik,v| yield(ik, v) } else yield(prefix+[k], v) end ] end.to_h end def project(*keys) { |k| self[k] } end def join(h, outer = :no) case outer when :full then keys + h.keys.find_all { |k| not has_key? k } when :left then keys when :right then h.keys else intersect(h) end. map { |k| [k, [self[k], h[k]]] }.to_h end def flatten_tree(sep = nil, prefix = nil) map { |k,v| unless prefix.nil? k = sep + k.to_s unless sep.nil? k = prefix.to_s + k.to_s end case v when Hash then v.flatten_tree(sep, k).to_a else [ [k.to_sym, v] ] end }.flatten(1).to_h end end class Float def sig_figs(n) if self == 0.0 then self else mult = (10.0 ** (Math.log10(self).ceil.to_f - n.to_i.to_f)) (self / mult).round * mult; end end end class IO def tee_readlines ret = []; each { |l| yield l; ret.push l } ret end def grep map {|x| x if yield x}.compact end end class File def, outFile, mode = "w+") do |inHandle|, mode) do |outHandle| yield(inHandle, outHandle) end end end end class Integer def to_bytestring return "-#{(-self).to_bytestring}" if self < 0; depth = (Math.log(self/2) / (10.0 * Math.log(2))).to_i scales = ["B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "PB", "EB"]; depth = scales.length-1 if depth >= scales.length; "#{(self.to_f / (1024.0**(depth))).to_f.sig_figs(4)} #{scales[depth]}" end def d(die) (0...self).map { rand(die)+1 } end end class String def pluralize(num) if num == 1 then self else self+"s" end end end class Dir def Dir.in_dir(d) old_d = Dir.getwd Dir.chdir d ret = yield Dir.chdir old_d ret end end