
487 lines
13 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

"nulls": [
"yaml": "",
"result": null
"yaml": "# comment",
"result": null
"yaml": "~",
"result": null
"yaml": "null",
"result": null
"yaml": "Null",
"result": null
"yaml": "NULL",
"result": null
"yaml": "nUlL",
"result": "nUlL"
"yaml": "!!null nUlL",
"result": null
"yaml": "!!null",
"result": null
"yaml": "!!null \"~\"",
"result": null
"yaml": "!!null null",
"result": null
"trues": [
"yaml": "true",
"result": true
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"result": true
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"result": true
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"result": "tRuE"
"yaml": "!!bool tRuE",
"result": true
"yaml": "on",
"result": true
"yaml": "On",
"result": true
"yaml": "ON",
"result": true
"yaml": "oN",
"result": "oN"
"yaml": "yes",
"result": true
"yaml": "Yes",
"result": true
"yaml": "YES",
"result": true
"yaml": "yEs",
"result": "yEs"
"yaml": "!!bool \"yEs\"",
"result": true
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"yaml": "False",
"result": false
"yaml": "FALSE",
"result": false
"yaml": "fAlSe",
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"yaml": "!!bool fAlSe",
"result": false
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"yaml": "Off",
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"result": "nO"
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"result": 42
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"result": 12
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"result": 12
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"result": 685230
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"result": 685230
"yaml": "190:20:30",
"result": 685230
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"result": 1230.15
"yaml": "12.3015e+2",
"result": 1230.15
"yaml": "1230.15",
"result": 1230.15
"yaml": "1.",
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"yaml": ".1",
"result": 0.1
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"yaml": "685.230_15e+03",
"result": 685230.15
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"result": 685230.15
"yaml": "190:20:30.15",
"result": 685230.15
"strings": [
"yaml": "Hello World",
"result": "Hello World"
"yaml": "This [is] a {string}",
"result": "This [is] a {string}"
"yaml": "A{s i[s this",
"result": "A{s i[s this"
"yaml": "\"Hello World\"",
"result": "Hello World"
"yaml": "Hello \"World\"",
"result": "Hello \"World\""
"yaml": "\"42\"",
"result": "42"
"yaml": "!!str true",
"result": "true"
"yaml": "\"# comment\"",
"result": "# comment"
"yaml": "\"\\xd7\"",
"result": "×"
"yaml": "\"\\xD7\"",
"result": "×"
"yaml": "\"\\u00d7\"",
"result": "×"
"yaml": "\"\\u00D7\"",
"result": "×"
"yaml": "\"\\U000000d7\"",
"result": "×"
"yaml": "\"\\U000000D7\"",
"result": "×"
"string formatting": [
"yaml": "# ASCII Art\n--- |\n \\//||\\/||\n // || ||__",
"result": "\\//||\\/||\n// || ||__"
"yaml": "--- >\n Mark McGwire's\n year was crippled\n by a knee injury.",
"result": "Mark McGwire's year was crippled by a knee injury."
"yaml": ">\n Sammy Sosa completed another\n fine season with great stats.\n\n 63 Home Runs\n 0.288 Batting Average\n\n What a year!",
"result": "Sammy Sosa completed another fine season with great stats.\n\n 63 Home Runs\n 0.288 Batting Average\n\nWhat a year!"
"simple sequences": [
"yaml": "- Mark McGwire\n- Sammy Sosa\n- Ken Griffey\n",
"result": ["Mark McGwire", "Sammy Sosa", "Ken Griffey"]
"yaml": "[Mark McGwire, Sammy Sosa, Ken Griffey]",
"result": ["Mark McGwire", "Sammy Sosa", "Ken Griffey"]
"yaml": "# A sequence\n---\n - Mark McGwire\n - Sammy Sosa\n - Ken Griffey\n...",
"result": ["Mark McGwire", "Sammy Sosa", "Ken Griffey"]
"yaml": "# Positions\n-\n # First place\n First\n-\n # Second place\n Second\n-\n # Third place\n Third",
"result": ["First", "Second", "Third"]
"yaml": "!!seq [1,2,3]",
"result": [1,2,3]
"yaml": "- Hello, World",
"result": ["Hello, World"]
"simple mappings": [
"yaml": "hr: 65 # Home Runs\navg: 0.2878 # Batting average\nrbi: 147 # Runs Batted In",
"result": {"hr": 65, "avg": 0.2878, "rbi": 147}
"yaml": "{ hr: 65, avg: 0.2878, rbi: 147 }",
"result": {"hr": 65, "avg": 0.2878, "rbi": 147}
"yaml": "# A mapping\n---\n hr: 65\n avg: 0.2878\n rbi: 147\n...",
"result": {"hr": 65, "avg": 0.2878, "rbi": 147}
"yaml": "# Positions\nfirst:\n # First place\n First\nsecond:\n # Second place\n Second\nthird:\n # Third place\n Third",
"result": {"first": "First", "second": "Second", "third": "Third"}
"yaml": "!!map {a,b,c}",
"result": {"a": null, "b": null, "c": null}
"yaml": "hel[l{o, w}o]rld: goodb{y[e, w]o}rld",
"result": {"hel[l{o, w}o]rld": "goodb{y[e, w]o}rld"}
"anchors": [
"yaml": "---\nhr:\n - Mark McGwire\n # Following node labeled SS\n - &SS Sammy Sosa\nrbi:\n - *SS # Subsequent occurrence\n - Ken Griffey",
"result": {"hr": ["Mark McGwire", "Sammy Sosa"], "rbi": ["Sammy Sosa", "Ken Griffey"]}
"complex documents": [
"yaml": "american:\n - Boston Red Sox\n - Detroit Tigers\n - New York Yankees\nnational:\n - New York Mets\n - Chicago Cubs\n - Atlanta Braves",
"result": {"american": ["Boston Red Sox", "Detroit Tigers", "New York Yankees"], "national": ["New York Mets", "Chicago Cubs", "Atlanta Braves"]}
"yaml": "-\n name: Mark McGwire\n hr: 65\n avg: 0.278\n-\n name: Sammy Sosa\n hr: 63\n avg: 0.288",
"result": [{"name": "Mark McGwire", "hr": 65, "avg": 0.278}, {"name": "Sammy Sosa", "hr": 63, "avg": 0.288}]
"yaml": "- [name , hr, avg ]\n- [Mark McGwire, 65, 0.278]\n- [Sammy Sosa , 63, 0.288]",
"result": [["name", "hr", "avg"], ["Mark McGwire", 65, 0.278], ["Sammy Sosa", 63, 0.288]]
"yaml": "Mark McGwire: {hr: 65, avg: 0.278}\nSammy Sosa: {\nhr: 63,\navg: 0.288\n}",
"result": {"Mark McGwire": {"hr": 65, "avg": 0.278}, "Sammy Sosa": {"hr": 63, "avg": 0.288}}
"yaml": "---\n# Products purchased\n- item : Super Hoop\n quantity: 1\n- item : Basketball\n quantity: 4\n- item : Big Shoes\n quantity: 1",
"result": [{"item": "Super Hoop", "quantity": 1}, {"item": "Basketball", "quantity": 4}, {"item": "Big Shoes", "quantity": 1}]
"yaml": "name: Mark McGwire\naccomplishment: >\n Mark set a major league\n home run record in 1998.\nstats: |\n 65 Home Runs\n 0.278 Batting Average",
"result": {"name": "Mark McGwire", "accomplishment": "Mark set a major league home run record in 1998.\n", "stats": "65 Home Runs\n0.278 Batting Average"}
"large documents": [
"yaml": "---\ninvoice: 34843\ndate : !!str 2001-01-23\nbill-to: &id001\n given : Chris\n family : Dumars\n address:\n lines: |\n 458 Walkman Dr.\n Suite #292\n city : Royal Oak\n state : MI\n postal : 48046\nship-to: *id001\nproduct:\n - sku : BL394D\n quantity : 4\n description : Basketball\n price : 450.00\n - sku : BL4438H\n quantity : 1\n description : Super Hoop\n price : 2392.00\ntax : 251.42\ntotal: 4443.52\ncomments:\n Late afternoon is best.\n Backup contact is Nancy\n Billsmer @ 338-4338.",
"result": {
"invoice": 34843,
"date": "2001-01-23",
"bill-to": {
"given": "Chris",
"family": "Dumars",
"address": {"lines": "458 Walkman Dr.\nSuite #292\n", "city": "Royal Oak", "state": "MI", "postal": 48046}
"ship-to": {
"given": "Chris",
"family": "Dumars",
"address": {"lines": "458 Walkman Dr.\nSuite #292\n", "city": "Royal Oak", "state": "MI", "postal": 48046}
"product": [
{"sku": "BL394D", "quantity": 4, "description": "Basketball", "price": 450.0},
{"sku": "BL4438H", "quantity": 1, "description": "Super Hoop", "price": 2392.0}
"tax": 251.42,
"total": 4443.52,
"comments": "Late afternoon is best. Backup contact is Nancy Billsmer @ 338-4338."
"yaml": "- Time: !!str 2001-11-23 15:01:42 -5\n User: ed\n Warning:\n This is an error message\n for the log file\n- Time: !!str 2001-11-23 15:02:31 -5\n User: ed\n Warning:\n A slightly different error\n message.\n- Date: !!str 2001-11-23 15:03:17 -5\n User: ed\n Fatal:\n Unknown variable \"bar\"\n Stack:\n - file:\n line: 23\n code: |\n x = MoreObject(\"345\\n\")\n - file:\n line: 58\n code: |-\n foo = bar",
"result": [
{"Time": "2001-11-23 15:01:42 -5", "User": "ed", "Warning": "This is an error message for the log file"},
{"Time": "2001-11-23 15:02:31 -5", "User": "ed", "Warning": "A slightly different error message."},
{"Date": "2001-11-23 15:03:17 -5", "User": "ed", "Fatal": "Unknown variable \"bar\"", "Stack": [
{"file": "", "line": 23, "code": "x = MoreObject(\"345\\n\")\n"},
{"file": "", "line": 58, "code": "foo = bar"}
"yaml": "# grammar.preg-coffee\n---\n# Matches a character class\n- Class: [ all, [\n [ literal, '[' ],\n [ label, content, maybe_some, all, [\n [ any, [\n [ literal, \\ ],\n [ reject, literal, ']' ]\n ] ],\n advance\n ] ],\n [ literal, ']' ]\n] ]\n\n# Matches a double indent (an indent followed by two space)\n- DOUBLE_INDENT: [ all, [\n INDENT,\n SPACE,\n SPACE\n] ]\n\n# Matches a single indent (a newline followed by two space)\n- INDENT: [ all, [\n NEWLINE,\n SPACE,\n SPACE\n] ]\n\n# Matches a single whitespace character (newline or space)\n- WHITESPACE: [ any, [\n NEWLINE,\n SPACE\n] ]\n\n# Matches a single CR/FL newline\n- NEWLINE: [ any,\n [ all, [\n [ literal, \"\\r\" ],\n [ maybe, literal, \"\\n\" ]\n ] ],\n [ literal, \"\\n\" ]\n]\n\n# Matches a single space\n- SPACE: [ literal, ' ' ]\n...",
"result": [
"Class": ["all", [ ["literal", "["], ["label", "content", "maybe_some", "all", [ ["any", [ ["literal", "\\"], ["reject", "literal", "]"] ] ], "advance"] ], ["literal", "]"] ] ]
"INDENT": ["all", ["NEWLINE", "SPACE", "SPACE"]]
"NEWLINE": ["any", ["all", [["literal", "\r"], ["maybe", "literal", "\n"]]], ["literal", "\n"]]
"SPACE": ["literal", " "]