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<h1>Leaky Joins</h1>
<h3><u>Ying Yang</u>, Oliver Kennedy</h3>
<h1>Leaky Joins</h1>
<h3>Ying Yang, <u>Oliver Kennedy</u></h3>
<img src="graphics/yingyang.jpg" style="float: right; margin-left: 20px; padding-top: 20px" />
<p>Ying could not be here today. If you like her ideas, get in touch with her. </p>
<p class="fragment">(If you don't, blame my presentation)</p>
<p class="fragment">(Also, Ying is on the job market)</p>
<img src="graphics/mimir_logo_final.png" />
<p><a href=""></a></p>
<p style="font-size: smaller" class="fragment">(not immediately relevant to the talk, but you should check it out)</p>
<h2>Roughly 1-2 years ago...</h2>
<p><b>Ying</b>: To implement {cool feature in Mimir}, we'll need to be able to perform <u>inference</u> on <u>Graphical Models</u>, but we will <u>not know how complex they are</u>.</p>
<h2>Graphical Models</h2>
<p>Joint probability distributions are expensive to store<br/>
$$p(D, I, G, S, J)$$</p>
<p class="fragment">Bayes rule lets us break apart the distribution<br/>
$$= p(D, I, G, S) \cdot p(J | D, I, G, S)$$</p>
<p class="fragment">And conditional independence lets us further simplify<br/>
$$= p(D, I, G, S) \cdot p(J | G, S)$$</p>
<p class="fragment">This is basis for a type of graphical model called a "Bayes Net"</p>
<h2>Bayesean Networks</h2>
<svg width="500" height="400">
<image xlink:href="graphics/studentBN.svg" x="-125" y="-90"
height="650" width="650" />
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<p>$p(D=1, I=0, S=0, G=2, J=1)$<br/>
<span class="fragment" data-fragment-index="1">$=\;0.5$</span>
<span class="fragment" data-fragment-index="2">$\cdot\;0.7$</span>
<span class="fragment" data-fragment-index="3">$\cdot\;0.95$</span>
<span class="fragment" data-fragment-index="4">$\cdot\;0.25$</span>
<span class="fragment" data-fragment-index="5">$\cdot\;0.8$</span>
<span class="fragment" data-fragment-index="6">$=\;0.0665$</span>
$p(D,I,S,G,J)$ <br/>
$p(D) \bowtie p(I) \bowtie p(S|I) \bowtie p(G|D,I) \bowtie p(J|G,S)$
<p>$p(J) = \sum_{D,I,S,G}p(D,I,S,G,J)$</p>
(aka the computing the marginal probability)
<h2>Inference Algorithms</h2>
<dt>Exact (e.g. Variable Elimination)</dt>
<dd>Fast and precise, but scales poorly with graph complexity.</dd>
<dt>Approximate (e.g. Gibbs Sampling)</dt>
<dd>Consistent performance, but only asymptotic convergence.</dd>
<p class="fragment"><b>Key Challenge</b>: For {really cool feature} we don't know whether we should use exact or approximate inference.</p>
<p>Can we gracefully degrade from exact to approximate inference?</p>
SELECT J.J, SUM(D.p * I.p * S.p * G.p * J.p) AS p
<p class="fragment">(Inference is essentially a big group-by aggregate join query)</p>
<p class="fragment" style="font-size: smaller">(Variable elimination is Aggregate Pushdown + Join Ordering)</p>
<h2>Idea: Online Aggregation</h2>
<h2>Online Aggregation (OLA)</h2>
<p style="margin-top: 60px;">$Avg(3,6,10,9,1,3,9,7,9,4,7,9,2,1,2,4,10,8,9,7) = 6$</p>
<p class="fragment">$Avg(3,6,10,9,1) = 5.8$ <span class="fragment">$\approx 6$</span></p>
<p class="fragment">$Sum\left(\frac{k}{N} Samples\right) \cdot \frac{N}{k} \approx Sum(*)$</p>
<p class="fragment" style="font-weight: bold; margin-top: 60px;">Sampling lets you approximate aggregate values with orders of magnitude less data.</p>
<h2>Typical OLA Challenges</h2>
<dt>Birthday Paradox</dt>
<dd>$Sample(R) \bowtie Sample(S)$ is likely to be empty.</dd>
<dt>Stratified Sampling</dt>
<dd>It doesn't matter how important they are to the aggregate, rare samples are still rare.</dd>
<dd> Does the sampling algorithm converge exactly or asymptotically?</dd>
<dt>Sampling Without Replacement</dt>
<dd>... eventually converges to a precise answer.</dd>
<dt>Sampling With Replacement</dt>
<dd>... doesn't need to track what's been sampled.</dd>
<dd>... produces a better behaved estimate distribution.</dd>
<h2>OLA over GMs</h2>
<dt>Tables are Small</dt>
<dd>Compute, not IO is the bottleneck.</dd>
<dt>Tables are Dense</dt>
<dd>Birthday Paradox and Stratified Sampling irrelevant.</dd>
<dt>Queries have High Tree-Width</dt>
<dd>Intermediate tables are large.</dd>
<p class="fragment" style="font-weight: bold;">Classical OLA techniques aren't entirely appropriate.</p>
<h2>(Naive) OLA: Cyclic Sampling</h2>
<h2>A Few Quick Insights</h2>
<li class="fragment">Small Tables make random access to data possible.</li>
<li class="fragment">Dense Tables mean we can sample directly from join outputs.</li>
<li class="fragment">Cyclic PRNGs like Linear Congruential Generators can be used to generate a <u>randomly ordered</u>, but <u>non-repeating</u> sequence of integers from $0$ to any $N$ in constant memory.</li>
<h2>Linear Congruential Generators</h2>
<p>If you pick $a$, $b$, and $N$ correctly, then the sequence:<p>
<p>$K_i = (a\cdot K_{i1}+b)\;mod\;N$</p>
<p>will produce $N$ distinct, pseudorandom integers $K_i \in [0, N)$</p>
<h2>Cyclic Sampling</h2>
<p>To marginalize $p(\{X_i\})$...</p>
<li>Init an LCG with a cycle of $N = \prod_i |dom(X_i)|$</li>
<li>Use the LCG to sample $\{x_i\} \in \{X_i\}$</li>
<li>Incorporate $p(x_i = X_i)$ into the OLA estimate</li>
<li>Repeat from 2 until done</li>
<dt>Sampling with Replacement</dt>
<dd>Chernoff Bounds, Hoeffding Bounds give an $\epsilon-\delta$ guarantee on the sum/avg of a sample <u>with replacement</u>.</dd>
<dt>Without Replacement?</dt>
<dd class="fragment">Serfling et. al. have a variant of Hoeffding Bounds for sampling without replacement.</dd>
<h2>Cyclic Sampling</h2>
<dd>Progressively better estimates over time.</dd>
<dd>Converges in bounded time.</dd>
<dd>Exponential time in the number of variables.</dd>
<h2>Better OLA: Leaky Joins</h2>
<p class="fragment">Make Cyclic Sampling into a composable operator</p>
<img src="graphics/JoinGraph.svg" height="400" style="float:left"/>
<table style="float:right">
<tr><th>$G$</th><th>#</th><th>$\sum p_{\psi_2}$</th></tr>
<tr class="fragment" data-fragment-index="2"><td>1</td><td>1</td><td>0.126</td></tr>
<tr><th>$I$</th><th>$G$</th><th>#</th><th>$\sum p_{\psi_1}$</th></tr>
<tr class="fragment" data-fragment-index="1"><td>0</td><td>1</td><td>1</td><td>0.18</td></tr>
<img src="graphics/JoinGraph.svg" height="400" style="float:left"/>
<table style="float:right">
<tr><th>$G$</th><th>#</th><th>$\sum p_{\psi_2}$</th></tr>
<tr><th>$I$</th><th>$G$</th><th>#</th><th>$\sum p_{\psi_1}$</th></tr>
<img src="graphics/JoinGraph.svg" height="400" style="float:left"/>
<table style="float:right">
<tr><th>$G$</th><th>#</th><th>$\sum p_{\psi_2}$</th></tr>
<tr><th>$I$</th><th>$G$</th><th>#</th><th>$\sum p_{\psi_1}$</th></tr>
<h2>Leaky Joins</h2>
<li>Build a normal join/aggregate graph as in variable elimination: One Cyclic Sampler for each Join+Aggregate.</li>
<li>Keep advancing Cyclic Samplers in parallel, resetting their output after every cycle so samples "leak" through.</li>
<li>When the sampler completes one full cycle with a complete input, mark it complete and stop sampling it.</li>
<li>Continue until a desired accuracy is reached or all tables marked complete.</li>
<p>There's a bit of extra math to compute $\epsilon-\delta$ bounds by adapting Serfling's results. It's in the paper.</p>
<dd>Fix time, vary domain size, measure accuracy</dd>
<dd>Fix domain size, vary time, measure accuracy</dd>
<dd>Vary domain size, measure time to completion</dd>
<dd>4 graphs from the bnlearn Repository</dd>
<img src="graphics/extended_student.png" />
<p><b>Student</b>: A common benchmark graph.</p>
<h2>Accuracy vs Domain</h2>
<img src="graphics/fixed_time.png" height="400"/>
<p class="fragment" style="font-weight: bold">VE is binary: It completes, or it doesn't.</p>
<h2>Accuracy vs Time</h2>
<img src="graphics/student_avg.png" height="400"/>
<p class="fragment" style="font-weight: bold">CS gets early results faster, but is overtaken by LJ.</p>
<h2>Domain vs Time to 100%</h2>
<img src="graphics/student_scaling.png" height="400"/>
<p class="fragment" style="font-weight: bold">LJ is only 3-5x slower than VE.</p>
<img src="graphics/child.png" style="float:left" height="280">
<img src="graphics/child_avg.png" height="350">
<p class="fragment" style="font-weight: bold; float:clear">LJ converges to an exact result before Gibbs gets an approx.</p>
<img src="graphics/insurance.png" style="float:left" height="280">
<img src="graphics/insurance_avg.png" height="350">
<p class="fragment" style="font-weight: bold; float:clear">On some graphs Gibbs is better, but only marginally.</p>
<h2>More graphs in the paper.</h2>
<h2>Leaky Joins</h2>
<li>Classical OLA isn't appropriate for GMs.</li>
<li><b>Idea 1</b>: LCGs can sample <u>without</u> replacement.</li>
<li><b>Idea 2</b>: "Leak" samples through a normal join graph.</li>
<li>Compared to both Variable Elim. and Gibbs Sampling, Leaky Joins are often better and never drastically worse.</li>
<p class="fragment" style="font-weight: bold">Questions?</p>
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