2015-12-03 19:57:30 -05:00
readme.txt Importing assets 2015-12-03 19:57:30 -05:00
simple-mathjax.php Importing assets 2015-12-03 19:57:30 -05:00

=== Simple Mathjax ===

Contributors: sgcoskey
Donate link:
Tags: mathjax, latex
Requires at least: 3.0
Tested up to: 4.0
Stable tag: 0.6

Yet another plugin to add MathJax support to your wordpress blog.
Just wrap your equations inside $ signs and MathJax will render
them visually.

== Description ==

This wordpress plugin is yet another simple plugin to load the
[MathJax]( scripts at the bottom of all of your
pages.  It uses a very all-inclusive mathjax configuration by default,
with $'s and $$'s the default delimeters for in-line and displayed

A preference pane is added to the "Settings" group where you can
modify the MathJax server location (CDN) and the MathJax configuration
settings.  (See [this
for details on the options available.)  You can also specify a LaTeX
"preamble" of newcommands which will be loaded in a hidden element
near the top of each page.

Fork this plugin on

== Installation ==

Nothing unusual here!

== Changelog ==

`0.6` allow writing dollar sign using backslash-dollar

`0.5` minor code cleanup, allow mathjax in admin screens

`0.4` use safe mode (prevents evil scripts) by default

`0.3` use wp_enqueue_script to allow others to use mathjax as a dependency
(christianp).  removed disqus compatibility due to reports of it no longer

`0.2` added disqus compatibility. enclosed the preamble in a hidden span to
cover a small space created by mathjax v.2

`0.1` improved loading of the LaTeX preamble so that it appears just
below the body tag, rather than in the header

`0.0` initial release