2015-12-02 18:21:44 -05:00

101 lines
3.1 KiB

'use strict';
var path = require('path');
var arrify = require('arrify');
var assign = require('object-assign');
var minimatch = require('minimatch');
var isString = require('is-string');
var matchPos = require('./match-pos');
module.exports = function normalizeOptions(options) {
options = assign({
filter: '**/*.js',// string, function, array of strings
preserveComments: false, // boolean, 'all', 'some', function
removeOriginal: false, // boolean
concat: false, // boolean, string
// TODO inSourceMap: false, // boolean, string ({{dir}}/{{name}}), function
sourceMap: false, // boolean, string ({{dir}}/{{name}}), function
output: {}
}, options);
options.fromString = true;
options.order = normalizeOrder(options.order);
options.filter = normalizeFilter(options.filter);
options.sourceMap = normalizeSourceMapPath(options.sourceMap);
// TODO make getMinPath configurable
options.getMinPath = getMinPath;
if (options.concat) {
if (!isString(options.concat)) {
throw new Error('uglify: options.concat must be falsy or a string');
options.getMinPath = function () { return options.concat; };
if (options.preserveComments === 'all' || options.preserveComments === true) {
options.output.comments = true;
} else if (options.preserveComments === 'some') {
// preserve comments with directives or that start with a bang (!)
options.output.comments = /^!|@preserve|@license|@cc_on/i;
} else if (typeof options.preserveComments === 'function') {
options.output.comments = options.preserveComments;
return options;
function normalizeFilter(filter) {
// If it's a string, it must be a glob type thing
if (isString(filter)) {
return minimatch.filter(filter);
// If it's a function, pass it directly to the .filter function
if (typeof filter === 'function') {
return filter;
// If it's an array (of strings), then return a filtering function that only
// returns the files given in the array
if (Array.isArray(filter)) {
return function (file) {
return filter.some(function (pattern) {
return minimatch(file, pattern);
return function () { return true; };
function normalizeOrder(order) {
order = arrify(order);
return function (a, b) {
return matchPos(a, order) - matchPos(b, order);
function normalizeSourceMapPath(option) {
if (!option) { return function () {}; }
if (option === true) { option = '{{dir}}/{{name}}.map'; }
if (typeof option === 'function') { return option; }
if (isString(option)) {
return function (filepath) {
var dirname = path.dirname(filepath);
var filename = path.basename(filepath);
var replacement = option
.replace(/\{\{dir\}\}/g, dirname)
.replace(/\{\{name\}\}/g, filename);
return path.normalize(replacement);
return function () {};
function getMinPath(filepath) {
var ext = path.extname(filepath);
var base = path.basename(filepath, ext);
var dir = path.dirname(filepath);
return path.join(dir, base + '.min' + ext);