2016-06-14 19:56:33 -04:00

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Curriculum Vitae
Oliver Kennedy
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
63 Bassett Road
University at Buffalo, SUNY
Amherst, NY 14221
338 Davis Hall
Buffalo, NY 14260
+1 (716) 645-1597
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Department of Computer Science
\textit{``Watch out for... What?: Monitoring and Uncertainty in Scientific Computing''
Advisor: Christoph Koch
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Department of Computer Science
\textit{BS (with Honors),
New York University, New York, NY
Department of Computer Science
Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ
Department of Computer Engineering
\section*{Employment History}
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Comp. Sci. \& Eng., SUNY Buffalo
Sept. 2012 -- present
Postdoctoral Fellow, D.A.T.A. Lab, EPFL, Switzerland
June 2011 -- Aug. 2012
Intern, Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA
May 2010 -- Aug. 2010
Intern, Yahoo! Labs, Sunnyvale CA
May 2009 -- Aug. 2009
Teaching/Research Assistant, Cornell University
Sept. 2005 -- May 2011
Programmer, Humanities Computing Group, New York University
Sept. 2003 -- Aug. 2005
Programmer, Parallel and Dist. Sys. Group, New York University
Jan. 2001 -- May 2003
The pVLDB 2012 paper titled ``DBToaster: Higher-order Delta Processing for Dynamic, Frequently Fresh Views" was accepted to the ``Best of VLDB 2012" issue of the VLDB Journal
\section*{Professional Activities}
\subsection*{Reviewer / Program Comittee Member}
Journal: The VLDB Journal (VLDBJ)
Journal: IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE)
2013 -- 2014
Journal: ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS)
Journal: Computer Science Education (CSE)
Workshop: The VLDB PhD Workshop (VLDB-PhD)
Demo: VLDB Demo Track (VLDB-Demo)
Journal: Proceedings of the International Conference on Very Large Databases (Hybrid Journal/Conference) (pVLDB)
Conference: The ACM SIGMOD/PODS Conference (SIGMOD)
2015 -- 2017
Workshop: Provenance Week (PWEEK)
Workshop: Workshop on Human-In-the-Loop Data Analytics (HILDA)
WebDB Session Chair
NSF Panel Member
2014 -- 2015
SIGMOD Reproducability Committee
\subsection*{Professional Memberships}
2012 -- present
2010 -- present
ACM-Computer Science Teachers Assoc.
2012 -- present
WNY Chapter Secretary
Sept. 2013 -- Sept. 2015
2009 -- present
\subsection*{Volunteer Work}
LIBERTY Partnerships
2013 -- present
Summer Mentor
2013 -- 2014
`I Can' Program Volunteer
Coder Dojo Mentor
2013 -- 2014
Science is Elementary Class Leader
2014 -- 2016
\subsection*{Departmental Service}
Dept. of Comp. Sci. and Eng., University at Buffalo, SUNY
Graduate Admissions Committee
2012 -- present
Graduate Advisory Board
2012 -- present
Faculty Search Committee
2012 -- 2014
Colloquium Committee
2012 -- 2014
Grievances Committee
2015 -- present
Undergraduate Curriculum Development Subcommittee
2015 -- present
\section*{Invited Talks}
--- Embracing Uncertainty with Mimir
May 2016
--- Embracing Uncertainty with Mimir
Mar. 2016
\textit{Buffalo District Board of Education
--- LEGO NXT Professional Development
Jan. 2015
\textit{Ohio State Computer Science Colloquium
--- PocketData: What's in your pocket?
Oct. 2015
--- Just-In-Time Data Structures
Jan. 2015
--- Just-In-Time Data Structures
Jan. 2015
\textit{Snowflake Computing Inc.
--- Just-In-Time Data Structures
Jan. 2015
\textit{Western New York CSTA Fall Conference
--- Queries with Twitter Tutorial
Oct. 2014
\textit{Buffalo Database Seminar Meetup
--- Everything I Need to Know I Learned From PL
Sept. 2014
\textit{Google CS4HS, ACM-CSTA, and Buffalo State
--- Mobilize Prime Workshop
(with Lukasz Ziarek, Sarbani Banerjee)
March. 2014
\textit{Western New York CSTA Professional Development Workshops
--- SQL Tutorial
Jan. 2014
\textit{Buffalo Database Seminar Meetup
--- Emerging Trends in Database Research
Jan. 2014
\textit{Western New York CSTA 2013 CS4HS Workshop
--- Python Workshop
(with Lukasz Ziarek, Sarbani Banerjee)
Jun. 2013
\textit{Cornell University Database Colloquium
--- Laasie: The Log as a Service Infrastructure
Feb. 2013
\textit{Western New York CSTA 2012 Fall Conference
--- Python Workshop
(with Lukasz Ziarek, Sarbani Banerjee)
Oct. 2012
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SUNY Buffalo
\texttt{CSE 562
Graduate Database Systems (planned)
Spring 2017
\texttt{CSE 662
Languages and Runtimes for Big Data (planned)
Fall 2016
\texttt{CSE 462
Undergraduate Database Systems
Spring 2016
\texttt{CSE 662
Languages and Runtimes for Big Data
--- 29 students
Fall 2015
\texttt{CSE 562
Graduate Database Systems
--- 79 students
Spring 2015
\texttt{CSE 704
Databases, Programming Languages and Datastructures
--- 21 students
Fall 2014
\texttt{CSE 562
Graduate Database Systems
--- 148 students
Spring 2014
\texttt{CSE 704
Streaming, Incremental and Online Data Processing
--- 18 students
Fall 2013
\texttt{CSE 562
Graduate Database Systems
--- 101 students
Spring 2013
\texttt{CSE 704
Web-Scale Data Management Systems Seminar
--- 15 students
Fall 2012
School of Computer and Communication Sciences, EPFL, Switzerland
Advanced Databases
(as Teaching Assistant)
Spring 2011
Department of Computer Science, Cornell University
\texttt{CS 4410
Operating Systems
(as Practicum Instructor)
Fall 2008
\texttt{CS 414
Operating Systems
(as Practicum Instructor)
Spring 2006
\texttt{CS 414
Operating Systems
(as Practicum Instructor)
Fall 2006
\section*{Grant Support}
\subsection*{Pending Applications (3)}
:&\parbox{5in}{\textsf{CIF21 DIBBs: EI: Vizier, Streamlined Data Curation
:&\parbox{5in}{NSF: ACI: DIBBS
:&Boris Glavic, Juliana Freire
:&\parbox{5in}{\textsf{CI-P: Supporting Pocket Scale Data Management Research
:&\parbox{5in}{NSF: CISE: IIS: CRI
:&\parbox{5in}{\textsf{III: Small: Just in Time Datastructures
:&\parbox{5in}{NSF: CISE: IIS: III
\subsection*{Awarded Grants (2)}
:&\parbox{5in}{\textsf{Curating Uncertainty and Reliable Exploitation (CURE)
:&\parbox{5in}{The US Naval Postgraduate School
:&Moises Sudit
:&\parbox{5in}{\textsf{TWC: Medium: Collaborative: Data is Social: Exploiting Data Relationships to Detect Insider Attacks
:&\parbox{5in}{NSF: CISE: SaTC
(Total Across Collaboration: \$1,215,973)
:&Hung Ngo, Shambhu Upadhyaya, Varun Chandola
\textit{Peer Org.
:&University of Michigan Ann Arbor
(amount included in total above)
\subsection*{Gifts (3)}
:&\parbox{5in}{\textsf{Intuitive Data Interpretation
:&\parbox{5in}{Oracle University Relations
:&\parbox{5in}{\textsf{Expressing Uncertainty Using the maybe System
:&\parbox{5in}{Google Research Awards
:&Geoffrey Challen, Lukasz Ziarek
:&\parbox{5in}{\textsf{Intuitive Data Interpretation
:&\parbox{5in}{Oracle University Relations
\subsection*{Completed (1)}
:&\parbox{5in}{\textsf{Intuitive Data Interpretation
:&\parbox{5in}{Oracle University Relations
:&Jan Chomicki
\section*{Publications and Artifacts}
\subsection*{Journal Publications (3)}
``Lenses: An On-Demand Approach to ETL'' (Y. Yang, N. Meneghetti, R. Fehling, Z. H. Liu, \textbf{O. Kennedy})---
\textit{Proceedings of the International Conference on Very Large Databases (Hybrid Journal/Conference) (pVLDB) 2015,
12 pages,
acceptance rate 21.3\%
``DBToaster: Higher-order Delta Processing for Dynamic, Frequently Fresh Views'' (C. Koch, Y. Ahmad, \textbf{O. Kennedy}, M. Nicolic, A. N\"otzli, D. Lupei, A. Shaikhana; \textit{Authors listed in descending order of seniority})---
\textit{The VLDB Journal (VLDBJ) 2014 (Volume 23, Number 2; Special issue on the best papers of VLDB 2012),
25 pages,
acceptance rate not available
``DBToaster: Higher-order Delta Processing for Dynamic, Frequently Fresh Views'' (Y. Ahmad, \textbf{O. Kennedy}, C. Koch, M. Nicolic)---
\textit{Proceedings of the International Conference on Very Large Databases (Hybrid Journal/Conference) (pVLDB) 2012,
12 pages,
acceptance rate 20.3\%
\subsection*{Conference Publications (9)}
``Just in Time Datastructures'' (\textbf{O. Kennedy}, L. Ziarek)---
\textit{The Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR)
10 pages,
acceptance rate unknown (less than 30\% in previous years)
``PigOut: Making Multiple Hadoop Clusters Work Together'' (K. Jeon, S. Chandrashekhara, F. Shen, S. Mehra, \textbf{O. Kennedy}, S. Y. Ko; \textit{Authors listed students first, then faculty})---
\textit{The IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData)
9 pages,
acceptance rate 18.6\%
``Inventory Allocation for Online Graphical Display Advertising Using Multi-Objective Optimization'' (J. Yang, E. Vee, S. Vassilvitskii, J. Tomlin, J. Shanmugasundaram, T. Anastasakos, \textbf{O. Kennedy})---
\textit{The International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES)
12 pages,
acceptance rate not available
``Jigsaw: Efficient optimization over uncertain enterprise data'' (\textbf{O. Kennedy}, S. Nath)---
\textit{The ACM SIGMOD/PODS Conference (SIGMOD)
12 pages,
acceptance rate 23.2\%
``DBToaster: Agile Views for a Dynamic Data Management System'' (\textbf{O. Kennedy}, Y. Ahmad, C. Koch)---
\textit{The Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR)
12 pages,
acceptance rate unknown (less than 30\% in previous years)
``PIP: A Database System for Great and Small Expectations'' (\textbf{O. Kennedy}, C. Koch)---
\textit{The International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE)
12 pages,
acceptance rate 21.0\%
``Dynamic approaches to in-network aggregation'' (\textbf{O. Kennedy}, C. Koch, A. Demers)---
\textit{The International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE)
4 pages,
acceptance rate 17.0\%
``The Face of Meaning'' (G. Shawver, \textbf{O. Kennedy})---
\textit{The Joint International Conference of the Association for Computers and the Humanities and the Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing (ACH/ALLH)
6 pages,
acceptance rate not available
``Second language comprehension in an online multimedia environment: Integrating theory and practice.'' (E. Lage-Otero, \textbf{O. Kennedy})---
\textit{The World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education (E-Learn)
2 pages,
acceptance rate not available
\subsection*{Workshop Publications (7)}
``The Exception That Improves The Rule'' (J. Freire, B. Glavic, \textbf{O. Kennedy}, H. Mueller; \textit{Authors listed in alphabetical order})---
\textit{Workshop on Human-In-the-Loop Data Analytics (HILDA)
6 pages,
acceptance rate 50.0\%
``Provenance-aware Versioned Dataworkspaces'' (X. Niu, B. Arab, D. Gawlick, Z. H. Liu, V. Krishnaswamy, \textbf{O. Kennedy}, B. Glavic)---
\textit{USENIX Workshop on Theory and Practice of Provenance (TaPP)
6 pages,
acceptance rate not available
``Ettu: Analyzing Query Intents in Corporate Databases'' (G. Kul, D. T. Luong, T. Xie, P. Coonan, V. Chandola, \textbf{O. Kennedy}, S. Upadhyaya)---
\textit{Workshop on Empirical Research Methods in Information Security (ERMIS)
4 pages,
acceptance rate not available
``Pocket Data: The Need for TPC-MOBILE'' (\textbf{O. Kennedy}, J. A. Ajay, G. Challen, L. Ziarek)---
\textit{The TPC Technology Conference on Performance Evaluation \& Benchmarking (TPC-TC)
16 pages,
acceptance rate not available
``maybe We Should Enable More Uncertain Mobile App Programming'' (G. Challen, J. A. Ajay, N. DiRienzo, \textbf{O. Kennedy}, A. Maiti, A. Nandugudi, S. Shantharam, J. Shi, G. P. Srinivasa, L. Ziarek; \textit{Authors listed in alphabetical order})---
\textit{The ACM Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (HotMobile)
6 pages,
acceptance rate 28.75\%
``Detecting the Temporal Context of Queries'' (\textbf{O. Kennedy}, Y. Yang, J. Chomicki, R. Fehling, Z. H. Liu, D. Gawlick; \textit{Authors listed UB first, then Oracle})---
\textit{Enabling Real-Time Business Intelligence (BIRTE)
17 pages,
acceptance rate unknown; average rate approximately 45.0\%
``Monadic Logs for Collaborative Web Applications'' (S. Agarwal, D. Bellinger, \textbf{O. Kennedy}, A. Upadhyay, L. Ziarek; \textit{Authors listed in alphabetical order})---
\textit{The International Workshop on the Web and Databases (WebDB)
6 pages,
acceptance rate 25.0\%
\subsection*{Technical Reports (5)}
``Mimir: Bringing CTables into Practice'' (A. Nandi, Y. Yang, \textbf{O. Kennedy}, B. Glavic, R. Fehling, Z. H. Liu, D. Gawlick)---
\textit{The ArXiv (ArXiv),
12 pages
``$Bar_{QL}$: Collaborating Through Change'' (\textbf{O. Kennedy}, L. Ziarek)---
\textit{SUNY Buffalo Computer Science \& Engineering Report (UB CSE) \#2013-03,
10 pages
``$Bar_{QL}$: Collaborating through Change'' (\textbf{O. Kennedy}, L. Ziarek)---
\textit{The ArXiv (ArXiv),
9 pages
``Inventory Allocation for Online Graphical Display Advertising'' (J. Yang, E. Vee, S. Vassilvitskii, J. Tomlin, J. Shanmugasundaram, \textbf{O. Kennedy})---
\textit{The ArXiv (ArXiv),
25 pages
``Dynamic approaches to in-network aggregation'' (\textbf{O. Kennedy}, C. Koch, A. Demers)---
\textit{The ArXiv (ArXiv),
11 pages
\subsection*{Patents (2)}
``Efficient Optimization over Uncertain Data'' (S. Nath, S. Lee, S. Smyl, C. Loboz, \textbf{O. Kennedy})--- USA Patent \#8,650,180
``System for Display Advertising Optimization Using Click or Conversion Performance'' (\textbf{O. Kennedy}, T. Anastasakos, J. Mao, E. Vee, J. Shanmugasundaram, S. Vassilvitskii, J. Yang, J. Tomlin)--- USA Patent \#8,650,180
\subsection*{Artifacts (4)}
\textbf{DBToaster} (software)\\
\textit{A tool that dynamically compiles database engines optimized for any given query workload.}\\
First released May 2012
As of December 10, 2014, DBToaster had
4191 unique website visitors and 1032 unique downloads
\textbf{Just-in-Time Data Structures} (software)\\
\textit{An index structure that dynamically adapts to variable workloads.}\\
First released July 2014
\textbf{Mimir} (software)\\
\textit{A probabilistic overlay for database systems}\\
First released January 2015
\textbf{PigOut} (software)\\
\textit{A multi-cluster runtime for Pig Latin}\\
First released October 2014