okennedy created page: Readinglist CSEd

Oliver Kennedy 2015-10-16 10:45:38 -04:00
parent 2b043a4f1a
commit 0156cef359
1 changed files with 63 additions and 0 deletions

Readinglist-CSEd.md Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
# CS Education (Tools for Teaching Programming & CS)
* http://code.org
### Self-Teaching
* http://girldevelopit.com/materials (Development 101, HTML/CSS, Javascript, PHP, Ruby/Rails, Python, Android)
* http://www.codecademy.com (Javascript, HTML/CSS, PHP, Python, Ruby, APIs)
* https://www.codeschool.com (Ruby, Javascript, HTML/CSS, iOS)
### A/V Programming
* http://earsketch.gatech.edu
* GATech Media Computation
### Visual Programming
* Light Bot 2.0
* Alice 3.0
* Greenfoot
* [Scratch](http://scratch.mit.edu)
* [SNAP/BYOB](http://byob.berkeley.edu)
* [PencilCode](http://pencilcode.net)
### Python
* http://interactivepython.org
### Ruby
* Kids Ruby
* "Try Ruby":http://tryruby.org
* "Ruby Warrior":https://www.bloc.io/ruby-warrior
### Robotics
* [EggBot](http://egg-bot.com): Egg-painting "printer".
### Domain Specific
* "Pop!World":http://popworld15.appspot.com (Evolutionary Biology)
* http://cs.canisius.edu/~hertzm/wnycsta/ (Little Assignment for Big Data)
* https://picoctf.com (Crypto / Sigint)
* http://setosa.io/ev/ (Math Explained Visually)
### GIS
* "Continental Divide":http://blogs.mathworks.com/steve/2009/04/24/continental-divide-1-intro/
* "BoundlessGeo":http://workshops.boundlessgeo.com
* mjolnir:/local2/software/postgis.ova
### Data Sources
* "US-Census Data":http://www.census.gov/geo/maps-data/
* "OpenStreetMap":http://planet.openstreetmap.org
### Challenges
* "Project Euler":https://projecteuler.net/problems
* "HackerRank":https://www.hackerrank.com
* "LeetCode":http://oj.leetcode.com/problems/
* "Crypto Challenges":http://www.matasano.com/articles/crypto-challenges/
* "Python Challenge":http://pythonchallenge.com/