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\subsection{\sampmon Notes}
While we would like to take advantage of the space efficiency gained in using a circuit \circuit instead an expression tree \etree, we do not know that such a method exists when computing a sample of the input polynomial representation.
The efficiency gains of circuits over trees is found in the capability of circuits to only require space for each \emph{distinct} term in the compressed representation. This saves space in such polynomials containing non-distinct terms multiplied or added to each other, e.g., $x^4$. However, to avoid biased sampling, it is imperative to sample from both inputs of a multiplication gate, independently, which is indeed the approach of \sampmon.
\subsection{Proof of~\Cref{lem:sample}}\label{sec:proof-sample-monom}
We first need to show that $\sampmon$ indeed returns a monomial $\monom$,\footnote{Technically it returns $\var(\monom)$ but for less cumbersome notation we will refer to $\var(\monom)$ simply by $\monom$ in this proof.} such that $(\monom, \coef)$ is in $\expansion{\circuit}$, which we do by induction on the depth of $\circuit$.
For the base case, let the depth $d$ of $\circuit$ be $0$. We have that the root node is either a constant $\coef$ for which by line ~\ref{alg:sample-num-return} we return $\{~\}$, or we have that $\circuit.\type = \var$ and $\circuit.\val = x$, and by line ~\ref{alg:sample-var-return} we return $\{x\}$. Both cases sample a monomial%satisfy ~\cref{def:monomial}
, and the base case is proven.
For the inductive hypothesis, assume that for $d \leq k$ for some $k \geq 0$, that it is indeed the case that $\sampmon$ returns a monomial.
For the inductive step, let us take a circuit $\circuit$ with $d = k + 1$. Note that each input has depth $d \leq k$, and by inductive hypothesis both of them return a valid monomial. Then the root can be either a $\circplus$ or $\circmult$ node. For the case of a $\circplus$ root node, line ~\ref{alg:sample-plus-bsamp} of $\sampmon$ will choose one of the inputs of the root. By inductive hypothesis it is the case that a monomial in \expansion(\circuit) is being returned from either input. Then it follows that for the case of $+$ root node a valid monomial is returned by $\sampmon$. When the root is a $\circmult$ node, line ~\ref{alg:sample-times-union} %and ~\ref{alg:sample-times-product} multiply
computes the set union of the monomials returned by the two inputs of the root, and it is trivial to see
%by definition ~\ref{def:monomial}
%the product of two monomials is also a monomial, and
by ~\Cref{def:expand-circuit} that \monom is a valid monomial in some $(\monom, \coef) \in \expansion{\circuit}$.
We will next prove by induction on the depth $d$ of $\circuit$ that the $(\monom,\coef) \in \expansion{\circuit}$ is the \monom returned by $\sampmon$ with a probability %`that is in accordance with the monomial sampled,
For the base case $d = 0$, by definition ~\ref{def:express-tree} we know that the root has to be either a coefficient or a variable. For either case, the probability of the value returned is $1$ since there is only one value to sample from. When the root is a variable $x$ the algorithm correctly returns $(\{x\}, 1 )$. When the root is a coefficient, \sampmon ~correctly returns $(\{~\}, sign(\coef_i))$.
For the inductive hypothesis, assume that for $d \leq k$ and $k \geq 0$ $\sampmon$ indeed samples $\monom$ in $(\monom, \coef)$ in $\expansion{\circuit}$ with probability $\frac{|\coef|}{\abs{\circuit}\polyinput{1}{1}}$.%bove is true.%lemma ~\ref{lem:sample} is true.
We prove now for $d = k + 1$ the inductive step holds. It is the case that the root of $\circuit$ has up to two inputs $\circuit_\linput$ and $\circuit_\rinput$. Since $\circuit_\linput$ and $\circuit_\rinput$ are both depth $d \leq k$, by inductive hypothesis, $\sampmon$ will sample both monomials $\monom_\lchild$ in $(\monom_\lchild, \coef_\lchild)$ of $\expansion{\circuit_\linput}$ and $\monom_\rchild$ in $(\monom_\rchild, \coef_\rchild)$ of $\expansion{\circuit_\rinput}$, from $\circuit_\linput$ and $\circuit_\rinput$ with probability $\frac{|\coef_\lchild|}{\abs{\circuit_\linput}\polyinput{1}{1}}$ and $\frac{|\coef_\rchild|}{\abs{\circuit_\rinput}\polyinput{1}{1}}$.
The root has to be either a $\circplus$ or $\circmult$ node.
Consider the case when the root is $\circmult$. Note that we are sampling a term from $\expansion{\circuit}$. Consider $(\monom, \coef)$ in $\expansion{\circuit}$, where $\monom$ is the sampled monomial. Notice also that it is the case that $\monom = \monom_\lchild \circmult \monom_\rchild$, where $\monom_\lchild$ is coming from $\circuit_\linput$ and $\monom_\rchild$ from $\circuit_\rinput$. The probability that \sampmon$(\circuit_{\lchild})$ returns $\monom_\lchild$ is $\frac{|\coef_{\monom_\lchild}|}{|\circuit_\linput|(1,\ldots, 1)}$ and $\frac{|\coef_{\monom_\rchild}|}{\abs{\circuit_\rinput}\polyinput{1}{1}}$ for $\monom_\rchild$. Since both $\monom_\lchild$ and $\monom_\rchild$ are sampled with independent randomness, the final probability for sample $\monom$ is then $\frac{|\coef_{\monom_\lchild}| \cdot |\coef_{\monom_\rchild}|}{|\circuit_\linput|(1,\ldots, 1) \cdot |\circuit_\rinput|(1,\ldots, 1)}$. For $(\monom, \coef)$ in \expansion{\circuit}, it is indeed the case that $|\coef| = |\coef_{\monom_\lchild}| \cdot |\coef_{\monom_\rchild}|$ and that $\abs{\circuit}(1,\ldots, 1) = |\circuit_\linput|(1,\ldots, 1) \cdot |\circuit_\rinput|(1,\ldots, 1)$, and therefore $\monom$ is sampled with correct probability $\frac{|\coef|}{\abs{\circuit}(1,\ldots, 1)}$.
For the case when $\circuit.\val = \circplus$, \sampmon ~will sample monomial $\monom$ from one of its inputs. By inductive hypothesis we know that any $\monom_\lchild$ in $\expansion{\circuit_\linput}$ and any $\monom_\rchild$ in $\expansion{\circuit_\rinput}$ will both be sampled with correct probability $\frac{|\coef_{\monom_\lchild}|}{\circuit_{\lchild}(1,\ldots, 1)}$ and $\frac{|\coef_{\monom_\rchild}|}{|\circuit_\rinput|(1,\ldots, 1)}$, where either $\monom_\lchild$ or $\monom_\rchild$ will equal $\monom$, depending on whether $\circuit_\linput$ or $\circuit_\rinput$ is sampled. Assume that $\monom$ is sampled from $\circuit_\linput$, and note that a symmetric argument holds for the case when $\monom$ is sampled from $\circuit_\rinput$. Notice also that the probability of choosing $\circuit_\linput$ from $\circuit$ is $\frac{\abs{\circuit_\linput}\polyinput{1}{1}}{\abs{\circuit_\linput}\polyinput{1}{1} + \abs{\circuit_\rinput}\polyinput{1}{1}}$ as computed by $\onepass$. Then, since $\sampmon$ goes top-down, and each sampling choice is independent (which follows from the randomness in the root of $\circuit$ being independent from the randomness used in its subtrees), the probability for $\monom$ to be sampled from $\circuit$ is equal to the product of the probability that $\circuit_\linput$ is sampled from $\circuit$ and $\monom$ is sampled in $\circuit_\linput$, and
&\probOf(\sampmon(\circuit) = \monom) = \\
&\probOf(\sampmon(\circuit_\linput) = \monom) \cdot \probOf(SampledChild(\circuit) = \circuit_\linput)\\
&= \frac{|\coef_\monom|}{|\circuit_\linput|(1,\ldots, 1)} \cdot \frac{\abs{\circuit_\linput}(1,\ldots, 1)}{|\circuit_\linput|(1,\ldots, 1) + |\circuit_\rinput|(1,\ldots, 1)}\\
&= \frac{|\coef_\monom|}{\abs{\circuit}(1,\ldots, 1)},
and we obtain the desired result.
\paragraph{Run-time Analysis}
It is easy to check that except for lines~\ref{alg:sample-times-union} and~\ref{alg:sample-plus-bsamp}, all lines take $O(1)$ time. For \cref{alg:sample-times-uinon}, consider an execution of~\Cref{alg:sample-times-union}. We note that we will be adding a given set of variables to some set at most once: since the sum of the sizes of the sets at a given level is at most $\degree(\circuit)$, each gate visited takes $O(\log{\degree(\circuit)})$. For \cref{alg:sample-plus-bsamp} we have $> O(1)$ time when $\abs{\circuit}(1,\ldots, 1) > \size(\circuit)$. when this is the case that for each sample, we have $\frac{\log{\abs{\circuit}(1,\ldots, 1)}}{\log{\size(\circuit)}}$ operations, since we need to read in and then compare numbers of of $\log{{\abs{\circuit}(1,\ldots, 1)}}$ bits. Denote \cost(\circuit) (\Cref{eq:cost-sampmon}) to be an upper bound of the number of nodes visited by \sampmon. Then the runtime is $O\left(\cost(\circuit)\cdot \log{\degree(\circuit)}\cdot\frac{\log{\abs{\circuit}(1,\ldots, 1)}}{\log{\size(\circuit)}}\right)$.
We now bound the number of recursive calls in $\sampmon$ by $O\left((\degree(\circuit) + 1)\right.$$\left.\cdot\right.$ $\left.\depth(\circuit)\right)$.
Let \cost$(\cdot)$ be a function that models an upper bound on the number of gates that can be visited in the run of \sampmon. We define \cost$(\cdot)$ recursively as follows.
\cost(\circuit) =
1 + \cost(\circuit_\linput) + \cost(\circuit_\rinput) & \textbf{if } \text{\circuit.\type = }\circmult\\
1 + \max\left(\cost(\circuit_\linput), \cost(\circuit_\rinput)\right) & \textbf{if } \text{\circuit.\type = \circplus}\\
1 & \textbf{otherwise}
First note that the number of gates visited in \sampmon is $\leq\cost(\circuit)$. To show that \Cref{eq:cost-sampmon} upper bounds the number of nodes visited by \sampmon, note that when \sampmon visits a gate such that \circuit.\type $ =\circmult$, line ~\ref{alg:sample-times-for-loop} visits each input of \circuit, as defined in (\ref{eq:cost-sampmon}). For the case when \circuit.\type $= \circplus$, line ~\ref{alg:sample-plus-bsamp} visits exactly one of the input gates, which may or may not be the subcircuit with the maximum number of gates traversed, which makes \cost$(\cdot)$ an upperbound. Finally, it is trivial to see that when \circuit.\type $\in \{\var, \tnum\}$, i.e., a source gate, that only one gate is visited.
We prove the following inequality holds.
2\degree(\circuit) \cdot \depth(\circuit) + 1 \geq \cost(\circuit)\label{eq:strict-upper-bound}
Note that \Cref{eq:strict-upper-bound} implies the claimed runtime. We prove \Cref{eq:strict-upper-bound} for the number of gates traversed in \sampmon using induction over $\depth(\circuit)$. Recall that \reduce has imposed the invariant that all subcircuits \subcircuit in \circuit must have $\subcircuit.\degval \geq 1$.
For the base case $\degree(\circuit) = \depth(\circuit) = 0$, $\cost(\circuit) = 1$, and it is trivial to see that the inequality $2\degree(\circuit) \cdot \depth(\circuit) + 1 \geq \cost(\circuit)$ holds.
For the inductive hypothesis, we assume the bound holds for a circuit where $\ell \geq \depth(\circuit) \geq 1$.
Now consider the case when \sampmon has an arbitrary circuit \circuit input with $\depth(\circuit) = \ell + 1$. By definition \circuit.\type $\in \{\circplus, \circmult\}$. Note that since $\depth(\circuit) \geq 2$, \circuit must have inputs. Further we know that by the inductive hypothesis the inputs $\circuit_i$ for $i \in \{\linput, \rinput\}$ of the sink gate \circuit uphold the bound
2\degree(\circuit_i)\cdot \depth(\circuit_i) + 1 \geq \cost(\circuit_i).\label{eq:ih-bound-cost}
It is also true that $\depth(\circuit_\linput) \leq \depth(\circuit) - 1$ and $\depth(\circuit_\rinput) \leq \depth(\circuit) - 1$.
If \circuit.\type $= \circplus$, then $\degree(\circuit) = \max\left(\degree(\circuit_\linput), \degree(\circuit_\rinput)\right)$. Otherwise \circuit.\type = $\circmult$ and $\degree(\circuit) = \degree(\circuit_\linput) + \degree(\circuit_\rinput)$. In either case it is true that $\depth(\circuit) = \max(\depth(\circuit_\linput), \depth(\circuit_\rinput)) + 1$.
If \circuit.\type $= \circmult$, then,
substituing values, the following should hold,
&2\left(\degree(\circuit_\linput) + \degree(\circuit_\rinput)\right) \cdot \left(\max(\depth(\circuit_\linput), \depth(\circuit_\rinput)) + 1\right) + 1 \nonumber\\%\label{eq:times-lhs}\\
&\qquad\geq 2\degree(\circuit_\linput) \cdot \depth(\circuit_\linput) + 2 \degree(\circuit_\rinput) \cdot \depth(\circuit_\rinput) + 3\label{eq:times-middle} \\
&\qquad\geq 1 + \cost(\circuit_\linput) + \cost(\circuit_\rinput) = \cost(\circuit) (\ref{eq:cost-sampmon})\label{eq:times-rhs}.
To prove (\ref{eq:times-middle}), first, the LHS expands to, %\Cref{eq:times-lhs},
2\degree(\circuit_\linput)\depth_{\max} + 2\degree(\circuit_\rinput)\depth_{\max} + 2\degree(\circuit_\linput) + 2\degree(\circuit_\rinput) + 1\label{eq:times-lhs-expanded}
where $\depth_{\max}$ is used to denote the maximum depth of the two input subcircuits.
Let us now simplify the inequality (\ref{eq:times-middle}).
&2\degree(\circuit_\linput)\depth_{\max} + 2\degree(\circuit_\rinput)\depth_{\max} + 2\degree(\circuit_\linput) + 2\degree(\circuit_\rinput) + 1 \nonumber\\
&\qquad \geq 2\degree(\circuit_\linput) \cdot \depth(\circuit_\linput) + 2 \degree(\circuit_\rinput) \cdot \depth(\circuit_\rinput) + 3\nonumber\\
&\implies 2\degree(\circuit_\linput) + 2\degree(\circuit_\rinput) + 1 \geq 3\label{eq:times-lhs-middle-step1}
Note that by the \emph{reduced} invariant of \reduce, a circuit \circuit with $\depth(\circuit) \geq 1$ will always have at least one input with $\degree(\circuit_i) \geq 1$. Thus, \Cref{eq:times-lhs-middle-step1} follows, and the inequality is upheld.
Now to justify (\ref{eq:times-rhs}) which holds for the following reasons. First, the RHS%\Cref{eq:times-rhs}
is the result of \Cref{eq:cost-sampmon} when $\circuit.\type = \circmult$. The LHS %\Cref{eq:times-middle}
is then produced by substituting the upperbound of (\ref{eq:ih-bound-cost}) for each $\cost(\circuit_i)$, trivially establishing the upper bound of (\ref{eq:times-rhs}). This proves \Cref{eq:strict-upper-bound} for the $\circmult$ case.
For the case when \circuit.\type $= \circplus$, substituting values yields
&2\max(\degree(\circuit_\linput), \degree(\circuit_\rinput)) \cdot \left(\max(\depth(\circuit_\linput), \depth(\circuit_\rinput)) + 1\right) +1\nonumber\\%\label{eq:plus-lhs-inequality}\\
&\qquad \geq \max\left(2\degree(\circuit_\linput) \cdot \depth(\circuit_\linput) + 1, 2\degree(\circuit_\rinput) \cdot \depth(\circuit_\rinput) +1\right) + 1\label{eq:plus-middle}\\
&\qquad \geq 1 + \max(\cost(\circuit_\linput), \cost(\circuit_\rinput)) = \cost(\circuit)\label{eq:plus-rhs}
To prove (\ref{eq:plus-middle}), we can rewrite the LHS as %(\ref{eq:plus-lhs-inequality}) as
2\degree_{\max}\depth_{\max} + 2\degree_{\max} + 1.\label{eq:plus-lhs-expanded}
Since $\degree_{\max} \cdot \depth_{\max} \geq \degree(\circuit_i)\cdot \depth(\circuit_i),$ the following upper bound holds for the RHS of (\ref{eq:plus-middle}):
2\degree_{\max}\depth_{\max} + 2 \geq \max\left(2\degree(\circuit_\linput) \cdot \depth(\circuit_\linput) + 1, 2\degree(\circuit_\rinput) \cdot \depth(\circuit_\rinput) +1\right) + 1.\label{eq:plus-middle-expanded}
Substituting the upperbound (LHS) of (\ref{eq:plus-middle-expanded}) in for the RHS of (\ref{eq:plus-middle}) we obtain the following for (\ref{eq:plus-middle}):
&2\degree_{\max}\depth_{\max} + 2\degree_{\max} + 1 \geq 2\degree_{\max}\depth_{\max} + 2\nonumber\\
&\implies 2\degree_{\max} + 1 \geq 2\label{eq:plus-upper-bound-final}.
As in the $\circmult$ case the \emph{reduced} invariant of \reduce implies that $\degree_{\max} \geq 1$, and (\ref{eq:plus-upper-bound-final}) follows. This proves (\ref{eq:plus-middle}).
Similar to the case of $\circuit.\type = \circmult$, (\ref{eq:plus-rhs}) follows by equations $(\ref{eq:cost-sampmon})$ and $(\ref{eq:ih-bound-cost})$.
This proves (\ref{eq:strict-upper-bound}) for the $\circplus$ case and thus the claimed $O(k\log{k}\cdot \frac{\log{\abs{\circuit}(1,\ldots, 1)}}{\size(\circuit)}\cdot\depth(\circuit))$ runtime for $k = \degree(\circuit)$ follows.