paper-BagRelationalPDBsAreHard/ICDT--LIPics template/authors-lipics-v2021/

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2021-03-06 20:34:18 -05:00
* 25/02/2021 lipics-v2021 v3.1.1
* Bugfix
* corrected typo
* 04/01/2021 lipics-v2021 v3.1.0
* New feature
* added documentclass option pdfa to explicitly enable generation of PDF according PDF/A standard
* Bugfix
* fixed problems when using old versions of hyperxmp package (This fixes #11)
* 09/12/2020 LIPIcs-v2021 v3.0.1
* Bugfix
* fixed bug related to unavailable sRGB.icc (This fixes #10)
* 01/12/2020 LIPIcs-v2021 v3.0
* New Feature
* more compact presentation of author information (email address and homepage URL only as logo)
* adjustment of document licence to CC-BY 4.0
* added anonymization (documentclass option "anonymous") also for \relatedversion and \supplement macros; resolves #9
* added \claimqedhere to be used in claimproof environments (similar to qedhere in proof environments); resolves #4
* added new macro \flag to display a flag or logo near the funding information as requested by some funding agencies (e.g. ERC grant)
* added \proofsubparagraph to allow structuring of proofs
* added new macros \relatedversiondetails and \supplementdetails to collect information regarding related version/supplementary material in a more structured way
* added new theorem-like environments 'conjecture' and 'observation'
* added support to produce PDFs according PDF/A-3B standard
* Minor changes
* revised style of procedure environment provided by algorithm2e package
* Bugfix
* fixed bug related to loaded but unused algorithm package (This fixes #2)
* fixed bug related to outdated algorithm2e package (This fixes #3)
* minor issues related to cleveref package (n-dash, oxford comma)
* 29/04/2020 LIPIcs-v2019 v2.2.1
* Minor changes
* export of several page numbers (end top matter, start/end bibliography, start appendix) into aux-file
* renamed heading of \supplement macro to "Supplementary Material"
* 19/07/2019 LIPIcs-v2019 v2.2
* New Feature
* explicitly defined/named colors used in style to ease reusing them (requires load of package xcolor instead of color)
* added document option "authorcolumns" to activate displaying author details in two columns (only allowed for more than 6 authors)
* revised style of algorithm environments provided by algorithm or algorithm2e packages
* added qed-like symbol to mark end of e.g. definitions (command \lipicsEnd)
* Bugfix
* fixed problem caused by "\\" in title macro
* 06/06/2019 LIPIcs-v2019 v2.1
* New Feature
* added document option "anonymous" to make author related information anonymous (e.g. for double-blind review)
* Bugfix
* fixed problems with using thm-restate (added new documentclass option thm-restate)
* fixed bug when using algorithm2e package and cleveref package
* fixed problems with texorpdfstring in author macro
* fixed spacing variation between author name and orcid symbol
* capitalised labels when using autoref (e.g. section -> Section)
* 10/12/2018 LIPIcs-v2019 v2.0
* New Features
* support of metadata in PDF file (e.g. author, title, keywords)
* revised displaying of author-related funding acknowledgements (now displayed as part of the funding block instead of footnotes)
* added support for cleveref package (new document option 'cleveref')
* added support for using autoref for theorem-like environments (new document option 'autoref')
* added new environment claim and claimproof to realize sub-proofs
* added new environment proposition
* Bugfixes
* fixed problems with theorem-like environments when using cleveref and autoref (see new features above)
* switched several URL from http to https
* fixed problems with using of ACM 2012 classification (deactivated subjclass and revised support of ccsdesc macro)
* Minor changes
* moved ORCID symbol behind author name (according
* added separator \and to split several affiliations
* added warnings when package 'enumitem' or 'paralist' are loaded; they manipulate the pre-defined enumeration styles and are partly incompatible
* preloaded package 'microtype' in style
* revised spacings/font sizes for top matter
* 09/04/2018 LIPIcs-v2018 v1.5
* Bugfixes
* Fixed problem with page style in case of many authors
* Fixed aggregation of authors for ToC file
* 15/03/2018 LIPIcs-v2018 v1.4
* Bugfixes
* Fixed enumerations
* Fixed aggregation of authors for ToC file
* 26/02/2018 LIPIcs-v2018 v1.3
* Bugfixes
* Fixed \hideLIPIcs
* Fixed enumerations
* Fixed typo
* Revised display of ORCIDs following recommendation by ORCID
* 06/02/2018 LIPIcs-v2018 v1.2
* Release of LIPIcs-v2018
* revised author macro \author{name}{affil}{email}{orcid}{funding}
* added support for ORCIDs
* switched to ACM 2012 classification system
* added new macros for extended metadata \category, \relatedversion, \supplement, \funding, \acknowledgements
* added warnings for missing mandatory metadata
* added preconfigured enumeration styles based on the enumerate package
* added option \hideLIPIcs to hide all LIPIcs related information
* added support for line numbers
* Bugfixes
* fixed copyright line
* added warning when using outdated subfig package due to incompatibilities in preloaded subcaption package
* fixed bug when using MnSymbol package
* fixed bug in numbering in theorem-like environments used in appendix
* fixed problems in ToC file