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2021-04-06 13:03:08 -04:00
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\subsection{Tools to prove \Cref{th:single-p-hard}}
2021-04-06 13:03:08 -04:00
Note that $\rpoly_{G}^3(\prob,\ldots, \prob)$ as a polynomial in $\prob$ has degree at most six. Next, we figure out the exact coefficients since this would be useful in our arguments:
For any $\prob$, we have:
\rpoly_{G}^3(\prob,\ldots, \prob) &= \numocc{G}{\ed}\prob^2 + 6\numocc{G}{\twopath}\prob^3 + 6\numocc{G}{\twodis}\prob^4 + 6\numocc{G}{\tri}\prob^3\nonumber\\
&+ 6\numocc{G}{\oneint}\prob^4 + 6\numocc{G}{\threepath}\prob^4 + 6\numocc{G}{\twopathdis}\prob^5 + 6\numocc{G}{\threedis}\prob^6.\label{claim:four-one}
\subsubsection{Proof for \Cref{lem:qE3-exp}}
2021-04-06 13:03:08 -04:00
By definition we have that
\[\poly_{G}^3(\vct{X}) = \sum_{\substack{(i_1, j_1), (i_2, j_2), (i_3, j_3) \in E}}~\; \prod_{\ell = 1}^{3}X_{i_\ell}X_{j_\ell}.\]
2022-04-21 11:46:21 -04:00
Hence $\poly_{G}^3(\vct{X})$ has degree six. Note that the monomial $\prod_{\ell = 1}^{3}X_{i_\ell}X_{j_\ell}$ will contribute to the coefficient of $\prob^\nu$ in $\rpoly_{G}^3(\vct{X})$, where $\nu$ is the number of distinct variables in the monomial.
2021-09-18 16:11:51 -04:00
Let $e_1 = (i_1, j_1), e_2 = (i_2, j_2),$ and $e_3 = (i_3, j_3)$.
2021-04-06 13:03:08 -04:00
We compute $\rpoly_{G}^3(\vct{X})$ by considering each of the three forms that the triple $(e_1, e_2, e_3)$ can take.
2021-06-14 12:00:12 -04:00
\textsc{case 1:} $e_1 = e_2 = e_3$ (all edges are the same). When we have that $e_1 = e_2 = e_3$, then the monomial corresponds to $\numocc{G}{\ed}$. There are exactly $\numedge$ such triples, each with a $\prob^2$ factor in $\rpoly_{G}^3\left(\prob,\ldots, \prob\right)$.
2021-04-06 13:03:08 -04:00
\textsc{case 2:} This case occurs when there are two distinct edges of the three, call them $e$ and $e'$. When there are two distinct edges, there is then the occurence when $2$ variables in the triple $(e_1, e_2, e_3)$ are bound to $e$. There are three combinations for this occurrence in $\poly_{G}^3(\vct{X})$. Analogusly, there are three such occurrences in $\poly_{G}^3(\vct{X})$ when there is only one occurrence of $e$, i.e. $2$ of the variables in $(e_1, e_2, e_3)$ are $e'$.
This implies that all $3 + 3 = 6$ combinations of two distinct edges $e$ and $e'$ contribute to the same monomial in $\rpoly_{G}^3$.
2021-04-06 13:03:08 -04:00
Since $e\ne e'$, this case produces the following edge patterns: $\twopath, \twodis$, which contribute $6\prob^3$ and $6\prob^4$ respectively to $\rpoly_{G}^3\left(\prob,\ldots, \prob\right)$.
\textsc{case 3:} All $e_1,e_2$ and $e_3$ are distinct. For this case, we have $3! = 6$ permutations of $(e_1, e_2, e_3)$, each of which contribute to the same monomial in the \textsc{SMB} representation of $\poly_{G}^3(\vct{X})$. This case consists of the following edge patterns: $\tri, \oneint, \threepath, \twopathdis, \threedis$, which contribute $6\prob^3, 6\prob^4, 6\prob^4, 6\prob^5$ and $6\prob^6$ respectively to $\rpoly_{G}^3\left(\prob,\ldots, \prob\right)$.
Since $\prob$ is fixed, \Cref{lem:qE3-exp} gives us one linear equation in $\numocc{G}{\tri}$ and $\numocc{G}{\threedis}$ (we can handle the other counts due to equations (\ref{eq:1e})-(\ref{eq:3p-3tri})). However, we need to generate one more independent linear equation in these two variables. Towards this end we generate another graph related to $G$:
2022-04-21 11:46:21 -04:00
For $\ell \geq 1$, let graph $\graph{\ell}$ be a graph generated from an arbitrary graph $G$, by replacing every edge $e$ of $G$ with an $\ell$-path, such that all inner vertices of an $\ell$-path replacement edge have degree $2$.\footnote{Note that $G\equiv \graph{1}$.}
2021-04-06 13:03:08 -04:00
We will prove \Cref{th:single-p-hard} by the following reduction:
Fix $\prob\in (0,1)$. Let $G$ be a graph on $\numedge$ edges.
If we can compute $\rpoly_{G}^3(\prob,\dots,\prob)$ exactly in $T(\numedge)$ time, then we can exactly compute $\numocc{G}{\tri}$
in $O\inparen{T(\numedge) + \numedge}$ time.
For clarity, we repeat the notion of $\numocc{G}{H}$ to mean the count of subgraphs in $G$ isomorphic to $H$.
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The following lemmas relate these counts in $\graph{2}$ to $\graph{1}$ and are useful in proving \Cref{lem:lin-sys}.
2021-08-30 22:50:21 -04:00
2021-04-06 13:03:08 -04:00
The $3$-matchings in graph $\graph{2}$ satisfy the identity:
\numocc{\graph{2}}{\threedis} &= 8 \cdot \numocc{\graph{1}}{\threedis} + 6 \cdot \numocc{\graph{1}}{\twopathdis}\\
&+ 4 \cdot \numocc{\graph{1}}{\oneint} + 4 \cdot \numocc{\graph{1}}{\threepath} + 2 \cdot \numocc{\graph{1}}{\tri}.
For $\ell > 1$ and any graph $\graph{\ell}$, $\numocc{\graph{\ell}}{\tri} = 0$.
Finally, the following result immediately implies \Cref{th:single-p}:
Fix $\prob\in (0,1)$. Given $\rpoly_{\graph{\ell}}^3(\prob,\dots,\prob)$ for $\ell\in [2]$, we can compute in $O(m)$ time a vector $\vct{b}\in\mathbb{R}^3$ such that
\[ \begin{pmatrix}
1 - 3p & -(3\prob^2 - \prob^3)\\
10(3\prob^2 - \prob^3) & 10(3\prob^2 - \prob^3)
allowing us to compute $\numocc{G}{\tri}$ and $\numocc{G}{\threedis}$ in $O(1)$ time.
2021-04-06 13:03:08 -04:00
2021-09-18 16:11:51 -04:00
2021-04-06 13:03:08 -04:00