
133 lines
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%root: main.tex
\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric}%for cylinder
\usetikzlibrary{shapes.arrows}%for arrow shape
%rid of vertical spacing for booktabs rules
2021-09-12 23:44:44 -04:00
%pdb cylinder
\node[cylinder, text width=0.28\textwidth, align=center, draw=black, text=black, cylinder uses custom fill, cylinder body fill=blue!10, aspect=0.12, minimum height=5cm, minimum width=2.5cm, cylinder end fill=blue!50, shape border rotate=90] (cylinder) at (0, 0) {
\begin{tabular}{>{\small}c | >{\small}c | >{\small}c}
2022-01-31 15:39:13 -05:00
2022-01-31 15:39:13 -05:00
Point & $\Phi$ & $\semN$\\
2022-01-31 15:39:13 -05:00
$e_1$ & $A$ & 1 \\
$e_2$ & $B$ & 1\\
$e_3$ & $C$ & 1\\
$e_4$ & $E$ & 1\\
\begin{tabular}{>{\footnotesize}c | >{\footnotesize}c | >{\footnotesize}c | >{\footnotesize}c}
2022-01-31 15:39:13 -05:00
2022-01-31 15:39:13 -05:00
$\text{Point}_1$ & $\text{Point}_2$ & $\Phi$ & $\semN$ \\
2022-01-31 15:39:13 -05:00
$e_1$ & $e_2$ & $X$ & 2 \\
$e_2$ & $e_4$ & $Y$ & 4 \\
%& $\cdots$ & $\cdots$ & $\cdots$ & $\cdots$ \\
2022-01-31 15:39:13 -05:00
$e_2$ & $e_3$ & $Z$ & 3 \\
%label below cylinder
2022-02-01 12:44:19 -05:00
\node[below=0.2 cm of cylinder]{{\LARGE$ \pdb$}};
%First arrow
\node[single arrow, right=0.25 of cylinder, draw=black, fill=black!65, text=white, minimum height=0.75cm, minimum width=0.25cm](arrow1) {\textbf{\abbrStepOne}};
\node[above=of arrow1](arrow1Label) {$\query_2$};
\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta}%for the following arrow configurations
\draw[line width=0.5mm, dashed, arrows = -{Latex[length=3mm, open]}] (arrow1Label)->(arrow1);
%Query output (output of step 1)
\node[rectangle, right=0.175 of arrow1, draw=black, text=black, fill=purple!10, minimum height=4.5cm, minimum width=2cm](rect) {
\begin{tabular}{>{\normalsize}c | >{\centering\arraybackslash\normalsize}m{1.95cm} | >{\centering\arraybackslash\small}m{1.95cm}}
Point & $\Phi$ & Circuit\\% & $\expct_{\idb \sim \probDist}[\query_2(\db)(t)]$ \\ \hline
2022-01-31 15:39:13 -05:00
$e_1$ & $AX$ &\resizebox{!}{10mm}{
\node[gen_tree_node](sink) at (0.5, 0.8){$\boldsymbol{\circmult}$};
2021-09-07 08:02:00 -04:00
\node[gen_tree_node](source1) at (0, 0){$A$};
\node[gen_tree_node](source2) at (1, 0){$X$};
\draw[->] (source2)--(sink);
\end{tikzpicture}% & $0.5 \cdot 1.0 + 0.5 \cdot 1.0 = 1.0$
}\\% & $0.9$ \\
2022-01-31 15:39:13 -05:00
$e_2$ & $B(Y + Z)$\newline \text{Or}\newline $BY+ BZ$&
\resizebox{!}{16mm} {
2021-09-07 08:02:00 -04:00
\node[gen_tree_node] (a1) at (1, 0){$Y$};
\node[gen_tree_node] (b1) at (2, 0){$Z$};
%level 1
2021-09-07 08:02:00 -04:00
\node[gen_tree_node] (a2) at (0.75, 0.8){$B$};
\node[gen_tree_node] (b2) at (1.5, 0.8){$\boldsymbol{\circplus}$};
%level 0
\node[gen_tree_node] (a3) at (1.1, 1.6){$\boldsymbol{\circmult}$};
\draw[->] (a1) -- (b2);
\draw[->] (b1) -- (b2);
\draw[->] (a2) -- (a3);
\draw[->] (b2) -- (a3);
%Non factorized circuit%
\resizebox{!}{16mm} {
2021-09-07 08:02:00 -04:00
\node[gen_tree_node] (a2) at (0, 0){$Y$};
\node[gen_tree_node] (b2) at (1, 0){$B$};
\node[gen_tree_node] (c2) at (2, 0){$Z$};
%level 1
\node[gen_tree_node] (a1) at (0.5, 0.8){$\boldsymbol{\circmult}$};
\node[gen_tree_node] (b1) at (1.5, 0.8){$\boldsymbol{\circmult}$};
%level 0
\node[gen_tree_node] (a0) at (1.0, 1.6){$\boldsymbol{\circplus}$};
\draw[->] (a2) -- (a1);
\draw[->] (b2) -- (a1);
\draw[->] (b2) -- (b1);
\draw[->] (c2) -- (b1);
\draw[->] (a1) -- (a0);
\draw[->] (b1) -- (a0);
%label below rectangle
\node[below=0.2cm of rect]{{\LARGE $\query_2(\pdb)\inparen{\tup}\equiv \poly\inparen{\vct{X}}$}};
%Second arrow
\node[single arrow, right=0.25 of rect, draw=black, fill=black!65, text=white, minimum height=0.75cm, minimum width=0.25cm](arrow2) {\textbf{\abbrStepTwo}};
%Expectation computation; (output of step 2)
\node[rectangle, right=0.25 of arrow2, rounded corners, draw=black, fill=red!10, text=black, minimum height=4.5cm, minimum width=2cm](rrect) {
2022-02-01 12:44:19 -05:00
\begin{tabular}{>{\small}c | >{\arraybackslash\normalsize}c}%m{1.95cm}}
2022-01-31 15:39:13 -05:00
Point & $\mathbb{E}[\poly(\vct{X})]$\\
2022-02-01 12:44:19 -05:00
$e_1$ & $A\cdot\prob_{A}\cdot X\left(\prob_{X, 1} + 2\prob_{X, 2}\right)$\\%$1.0 \cdot 0.9 = 0.9$\\[3mm]
$e_2$ & $B\cdot\prob_B\cdot\left(\sum\limits_{i \in[4]}Y_i\cdot \prob_{Y, i}+\sum\limits_{j \in [3]}Z_j\cdot \prob_{Z, j}\right)$\\%$(0.5 \cdot 1.0) + $\newline $\hspace{0.2cm}(0.5 \cdot 1.0)$\newline $= 1.0$\\
%label of rounded rectangle
\node[below=0.2cm of rrect]{{\LARGE $\expct\pbox{\poly(\vct{X})}$}};
\caption{Intensional Query Evaluation Model ($\query_2 = \project_{\text{Point}}\inparen{T\join_{\text{Point} = \text{Point}_1}R}$).}
2021-08-26 23:02:22 -04:00
2021-08-27 13:58:03 -04:00