Added Paper Outline.

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Aaron Huber 2020-11-19 11:04:04 -05:00
parent d86b4747f2
commit 049b210193

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@ -57,6 +57,35 @@ of the algorithm is the output polynomial of the query as opposed to the input D
in the size of the output polynomial rather than the input DB of the query, a polynomial that might be greater or lesser than the input depending
on the structure of the query.
\section{Outline of the rest of the paper}
\item Background Knowledge and Notation
\item Review notation for PDBs
\item Review the use of semirings as generating output polynomials
\item Review the translation of semiring operators to RA operators
\item Polynomial formulation and notation
\item Reduction to hardness results in graph theory
\item $\rpoly$ and its equivalence to $\expct\pbox{\poly}$ when $\vct{X} \in \{0, 1\}^\numvar$
\item Results for SOP polynomial
\item Results for compressed version of polynomial
\item ~\cref{lem:const-p} proof
\item Approximation Algorithm
\item Description of the Algorithm
\item Theoretical guarantees
\item Will we have time to tackle BIDB?
\item If so, experiments on BIDBs?
\item Future Work
\item Conclusion
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