Fixed typo.

Aaron Huber 2021-09-18 12:20:50 -04:00
parent 344d02e50b
commit 0e45d9685a
1 changed files with 2 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -56,7 +56,8 @@ Importantly, as the following proposition shows, any finite $\semN$-PDB can be e
To prove that \abbrNXPDB\xplural are complete consider the following construction that for any $\semN$-PDB $\pdb = (\idb, \pd)$ produces an \abbrNXPDB $\pxdb = (\db_{\semNX}, \pd')$ such that $\rmod(\pxdb) = \pdb$. Let $\idb = \{D_1, \ldots, D_{\abs{\idb}}\}.$ %and let $max(D_i)$
\AH{What are we using $max(D_i)$ for?}
denote $max_{\tup} D_i(\tup)$. For each world $D_i$ we create a corresponding variable $X_i$.
%denote $max_{\tup} D_i(\tup)$.
For each world $D_i$ we create a corresponding variable $X_i$.
%variables $X_{i1}$, \ldots, $X_{im}$ where $m = max(D_i)$.
In $\db_{\semNX}$ we assign each tuple $\tup$ the polynomial: