Pseudo Code for Sample Auxiliary and OnePass Algos.

Aaron Huber 2020-08-13 18:58:48 -04:00
parent 44e314db13
commit 3e4d42afd5
2 changed files with 47 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -84,6 +84,52 @@ For the running example, after the first pass, \textit{Sample} would have learne
\subsubsection{Psuedo Code}
\State $acc \gets 0$
\If{$\polytree.head.val == "+"$}
\For{$child$ in $T.children$}
\State $acc = acc + OnePass(child)$
\State $T.partial \gets acc$
\For{$child$ in $T.children$}
\State $child.weight = \frac{child.c_i}{T.partial}$
\State Return $T.partial$
\ElsIf{$T.head.val == "\times"$}
\State $acc \gets 1$
\For{$child$ in $T.children$}
\State $acc = acc \times= OnePass(child)$
\State $T.partial \gets acc$
\State Return $T.c_i$
\If{$T.head.val == "+":$}
\State $T_{samp} \gets$ WeightedSample($T.children$, $T.weights$)
\State $Sample(T_{samp})$
\ElsIf{$T.head.val == "\times":$}
\State $c_i = 1$
\State $monom \gets ""$
\For {$child$ in $T.children:$}
\State $monom = monom ++ Sample(child)\_1$
\State $c_i = c_i \times Sample(child)\_2$
\State Return $(T.head.val, 1 \times T.c_i)$
\subsubsection{Run-time Analysis}

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@ -2,6 +2,7 @@