moving 1.6 and poly(*) to appendix

Oliver Kennedy 2022-05-19 14:45:58 -04:00
parent 18f64450b8
commit 62975da833
Signed by: okennedy
3 changed files with 42 additions and 44 deletions

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@ -119,6 +119,28 @@ By expanding $\nxpolyqdt$ and the expectation we have:
\subsection{Construction of the lineage (polynomial) for an $\raPlus$ query $\query$ over $\gentupset'$}
The following rules are analogous to \Cref{fig:nxDBSemantics}, differing only in the base case. They are presented here for completeness.
\poly'\pbox{\project_A\inparen{\query}, \gentupset', \tup_j} =
&~\sum_{\substack{\tup_{j'},\\\project_{A}\inparen{\tup_{j'}} = \tup_j}}\poly'\pbox{\query, \gentupset', \tup_{j'}}\\
\poly'\pbox{\query_1\union\query_2, \gentupset', \tup_j} =
&\qquad\poly'\pbox{\query_1, \gentupset', \tup_j}+\poly'\pbox{\query_2, \gentupset', \tup_j}\\
\poly'\pbox{\select_\theta\inparen{\query}, \gentupset', \tup_j} =
&~\begin{cases}\theta = 1 &\poly'\pbox{\query, \gentupset', \tup_j}\\\theta = 0& 0\\\end{cases} \\
\poly'\pbox{\query_1\join\query_2, \gentupset', \tup_j} =
&\qquad \poly'\pbox{\query_1, \gentupset', \project_{attr\inparen{\query_1}}\inparen{\tup_j}}\\ &\qquad\cdot\poly'\pbox{\query_2, \gentupset', \project_{attr\inparen{\query_2}} \inparen{\tup_j}}\\
\poly'\pbox{\rel,\gentupset', \tup_j} =& j\cdot X_{\tup, j}.
\noindent Note the following fact:
@ -177,6 +199,21 @@ Note that~\Cref{lem:tidb-reduce-poly} shows that $\expct\pbox{\poly} =$ $\rpoly(
\subsection{Definition of $\polyf(\cdot)$}
We formally define the relationship of circuits with polynomials. While the definition assumes one sink for notational convenience, it easily generalizes to the multiple sinks case.
$\polyf(\circuit)$ maps the sink of circuit $\circuit$ to its corresponding polynomial in \abbrSMB. $\polyf(\cdot)$ is recursively defined on $\circuit$ as follows, with addition and multiplication following the standard interpretation for polynomials:
\polyf(\circuit) = \begin{cases}
\polyf(\circuit_\lchild) + \polyf(\circuit_\rchild) &\text{ if \circuit.\type } = \circplus\\
\polyf(\circuit_\lchild) \cdot \polyf(\circuit_\rchild) &\text{ if \circuit.\type } = \circmult\\
\circuit.\val &\text{ if \circuit.\type } = \var \text{ OR } \tnum.
$\circuit$ need not encode $\poly\inparen{\vct{X}}$ in the same, default \abbrSMB representation. For instance, $\circuit$ could encode the factorized representation $(X + 2Y)(2X - Y)$ of $\poly\inparen{\vct{X}} = 2X^2+3XY-2Y^2$, as shown in \Cref{fig:circuit}, while $\polyf(\circuit) = \poly\inparen{\vct{X}}$ is always the equivalent \abbrSMB representation.
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@ -49,7 +49,9 @@ Define a \emph{\abbrOneBIDB} to be the pair $\pdb' = \inparen{\bigtimes_{\tup\in
We slightly abuse notation here, denoting a world vector as $W$ rather than $\worldvec$ to distinguish between the random variable and the world instance. When there is no ambiguity, we will denote a world vector as $\worldvec$.}
\Cref{fig:lin-poly-bidb} shows the lineage construction of $\poly'\inparen{\vct{X}}$ given $\raPlus$ query $\query$ for arbitrary deterministic $\gentupset'$. Note that the semantics differ from~\Cref{fig:nxDBSemantics} only in the base case.
Lineage polynomials for arbitrary deterministic $\gentupset'$ are constructed in a manner analogous to $1$-\abbrTIDB\xplural (see \Cref{fig:nxDBSemantics}), differing only in the base case.
In a $1$-\abbrTIDB, each tuple contributes a multiplicity of 0 or 1, and $\polyqdt{\rel}{\gentupset}{\tup} = X_\tup$.
In a $c$-\abbrTIDB, each expanded tuple $t_j$ contributes its corresponding multiplicity: $\polyqdt{\rel}{\gentupset}{\tup_j} = j\cdot X_\tup$. These semantics are fully detailed in \Cref{fig:lin-poly-bidb}.
\begin{Proposition}[\abbrCTIDB reduction]\label{prop:ctidb-reduct}
Given \abbrCTIDB $\pdb =$\newline $\inparen{\worlds, \bpd}$, let $\pdb' = \inparen{\onebidbworlds{\tupset'}, \bpd'}$ be the \emph{\abbrOneBIDB} obtained in the following manner: for each $\tup\in\tupset$, create block $\block_\tup = \inset{\intuple{\tup, j}_{j\in\pbox{\bound}}}$ of disjoint tuples, for all $j\in\pbox{\bound}$ where $\bound_{\tup_j} = j$ for each $\tup_j$ in $\tupset'$.
@ -58,37 +60,6 @@ Given \abbrCTIDB $\pdb =$\newline $\inparen{\worlds, \bpd}$, let $\pdb' = \inpar
We now define the reduced polynomial $\rpoly'$ of a \abbrOneBIDB.
&\poly'\pbox{\project_A\inparen{\query}, \gentupset', \tup_j} =\\
&~\sum_{\substack{\tup_{j'},\\\project_{A}\inparen{\tup_{j'}} = \tup_j}}\poly'\pbox{\query, \gentupset', \tup_{j'}}
&\poly'\pbox{\query_1\union\query_2, \gentupset', \tup_j} = \\
&\qquad\poly'\pbox{\query_1, \gentupset', \tup_j}+\poly'\pbox{\query_2, \gentupset', \tup_j}
&\poly'\pbox{\select_\theta\inparen{\query}, \gentupset', \tup_j} =\\
&~\begin{cases}\theta = 1 &\poly'\pbox{\query, \gentupset', \tup_j}\\\theta = 0& 0\\\end{cases}
&\poly'\pbox{\query_1\join\query_2, \gentupset', \tup_j} = \\
&\qquad \poly'\pbox{\query_1, \gentupset', \project_{attr\inparen{\query_1}}\inparen{\tup_j}}\\ &\qquad\cdot\poly'\pbox{\query_2, \gentupset', \project_{attr\inparen{\query_2}} \inparen{\tup_j}}
&&&\poly'\pbox{\rel,\gentupset', \tup_j} = j\cdot X_{\tup, j}.
\caption{Construction of the lineage (polynomial) for an $\raPlus$ query $\query$ over $\gentupset'$.}
Given a polynomial $\poly'\inparen{\vct{X}}$ generated from a \abbrOneBIDB, let $\rpoly'\inparen{\vct{X}}$ denote the reduced $\poly'\inparen{\vct{X}}$ derived as follows: i) compute $\smbOf{\poly'\inparen{\vct{X}}}$ eliminating monomials with cross terms $X_{\tup}X_{\tup'}$ for $\tup\neq \tup' \in \block_i$ and ii) reduce all \emph{variable} exponents $e > 1$ to $1$.

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@ -56,19 +56,9 @@ Note that the ciricuit \circuit representing $AX$ and the circuit \circuit' repr
We next formally define the relationship of circuits with polynomials. While the definition assumes one sink for notational convenience, it easily generalizes to the multiple sinks case.
$\polyf(\circuit)$ maps the sink of circuit $\circuit$ to its corresponding polynomial in \abbrSMB. $\polyf(\cdot)$ is recursively defined on $\circuit$ as follows, with addition and multiplication following the standard interpretation for polynomials:
\polyf(\circuit) = \begin{cases}
\polyf(\circuit_\lchild) + \polyf(\circuit_\rchild) &\text{ if \circuit.\type } = \circplus\\
\polyf(\circuit_\lchild) \cdot \polyf(\circuit_\rchild) &\text{ if \circuit.\type } = \circmult\\
\circuit.\val &\text{ if \circuit.\type } = \var \text{ OR } \tnum.
$\circuit$ need not encode $\poly\inparen{\vct{X}}$ in the same, default \abbrSMB representation. For instance, $\circuit$ could encode the factorized representation $(X + 2Y)(2X - Y)$ of $\poly\inparen{\vct{X}} = 2X^2+3XY-2Y^2$, as shown in \Cref{fig:circuit}, while $\polyf(\circuit) = \poly\inparen{\vct{X}}$ is always the equivalent \abbrSMB representation.
We next define the inverse of the function $\polyf(\cdot)$ (\Cref{def:poly-func}), which maps a circuit to the polynomial it encodes.
\begin{Definition}[Circuit Set]\label{def:circuit-set}
$\circuitset{\polyX}$ is the set of all possible circuits $\circuit$ such that $\polyf(\circuit) = \polyX$.