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Atri Rudra 2022-02-23 03:49:47 +00:00 committed by node
parent 1e27058b0c
commit 98571dc16a
3 changed files with 27 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
%!TEX root=./main.tex
In this work, we study the problem computing a tuple's expected multiplicity over bag-\abbrTIDB\xplural exactly and approximately.
We refer to bag-\abbrTIDB\xplural as \abbrCTIDB\xplural, where $\bound$ is the bound on the maximum multiplicity. We are specifically
We consider bag-\abbrTIDB\xplural where we have a bound $\bound$ on the maximum multiplicity (we refer to such bag-\abbrTIDB\xplural as \abbrCTIDB\xplural). In this work we consider the case when $\bound$ is a constant (since that is what is used in practice). We are specifically
interested in the fine-grained complexity and how it compares to the complexity of deterministic query evaluation algorithms --- if these complexities are comparable, it opens the door to practical deployment of probabilistic databases.
Unfortunately, % we show the reverse;
our results imply that computing expected multiplicities for \abbrCTIDB\xplural based on the results produced by such query evaluation algorithms introduces super-linear overhead (under parameterized complexity hardness assumptions/conjectures).

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@ -132,16 +132,19 @@ O\left(\left(\size(\circuit) + \frac{\log{\frac{1}{\conf}}\cdot k\cdot \log{k} \
In particular, if $\prob_0>0$ and $\gamma<1$ are absolute constants then the above runtime simplifies to $O_k\left(\left(\frac 1{\inparen{\error'}^2}\cdot\size(\circuit)\cdot \log{\frac{1}{\conf}}\right)\cdot\multc{\log\left(\abs{\circuit}(1,\ldots, 1)\right)}{\log\left(\size(\circuit)\right)}\right)$.
Given \emph{\abbrOneBIDB} computed from the reduction of~\Cref{def:ctidb-reduct}, $\gamma\inparen{\circuit}=\inparen{c + 1}^{-k}$.
Given any \abbrCTIDB circuit \circuit, $\poly\inparen{\vct{X}} = \polyf\inparen{\circuit}$, for $k =\degree\inparen{\circuit}$, $\gamma\inparen{\circuit}$, and $\prob_i\ge\prob_0$ for all $i\in\pbox{\numvar}$. The results of~\Cref{cor:approx-algo-const-p} follow for estimating $\rpoly\inparen{\prob_1,\ldots, \prob_\numvar}$.
%Given any \abbrCTIDB circuit \circuit, $\poly\inparen{\vct{X}} = \polyf\inparen{\circuit}$, for $k =\degree\inparen{\circuit}$, $\gamma\inparen{\circuit}$, and $\prob_i\ge\prob_0$ for all $i\in\pbox{\numvar}$. The results of~\Cref{cor:approx-algo-const-p} follow for estimating $\rpoly\inparen{\prob_1,\ldots, \prob_\numvar}$.
The restriction on $\gamma$ is satisfied by any
$1$-\abbrTIDB (where $\gamma=0$ in the equivalent $1$-\abbrBIDB of~\Cref{def:ctidb-reduct})
as well as for all three queries of the PDBench \abbrBIDB benchmark (see \Cref{app:subsec:experiment} for experimental results).
as well as for all three queries of the PDBench \abbrBIDB benchmark (see \Cref{app:subsec:experiment} for experimental results). Further, we can alo argue the following result:
Given \emph{\abbrOneBIDB} computed from the reduction of~\Cref{def:ctidb-reduct}, $\gamma\inparen{\circuit}=\inparen{c + 1}^{-k}$.
We briefly connect the runtime in \Cref{eq:approx-algo-runtime} to the algorithm outline earlier (where we ignore the dependence on $\multc{\cdot}{\cdot}$, which is needed to handle the cost of arithmetic operations over integers). The $\size(\circuit)$ comes from the time take to run \onepass once (\onepass essentially computes $\abs{\circuit}(1,\ldots, 1)$ using the natural circuit evaluation algorithm on $\circuit$). We make $\frac{\log{\frac{1}{\conf}}}{\inparen{\error'}^2\cdot(1-\gamma)^2\cdot \prob_0^{2k}}$ many calls to \sampmon (each of which essentially traces $O(k)$ random sink to source paths in $\circuit$ all of which by definition have length at most $\depth(\circuit)$).
@ -162,13 +165,23 @@ Note that the above implies that with the assumption $\prob_0>0$ and $\gamma<1$
%\AH{Is it standard to assume that in the asymptotic notation above, $\error$ and $\delta$ are constant? Otherwise this does not uphold~\Cref{prob:intro-stmt}.}
Finally, note that by \Cref{prop:circuit-depth} and \Cref{lem:circ-model-runtime} for any $\raPlus$ query $\query$, there exists a circuit $\circuit^*$ for $\apolyqdt$ such that $\depth(\circuit^*)\le O_{|Q|}(\log{n})$ and $\size(\circuit)\le O_k\inparen{\qruntime{\query, \dbbase}}$. Using this along with \Cref{lem:val-ub}, \Cref{cor:approx-algo-const-p} and the fact that $n\le \qruntime{\query, \dbbase}$, we answer \Cref{prob:big-o-joint-steps} in the affirmative as follows:
Finally, note that by \Cref{prop:circuit-depth} and \Cref{lem:circ-model-runtime} for any $\raPlus$ query $\query$, there exists a circuit $\circuit^*$ for $\apolyqdt$ such that $\depth(\circuit^*)\le O_{|Q|}(\log{n})$ and $\size(\circuit)\le O_k\inparen{\qruntime{\query, \dbbase}}$. Using this along with \Cref{lem:val-ub}, \Cref{cor:approx-algo-const-p} and the fact that $n\le \qruntime{\query, \dbbase}$, we have the following corollary:
Let $\query$ be an $\raPlus$ query and $\pdb$ be a \emph{\abbrOneBIDB} with $p_0>0$ and $\gamma<1$ (where $p_0,\gamma$ as in \Cref{cor:approx-algo-const-p}) are absolute constants. Let $\poly(\vct{X})=\apolyqdt$ for any result tuple $\tup$ with $\deg(\poly)=k$. Then one can compute an approximation satisfying \Cref{eq:approx-algo-bound-main} in time $O_{k,|Q|,\error',\conf}\inparen{\qruntime{\query, \tupset, \bound}}$ (given $\query,\tupset$ and $p_i$ for each $i\in [n]$ that defines $\pd$).
Let $\query$ be an $\raPlus$ query and $\pdb$ be a \emph{\abbrOneBIDB} with $p_0>0$ and $\gamma<1$ (where $p_0,\gamma$ as in \Cref{cor:approx-algo-const-p}) are absolute constants. Let $\poly(\vct{X})=\apolyqdt$ for any result tuple $\tup$ with $\deg(\poly)=k$. Then one can compute an approximation satisfying \Cref{eq:approx-algo-bound-main} in time $O_{k,|Q|,\error',\conf}\inparen{\qruntime{\optquery{\query}, \tupset, \bound}}$ (given $\query,\tupset$ and $p_i$ for each $i\in [n]$ that defines $\pd$).
%Let $\poly(\vct{X})$ be a \abbrBIDB-lineage polynomial correspoding to an \abbrBIDB circuit $\circuit$ that satisfies the specific conditions in \Cref{lem:val-ub}. Then one can compute an approximation satisfying \Cref{eq:approx-algo-bound-main} in time
% $O_k\left(\frac 1{\inparen{\error'}^2}\cdot\size(\circuit)\cdot \log{\frac{1}{\conf}}\right)$. % for the case when $\circuit$ satisfies the specific conditions in \Cref{lem:val-ub}.
Next, we note that the above result along with \Cref{lem:c-TIDB-gamma}
answers \Cref{prob:big-o-joint-steps} in the affirmative as follows:
Let $\query$ be an $\raPlus$ query and $\pdb$ be a \abbrCTIDB with $p_0>0$ (where $p_0$ as in \Cref{cor:approx-algo-const-p}) is an absolute constant. Let $\poly(\vct{X})=\apolyqdt$ for any result tuple $\tup$ with $\deg(\poly)=k$. Then one can compute an approximation satisfying \Cref{eq:approx-algo-bound-main} in time $O_{k,|Q|,\error',\conf,\bound}\inparen{\qruntime{\optquery{\query}, \tupset, \bound}}$ (given $\query,\tupset$ and $p_i$ for each $i\in [n]$ that defines $\pd$).
%Let $\poly(\vct{X})$ be a \abbrBIDB-lineage polynomial correspoding to an \abbrBIDB circuit $\circuit$ that satisfies the specific conditions in \Cref{lem:val-ub}. Then one can compute an approximation satisfying \Cref{eq:approx-algo-bound-main} in time
% $O_k\left(\frac 1{\inparen{\error'}^2}\cdot\size(\circuit)\cdot \log{\frac{1}{\conf}}\right)$. % for the case when $\circuit$ satisfies the specific conditions in \Cref{lem:val-ub}.
%\AH{What is $\abs{\query}$? Isn't that just $k$?}
If we want to approximate the expected multiplicities of all $Z=O(n^k)$ result tuples $\tup$ simultaneously, we just need to run the above result with $\conf$ replaced by $\frac \conf Z$. Note this increases the runtime by only a logarithmic factor.

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@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ We now define the reduced polynomial $\rpoly'$ of a \abbrOneBIDB.
&&&\poly'\pbox{\rel,\tupset', \tup_j} = j\cdot X_{\tup, j}.
\caption{Construction of the lineage (polynomial) for an $\raPlus$ query $\query$ over $\gentupset$.}
\caption{Construction of the lineage (polynomial) for an $\raPlus$ query $\query$ over $\tupset'$.}
@ -107,8 +107,9 @@ Given a polynomial $\poly'\inparen{\vct{X}}$ generated from a \abbrOneBIDB produ
Then given the disjoint requirement and the semantics for constructing the lineage polynomial over a \abbrOneBIDB, $\poly'\pbox{\rel,\tupset',\tup}$ is of the same structure as the reformulated polynomial $\refpoly{}$ of step i) from~\Cref{def:reduced-poly}, which then implies that $\rpoly'$ is the reduced polynomial that results from step ii) of~\Cref{def:reduced-poly}, and further that~\Cref{lem:tidb-reduce-poly} immediately follows for \abbrOneBIDB polynomials.
Given any \abbrCTIDB $\pdb$, its reduced counterpart \emph{\abbrOneBIDB} $\pdb'$, $\raPlus$ query $\query$, and lineage polynomial
$\poly'\inparen{\vct{X}}=\poly'\pbox{\query,\tupset,\tup}\inparen{\vct{X}}$, it holds that $
Given any %\abbrCTIDB $\pdb$, its reduced counterpart
\emph{\abbrOneBIDB} $\pdb'$, $\raPlus$ query $\query$, and lineage polynomial
$\poly'\inparen{\vct{X}}=\poly'\pbox{\query,\tupset',\tup}\inparen{\vct{X}}$, it holds that $
\expct_{\vct{W} \sim \pdassign'}\pbox{\poly'\inparen{\vct{W}}} = \rpoly'\inparen{\probAllTup}.
$%, where $\probAllTup = \inparen{\inparen{\prob_{\tup, j}}_{\tup\in\tupset, j\in\pbox{c}}}.$%,\ldots,\prob_{\abs{\tupset}, \bound}}$ is defined by $\bpd$.
%$\expct_{\rvworld\sim\bpd'}\pbox{\poly'\inparen{\rvworld}} = \rpoly'\inparen{\vct{\prob}}$.