Minor adjustments

Oliver Kennedy 2021-04-08 11:51:26 -04:00
parent 0708beac57
commit acf3ad29d9
Signed by: okennedy
2 changed files with 15 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -143,6 +143,6 @@ Now consider the case when the sink node is $+$, we get that
In the above the first inequality follows from the inductive hypothesis while the second inequality follows from the facts that $k_\linput,k_\rinput\le k$ and $N_\linput,N_\rinput\le N-1$. The final inequality follows from the fact that $k\ge 0$.
Finally, we consider the case when $\circuit$ encodes the run of the algorithm from~\cite{DBLP:conf/pods/KhamisNR16} on an FAQ query. We cannot handle the full generality of an FAQ query but we can handle an FAQ query that has a ``core'' join query on $k$ relations and then a subset of the $k$ attributes are ``summed'' out (e.g. the sum could be because of projecting out a subset of attributes from the join query). While the algorithm~\cite{DBLP:conf/pods/KhamisNR16} essentially figures out when to `push in' the sums, in our case since we only care about $\abs{\circuit}(1,\dots,1)$ we will consider the obvious circuit that computes the ``inner join" using a worst-case optimal join (WCOJ) algorithm like~\cite{NPRR} and then adding in the addition gates. The basic idea is very simple: we will argue that the there are at most $\size(\circuit)^k$ tuples in the join output (each with having a value of $1$ in $\abs{\circuit}(1,\dots,1)$). Then the largest value we can see in $\abs{\circuit}(1,\dots,1)$ is by summing up these at most $\size(\circuit)^k$ values of $1$. Note that this immediately implies the claimed bound in~\Cref{lem:val-ub}.
Finally, we consider the case when $\circuit$ encodes the run of the algorithm from~\cite{DBLP:conf/pods/KhamisNR16} on an FAQ query. We cannot handle the full generality of an FAQ query but we can handle an FAQ query that has a ``core'' join query on $k$ relations and then a subset of the $k$ attributes are ``summed'' out (e.g. the sum could be because of projecting out a subset of attributes from the join query). While the algorithm~\cite{DBLP:conf/pods/KhamisNR16} essentially figures out when to `push in' the sums, in our case since we only care about $\abs{\circuit}(1,\dots,1)$ we will consider the obvious circuit that computes the ``inner join'' using a worst-case optimal join (WCOJ) algorithm like~\cite{NPRR} and then adding in the addition gates. The basic idea is very simple: we will argue that the there are at most $\size(\circuit)^k$ tuples in the join output (each with having a value of $1$ in $\abs{\circuit}(1,\dots,1)$). Then the largest value we can see in $\abs{\circuit}(1,\dots,1)$ is by summing up these at most $\size(\circuit)^k$ values of $1$. Note that this immediately implies the claimed bound in~\Cref{lem:val-ub}.
We now sketch the argument for the claim about the join query above. First, we note that the computation of a WCOJ algorithm like~\cite{NPRR} can be expressed as a circuit with {\em multiple} sinks (one for each output tuple). Note that annotation corresponding to $\mathbf{t}$ in $\circuit$ is the polynomial $\prod_{e\in E} R(\pi_e(\mathbf{t}))$ (where $E$ indexes the set of relations). It is easy to see that in this case the value of $\mathbf{t}$ in $\abs{\circuit}(1,\dots,1)$ will be $1$ (by multiplying $1$ $k$ times). The claim on the number of output tuples follow from the trivial bound of multiplying the input size bound (each relation has at most $n\le \size(\circuit)$ tuples and hence we get an overall bound of $n^k\le\size(\circuit)^k$. Note that we did not really use anything about the WCOJ algorithm except for the fact that $\circuit$ for the join part only is built only of multiplication gates. In fact, we do not need the better WCOJ join size bounds either (since we used the trivial $n^k$ bound). As a final remark, we note that we can build the circuit for the join part by running say the algorithm from~\cite{DBLP:conf/pods/KhamisNR16} on an FAQ query that just has the join query but each tuple is annotated with the corresponding variable $X_i$ (i.e. the semi-ring for the FAQ query is $\mathbb{N}[\mathbf{X}]$).

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
A \emph{probabilistic database} $\pdb = (\idb, \pd)$ is set of deterministic databases $\idb = \{ \db_1, \ldots, \db_n\}$ called possible worlds, paired with a probability distribution $\pd$ over these worlds.
A well-studied problem in probabilistic databases is, given a query $\query$ and probabilistic database $\pdb$, computing the \emph{marginal probability} of a tuple $\tup$, (i.e., its probability of appearing in the result of query $\query$ over $\pdb$).
This problem is \sharpphard for set semantics, even for \emph{tuple-independent probabilistic databases}~\cite{DBLP:series/synthesis/2011Suciu} (TIDBs), which are a subclass of probabilistic databases where tuples are independent events. The dichotomy of Dalvi and Suciu~\cite{10.1145/1265530.1265571} separates the hard cases from cases that are in \ptime for unions of conjunctive queries (UCQs).
This problem is \sharpphard for set semantics, even for \emph{tuple-independent probabilistic databases}~\cite{DBLP:series/synthesis/2011Suciu} (TIDBs), which are a subclass of probabilistic databases where tuples are independent events. The dichotomy of Dalvi and Suciu~\cite{10.1145/1265530.1265571} separates the hard cases, from cases that are in \ptime for unions of conjunctive queries (UCQs).
In this work we consider bag semantics, where each tuple is associated with a multiplicity $\db_i(\tup)$ in each possible world $\db_i$ and study the analogous problem of computing the expectation of the multiplicity of a query result tuple $\tup$ (denoted $\query(\db)(t)$):
@ -122,12 +122,12 @@ $$Q_1 := \pi_{\text{City}_1}(Loc \bowtie_{\text{City}_\ell = \text{City}_1} Rout
\Cref{subfig:ex-shipping-simp-queries} shows the possible results of this query.
For example, there is a 90\% probability there is a single route starting in Buffalo that is on time, and the expected multiplicity of this result tuple is $0.9$.
There are two shipping routes starting in Chicago.
Since the Chicago location has a 50\% probability to be on schedule (we assume that delays are linked), the expected multiplicity of this result tuple is $0.5 + 0.5 = 1.0$.
Since the Chicago location has a 50\% probability of being on schedule (we assume that delays are linked), the expected multiplicity of this result tuple is $0.5 + 0.5 = 1.0$.
A well-known result in probabilistic databases is that under set semantics the marginal probability of a query result $\tup$ can be computed based on the tuple's lineage. The lineage of a tuple is a Boolean formula (an element of the semiring $\text{PosBool}[\vct{X}]$ of positive Boolean expressions over variables $\vct{X}=(X_1,\dots,X_n)$) over random variables that encode the existence of input tuples. Each possible world $\db$ corresponds to an assignment $\{0,1\}^\numvar$ of the variables in $\vct{X}$ to either true (the tuple exists in this world) or false (the tuple does not exist in this world). Importantly, the following holds: if the lineage formula for $t$ evaluates to true over the assignment for a world $\db$, then $\tup \in \query(\db)$.
Thus, the marginal probability of tuple $\tup$ is equal to the probability that its lineage evaluates to true (with respect to the trivial analog of probability distribution $\probDist$ defined over $\vct{X}$).
A well-known result in probabilistic databases is that under set semantics the marginal probability of a query result $\tup$ can be computed based on the tuple's lineage. The lineage of a tuple is a Boolean formula (an element of the semiring $\text{PosBool}[\vct{X}]$ of positive Boolean expressions over variables $\vct{X}=(X_1,\dots,X_n)$~\cite{DBLP:conf/pods/GreenKT07}) over random variables that encode the existence of input tuples. Each possible world $\db$ corresponds to an assignment $\{0,1\}^\numvar$ of the variables in $\vct{X}$ to either true (the tuple exists in this world) or false (the tuple does not exist in this world). Importantly, the following holds: if the lineage formula for $t$ evaluates to true over the assignment for a world $\db$, then $\tup \in \query(\db)$.
Thus, the marginal probability of tuple $\tup$ is equal to the probability that its lineage evaluates to true (with respect to the obvious analog of probability distribution $\probDist$ defined over $\vct{X}$).
For bag semantics, the lineage of a tuple is a polynomial over variables $\vct{X}=(X_1,\dots,X_n)$ with % \in \mathbb{N}^\numvar$ with
coefficients in the set of natural numbers $\mathbb{N}$ (an element of semiring $\mathbb{N}[\vct{X}]$).
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ Unfortunately, we prove that this is not the case: computing the expected count
Concretely, we make the following contributions:
(i) We show that computing the expected result multiplicity problem for conjunctive queries for bag-$\ti$ is \sharpwonehard in the size of a lineage circuit by reduction from counting the number of $k$-matchings over an arbitrary graph;
(ii) We present an $(1\pm\epsilon)$-\emph{multiplicative} approximation algorithm for bag-$\ti$s and show that its complexity is linear in the size of the compressed lineage encoding (e.g. when the circuit is a tree or is generated by recent worst-case optimal join algorithms or its FAQ followups~\cite{DBLP:conf/pods/KhamisNR16}; %;\BG{Fix not linear in all cases, restate after 4 is done}
(ii) We present an $(1\pm\epsilon)$-\emph{multiplicative} approximation algorithm for bag-$\ti$s and show that for typical database usage patterns (e.g. when the circuit is a tree or is generated by recent worst-case optimal join algorithms or its FAQ followups~\cite{DBLP:conf/pods/KhamisNR16}) its complexity is linear in the size of the compressed lineage encoding; %;\BG{Fix not linear in all cases, restate after 4 is done}
(iii) We generalize the approximation algorithm to bag-$\bi$s, a more general model of probabilistic data;
(iv) We further prove that for \raPlus queries\AR{Some places we use \raPlus and UCQ in others: we should use one consistently (assuming they are both the same)}, we can approximate the expected output tuple multiplicities with only $O(\log{Z})$ overhead (where $Z$ is the number of output tuples) over the runtime of a broad class of query processing algorithms. We also observe that our results trivially extend to higher moments of the tuple multiplicity (instead of just the expectation).
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ Concretely, we make the following contributions:
\mypar{Overview of our Techniques} All of our results rely on working with a {\em reduced} form of the lineage polynomial $\Phi$. In fact, it turns out that for TIDB (and BIDB) case, computing the expected multiplicity is {\em exactly} the same as evaluating this reduced polynomial over the probabilities that define the TIDB/BIDB. Next, we motivate this reduced polynomial by continuing~\Cref{ex:intro-tbls}.
%Moving forward, we focus exclusively on bags.
Consider the query $Q():-$$OnTime(\text{City}), Route(\text{City}_1, \text{City}_2),$ $OnTime(\text{City}')$ over the bag relations of \cref{fig:ex-shipping-simp}. It can be verified that $\Phi$ for $Q$ is $L_aL_b + L_bL_d + L_bL_c$. Now consider the product query $\poly^2():- Q \times Q$.
Consider the query $Q():-$$OnTime(\text{City}), Route(\text{City}_1, \text{City}_2),$ $OnTime(\text{City}')$\OK{Should we be using RA- or Datalog-style query notation?} over the bag relations of \cref{fig:ex-shipping-simp}. It can be verified that $\Phi$ for $Q$ is $L_aL_b + L_bL_d + L_bL_c$. Now consider the product query $\poly^2():- Q \times Q$.
%The factorized representation of $\poly^2$ is (for simplicity we ignore the random variables of $Route$ since each variable has probability of $1$):
%\poly^2 = \left(L_aL_b + L_bL_d + L_bL_c\right) \cdot \left(L_aL_b + L_bL_d + L_bL_c\right)
@ -174,21 +174,20 @@ Note that the lineage polynomial for $Q^2$ is given by $\Phi^2$:
\left(L_aL_b + L_bL_d + L_bL_c\right)^2=L_a^2L_b^2 + L_b^2L_d^2 + L_b^2L_c^2 + 2L_aL_b^2L_d + 2L_aL_b^2L_c + 2L_b^2L_dL_c.
The expectation $\expct\pbox{\Phi^2}$ then is:
\expct\pbox{L_a}\expct\pbox{L_b^2} + \expct\pbox{L_b^2}\expct\pbox{L_d^2} + \expct\pbox{L_b^2}\expct\pbox{L_c^2} + 2\expct\pbox{L_a}\expct\pbox{L_b^2}\expct\pbox{L_d} + 2\expct\pbox{L_a}\expct\pbox{L_b^2}\expct\pbox{L_c} + 2\expct\pbox{L_b^2}\expct\pbox{L_d}\expct\pbox{L_c}
Note that if the domain of a random variable $W$ is $\{0, 1\}$, then for any $k > 0$, $\expct\pbox{W^k} = \expct\pbox{W}$, which means that $\expct\pbox{\Phi^2}$ simplifies to:
\expct\pbox{L_a}\expct\pbox{L_b^2} + \expct\pbox{L_b^2}\expct\pbox{L_d^2} + \expct\pbox{L_b^2}\expct\pbox{L_c^2} + 2\expct\pbox{L_a}\expct\pbox{L_b^2}\expct\pbox{L_d} \\
+ 2\expct\pbox{L_a}\expct\pbox{L_b^2}\expct\pbox{L_c} + 2\expct\pbox{L_b^2}\expct\pbox{L_d}\expct\pbox{L_c}
\noindent Note that if the domain of a random variable $W$ is $\{0, 1\}$, then for any $k > 0$, $\expct\pbox{W^k} = \expct\pbox{W}$, which means that $\expct\pbox{\Phi^2}$ simplifies to:
\expct\pbox{L_a^2}\expct\pbox{L_b} + \expct\pbox{L_b}\expct\pbox{L_d} + \expct\pbox{L_b}\expct\pbox{L_c} + 2\expct\pbox{L_a}\expct\pbox{L_b}\expct\pbox{L_d} + 2\expct\pbox{L_a}\expct\pbox{L_b}\expct\pbox{L_c} + 2\expct\pbox{L_b}\expct\pbox{L_d}\expct\pbox{L_c}
This property leads us to consider a structure related to $\poly$.
\noindent This property leads us to consider a structure related to $\poly$.
For any polynomial $\poly(\vct{X})$, define the \emph{reduced polynomial} $\rpoly(\vct{X})$ to be the polynomial obtained by setting all exponents $e > 1$ in $\poly(\vct{X})$ to $1$.
For any polynomial $\poly(\vct{X})$, define the \emph{reduced polynomial} $\rpoly(\vct{X})$ to be the polynomial obtained by setting all exponents $e > 1$ in the SOP form of $\poly(\vct{X})$ to $1$.
With $\Phi^2$ as an example, we have:
@ -199,7 +198,7 @@ It can be verified that the reduced polynomial is a closed form of the expected
%The reduced form of a lineage polynomial can be obtained but requires a linear scan over the clauses of an SOP encoding of the polynomial. Note that for a compressed representation, this scheme would require an exponential number of computations in the size of the compressed representation. In \Cref{sec:hard}, we use $\rpoly$ to prove our hardness results .
To prove our hardness result we show that for the same $Q$ considered here, the query $Q^k$ is able to encode variaous hard graph counting problems-- we do so by analyzing how the coefficients in the (univariate) polynomial $\widetilde{\Phi}\left(p,\dots,p\right)$ relate to counts of various sub-graphs on $k$ edges in an arbitrary graph $G$ (which is used to define the relations in $Q$). For the upper bound is easy to check that if all the probabilties are constant then ${\Phi}\left(\probOf\pbox{X_1=1},\dots, \probOf\pbox{X_n=1}\right)$ (i.e. evaluating the original lineage polynomial over the probability values) is a constant factor approximation. To get an $(1\pm \epsilon)$-multiplicative approximation we sample monomials from $\Phi$ and `adjust' their contribution to $\widetilde{\Phi}\left(\probOf\pbox{X_1=1},\dots, \probOf\pbox{X_n=1}\right)$.
To prove our hardness result we show that for the same $Q$ considered in the running example, the query $Q^k$ is able to encode variaous hard graph counting problems. We do so by analyzing how the coefficients in the (univariate) polynomial $\widetilde{\Phi}\left(p,\dots,p\right)$ relate to counts of various sub-graphs on $k$ edges in an arbitrary graph $G$ (which is used to define the relations in $Q$). For the upper bound is easy to check that if all the probabilties are constant then ${\Phi}\left(\probOf\pbox{X_1=1},\dots, \probOf\pbox{X_n=1}\right)$ (i.e. evaluating the original lineage polynomial over the probability values) is a constant factor approximation. To get an $(1\pm \epsilon)$-multiplicative approximation we sample monomials from $\Phi$ and `adjust' their contribution to $\widetilde{\Phi}\left(\cdot\right)$.
\mypar{Paper Organization} We present relevant background and notation in \Cref{sec:background}. We then prove our main hardness results in \Cref{sec:hard} and present our approximation algorithm in \Cref{sec:algo}. We present some (easy) generalizations of our results in \Cref{sec:gen} and also discuss extensions from computing expectations of polynomials to the expected result multiplicity problem. Finally, we discuss related work in \Cref{sec:related-work} and conclude in \Cref{sec:concl-future-work}.