Added some pictures for single edge and two path patterns.

Aaron Huber 2020-09-09 12:11:05 -04:00
parent e108c01fdd
commit e655bf5c6a
5 changed files with 41 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -106,9 +106,25 @@
\newcommand{\out}{output}%output aggregation over the output vector
\newcommand{\numocc}[2]{\#\left(#1, #2\right)}
%Graph Symbols
\node at (0, 0)[fill, draw, circle, inner sep=0pt, minimum size=2pt](bottom){};
\node [above=0.07cm of bottom, fill, draw, circle, inner sep=0pt, minimum size=2pt](top){};
\draw[semithick] (top) -- (bottom);
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={circle, draw, fill, inner sep=0pt, minimum size=2pt}]
\node at (0, 0.08) (top){};
\node [below left=0.08cm and 0.01cm of top](left){};
\node[below right=0.08cm and 0.01cm of top](right){};
\draw[semithick](top) -- (left);
\draw[semithick](top) -- (right);
\newcommand{\threedis}{| | |}
\newcommand{\twopathdis}{| \land}

main.synctex(busy) Normal file

Binary file not shown.

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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@

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@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ To this end, consider the following graph $G(V, E)$, where $|E| = \numedge$, $|V
Before proceeding, let us list all possible edge patterns in an arbitrary $G$ consisting of $\leq 3$ distinct edges.
\item Single Edge ($\ed$)
\item Single Edge $\left(\ed\right)$
\item 2-path ($\twopath$)
\item 2-matching ($\twodis$)
\item Triangle ($\tri$)

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@ -2,6 +2,27 @@
%!TEX root=./main.tex
\section{Query translation into polynomials}
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={circle, draw=black, fill=black, text=white}]
child { node{2}
child { node{4}}
child { node{5}}
child{ node{3} };
\node at (5, 5) [fill,circle,inner sep=0pt,minimum size=3pt] (top) {};
\node[fill,circle,inner sep=0pt,minimum size=3pt, below=0.5cm of top] (bottom){};
\draw (top)--(bottom);
% \draw[red, very thick] (0, 0) rectangle (4, 4);
% \draw[blue, very thin] (0, 0) circle (2cm);
% \draw (0, 0) ellipse (4cm and 2cm);
% \draw (4, 4) arc (0:180:4);
% \fill[olive] (0, 0) rectangle (3, 3);
% \fill[teal] (-2, 2) circle (1cm);
% \fill[blue] (1, 1) circle(2pt);
% \fill[blue!50!red](3, 3) circle(.2cm);
% \fill[blue!50] (4, 4) circle (3pt);
%\AH{This section will involve the set of queries (RA+) that we are interested in, the probabilistic/incomplete models we address, and the outer aggregate functions we perform over the output \textit{annotation}
%1) RA notation
%2) DB (TIDB) notation