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Aaron Huber 2021-08-23 09:01:25 -04:00
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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
%root: main.tex
\section{Introduction (Rewrite - 070921)}
\section{Introduction (Rewrite - 070921)}\label{sec:intro-rewrite-070921}
A tuple independent probabilistic database\footnote{In \cref{sec:background} and beyond, we generalize the data model.} (\abbrTIDB) $\pdb$ is a tuple $\inparen{\idb, \pd}$ such that $\idb$ is the set of deterministic instances of $\pdb$ (possible worlds) and $\pd$ is the probability distribution over $\idb$. $\pdb$ can equivalently encoded as deterministic database with $\numvar$ tuples, with $\pd$
%with a deterministic table $\encodedDB$ which is a set of $\numvar$ tuples, encoding the set of possible worlds $\idb$. The probability distribution $\pd$ over the set of database instances (possible worlds) is the one
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ There exist some queries for which \emph{bag}-\abbrPDB\xplural are a more natura
%END Needs to be noted.
A natural question is whether or not we can quantify the complexity of computing $\expct\pbox{\poly_\tup\inparen{\vct{\randWorld}}}$ separately from the complexity of deterministic query evaluation, effectively dividing \abbrPDB query evaluation into two steps: deterministic query evaluation\footnote{Given input $\pdb$, this step includes outputting every tuple $\tup$ that satisfies $\query$, annotated with its lineage polynomial ($\poly_\tup$) which is computed inline across the query operators of $\query$.\cite{Imielinski1989IncompleteII}\cite{DBLP:conf/pods/GreenKT07}} and computing expectation. Viewing \abbrPDB query evaluation as these two seperate steps is also known as intensional evaluation \cite{DBLP:series/synthesis/2011Suciu}, illustrated in \cref{fig:two-step}.
The first step, which we will refer to as \termStepOne (\abbrStepOne), consists of computing both $\query\inparen{\db}$ and $\poly_\tup(\vct{X})$.\footnote{Assuming standard $\raPlus$ query processing algorithms, computing the lineage polynomial of $\tup$ is upperbounded by the runtime of deterministic query evaluation of $\tup$, as we show in \cref{sec:circuit-runtime}.} The second step is \termStepTwo (\abbrStepTwo), which consists of computing $\expct\pbox{\poly_\tup(\vct{\randWorld})}$. Such a model of computation is nicely followed in set-\abbrPDB semantics \cite{DBLP:series/synthesis/2011Suciu}, where $\poly_\tup\inparen{\vct{X}}$ must be computed separate from deterministic query evaluation to obtain exact output when $\query(\pdb)$ is hard since evaluating the probability inline with query operators (extensional evaluation) will only approximate the actual probability in such a case. The paradigm of \cref{fig:two-step} is also analogous to semiring provenance, where $\semNX$-DB\footnote{An $\semNX$-DB is a database whose tuples are annotated with standard polynomials, i.e. elements from $\semNX$ connected by multiplication and addition operators.} query processing \cite{DBLP:conf/pods/GreenKT07} first computes the query and polynomial, and the $\semNX$-polynomial can then subsequently evaluated over a semantically appropriate semiring, e.g. $\semN$ to model bag semantics. Further, in this work, the intensional model lends itself nicely in separating the concerns of deterministic computation and the probability computation.
The first step, which we will refer to as \termStepOne (\abbrStepOne), consists of computing both $\query\inparen{\db}$ and $\poly_\tup(\vct{X})$.\footnote{Assuming standard $\raPlus$ query processing algorithms, computing the lineage polynomial of $\tup$ is upperbounded by the runtime of deterministic query evaluation of $\tup$, as we show in \cref{sec:circuit-runtime}.} The second step is \termStepTwo (\abbrStepTwo), which consists of computing $\expct\pbox{\poly_\tup(\vct{\randWorld})}$. Such a model of computation is nicely followed in set-\abbrPDB semantics \cite{DBLP:series/synthesis/2011Suciu}, where $\poly_\tup\inparen{\vct{X}}$ must be computed separate from deterministic query evaluation to obtain exact output when $\query(\pdb)$ is hard since evaluating the probability inline with query operators (extensional evaluation) will only approximate the actual probability in such a case. The paradigm of \cref{fig:two-step} is also analogous to semiring provenance, where $\semNX$-DB\footnote{An $\semNX$-DB is a database whose tuples are annotated with elements from the set of polynomials with variables in $\vct{X}$ and natural number coeficients and exponents.} query processing \cite{DBLP:conf/pods/GreenKT07} first computes the query and polynomial, and the $\semNX$-polynomial can then subsequently evaluated over a semantically appropriate semiring, e.g. $\semN$ to model bag semantics. Further, in this work, the intensional model lends itself nicely in separating the concerns of deterministic computation and the probability computation.
Let $\timeOf{\abbrStepOne}$ denote the runtime of \abbrStepOne and similarly for $\timeOf{\abbrStepTwo}$.
Given bag-\abbrPDB query $\query$ and \abbrTIDB $\pdb$ with $\numvar$ tuples, let us go a step further and assume that computing $\poly_\tup$ is lower bounded by the runtime of determistic query computation of $\query$ for the following situations, i.e. when $\abs{\textnormal{input}} \leq \abs{\textnormal{output}}$. When $\poly_\tup$ is in standard monomial basis (\abbrSMB)\footnote{A polynomial is in \abbrSMB when it consists of a sum of unique products.}, by linearity of expectation and independence of \abbrTIDB, it follows that $\timeOf{\abbrStepTwo}$ is indeed $\bigO{\timeOf{\abbrStepOne}}$. Let $\prob_i$ denote the probability of tuple $\tup_i$ ($\probOf\pbox{X_i = 1}$) for $i \in [\numvar]$. Consider another special case when for all $i$ in $[\numvar]$, $\prob_i = 1$. For output tuple $\tup'$ of $\query\inparen{\pdb}$, computing $\expct\pbox{\poly_{\tup'}\inparen{\vct{\randWorld}}}$ is linear in

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@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
\subsection{Probabilistic Databases}
We focus primarily on set-\abbrPDB inputs in this section, but as noted in \cref{sec:intro-rewrite-070921}, this is not limiting.
An \textit{incomplete database} $\idb$ is a set of deterministic databases $\db$ called possible worlds.
Denote the schema of $\db$ as $\sch(\db)$. A \textit{probabilistic database} $\pdb$ is a pair $(\idb, \pd)$ where $\idb$ is an incomplete database and $\pd$ is a probability distribution over $\idb$. Queries over probabilistic databases are evaluated using the so-called possible world semantics. Under the possible world semantics, the result of a query $\query$ over an incomplete database $\idb$ is the set of query answers produced by evaluating $\query$ over each possible world: $\query(\idb) = \comprehension{\query(\db)}{\db \in \idb}$.