%root: main.tex \paragraph{Outline of 1st ICDT Introduction Submission} \begin{outline}[enumerate] \1 Problem Introduction and Background \2 Set-\abbrPDB notation, concepts, common (known) results \isIncluded{I. B. vi.} \3 \notIncluded{Dichotomy} \isIncluded{Can be included in I. B. vi.} \3 Exact Computation \sharpphard \isIncluded{I. B. vi.} \2 Formal definition of expected result multiplicity \isIncluded{Can be included in I. C. ii. a.} \2 \notIncluded{Example} \isIncluded{Can be used potentially sometime after I. C. ii. a.; maybe around D.} \3 Assumed setting of {\emph set inputs} \isIncluded{I. D.} \3 \notIncluded{Example based on explaining and motivating formal definition of expected result multiplicity} \1 \notIncluded{Discussion of set-\abbrPDB\xplural} \isIncluded{Perhaps this might be useful around I. B. vi.} \2 \notIncluded{Lineage from PosBool$[\vct{X}]$} \2 \notIncluded{Encoding of possible worlds via $\vct{X}$} \2 \notIncluded{Computing probability can be done using only the lineage} \1 \notIncluded{Discussion of bag-\abbrPDB\xplural} \isIncluded{Might be useful around I. C.} \2 \notIncluded{Link to $\domN[\vct{X}]$} \2 \notIncluded{Link to computing the expected count of a lineage polynomial} \2 \notIncluded{Example to illustrate computing an expected count over a lineage polynomial} \1 \isIncluded{Computing expected multiplicity for an \abbrSOP representation versus a factorized representation -- I. B. iii. and I. B. iv.} \2 Linear for \abbrSOP \2 Introduce the problem by asking if it's linear in the size of the representation for factorized representation produced by such query optimizations as projection push-down. \2 State our theoretical results (informally) that it is not linear in general \1 \notIncluded{Contributions} \2 \notIncluded{Hardness results for the expected multiplicity problem} \3 \notIncluded{Reduction to counting $\kElem$-matchings} \2 \isIncluded{Introduce our approximation algorithm and its guarantees -- I. B. v.} \2 \notIncluded{Generalization to bag-\abbrPDB\xplural} \2 \notIncluded{Result over $\raPlus$ queries } \2 \isIncluded{Higher moments I. C. e.} \1 \notIncluded{Overview of our techniques} \2 \notIncluded{Informal introduction to $\rpoly$ with example} \2 \notIncluded{Definition of reduced polynomial} \2 \notIncluded{Equivalence of $\rpoly$ and computing $\expct$} \2 \notIncluded{Further details into the technique of obtaining our hardness result} \1 \notIncluded{Paper organization} \2 \notIncluded{Also includes evaluation semantics figure} \end{outline}