%root: main.tex %!TEX root=./main.tex \section{$1 \pm \epsilon$ Approximation Algorithm}\label{sec:algo} We showed in~\Cref{sec:hard} that a runtime of $\bigO{\qruntime{\optquery{\query},\tupset,\bound}}$ cannot be acheived for~\Cref{prob:bag-pdb-poly-expected}. In light of this, we desire to produce an approximation algorithm that runs in time $\bigO{\qruntime{\optquery{\query},\tupset,\bound}}$. We do this by showing the result via circuits, such that our approximation algorithm for this problem runs in $\bigO{\abs{\circuit}}$ for a very broad class of circuits, (thus affirming~\Cref{prob:intro-stmt}); see the discussion after \Cref{lem:val-ub} for more. The following approximation algorithm applies to bag query semantics over both \abbrCTIDB lineage polynomials and general \abbrBIDB lineage polynomials in practice, where for the latter we note that a $1$-\abbrTIDB is equivalently a \abbrBIDB (blocks are size $1$). Our experimental results (see~\Cref{app:subsec:experiment}), which use queries from the PDBench benchmark~\cite{pdbench} support the notion that our bounds hold for general \abbrBIDB in practice. Corresponding proofs and pseudocode for all formal statements and algorithms can be found in \Cref{sec:proofs-approx-alg}. \subsection{Preliminaries and some more notation} We now introduce definitions and notation related to circuits and polynomials that we will need to state our upper bound results. First we introduce the expansion $\expansion{\circuit}$ of circuit $\circuit$ which is used in our auxiliary algorithm \sampmon for sampling monomials when computing the approximation. \begin{Definition}[$\expansion{\circuit}$]\label{def:expand-circuit} For a circuit $\circuit$, we define $\expansion{\circuit}$ as a list of tuples $(\monom, \coef)$, where $\monom$ is a set of variables and $\coef \in \domN$. $\expansion{\circuit}$ has the following recursive definition ($\circ$ is list concatenation). $\expansion{\circuit} = \begin{cases} \expansion{\circuit_\linput} \circ \expansion{\circuit_\rinput} &\textbf{ if }\circuit.\type = \circplus\\ \left\{(\monom_\linput \cup \monom_\rinput, \coef_\linput \cdot \coef_\rinput) \right.\\\left.~|~(\monom_\linput, \coef_\linput) \in \expansion{\circuit_\linput}, (\monom_\rinput, \coef_\rinput) \in \expansion{\circuit_\rinput}\right\} &\textbf{ if }\circuit.\type = \circmult\\ \elist{(\emptyset, \circuit.\val)} &\textbf{ if }\circuit.\type = \tnum\\ \elist{(\circuit.\val, 1)} &\textbf{ if }\circuit.\type = \var.\\ \end{cases} $ \end{Definition} Later on, we will denote the monomial composed of the variables in $\monom$ as $\encMon$. As an example of $\expansion{\circuit}$, consider $\circuit$ illustrated in \Cref{fig:circuit}. $\expansion{\circuit}$ is then $[(X, 2), (XY, -1), (XY, 4), (Y, -2)]$. This helps us redefine $\rpoly$ (see \Cref{eq:tilde-Q-bi}) in a way that makes our algorithm more transparent. \begin{Definition}[$\abs{\circuit}$]\label{def:positive-circuit} For any circuit $\circuit$, the corresponding {\em positive circuit}, denoted $\abs{\circuit}$, is obtained from $\circuit$ as follows. For each leaf node $\ell$ of $\circuit$ where $\ell.\type$ is $\tnum$, update $\ell.\vari{value}$ to $|\ell.\vari{value}|$. \end{Definition} We will overload notation and use $\abs{\circuit}\inparen{\vct{X}}$ to mean $\polyf\inparen{\abs{\circuit}}$. Conveniently, $\abs{\circuit}\inparen{1,\ldots,1}$ gives us $\sum\limits_{\inparen{\monom, \coef} \in \expansion{\circuit}}\abs{\coef}$. \begin{Definition}[\size($\cdot$), \depth$\inparen{\cdot}$]\label{def:size-depth} The functions \size and \depth output the number of gates and levels respectively for input \circuit. \end{Definition} \begin{Definition}[$\degree(\cdot)$]\label{def:degree}\footnote{Note that the degree of $\polyf(\abs{\circuit})$ is always upper bounded by $\degree(\circuit)$ and the latter can be strictly larger (e.g. consider the case when $\circuit$ multiplies two copies of the constant $1$-- here we have $\deg(\circuit)=1$ but degree of $\polyf(\abs{\circuit})$ is $0$).} $\degree(\circuit)$ is defined recursively: \[\degree(\circuit)= \begin{cases} \max(\degree(\circuit_\linput),\degree(\circuit_\rinput)) & \text{ if }\circuit.\type=+\\ \degree(\circuit_\linput) + \degree(\circuit_\rinput)+1 &\text{ if }\circuit.\type=\times\\ 1 & \text{ if }\circuit.\type = \var\\ 0 & \text{otherwise}. \end{cases} \] \end{Definition} \noindent We use the following notation for integer multiplication complexity: \begin{Definition}[$\multc{\cdot}{\cdot}$]\footnote{We note that when doing arithmetic operations on the RAM model for input of size $N$, we have that $\multc{O(\log{N})}{O(\log{N})}=O(1)$. More generally we have $\multc{N}{O(\log{N})}=O(N\log{N}\log\log{N})$.} In a RAM model of word size of $W$-bits, $\multc{M}{W}$ denotes the complexity of multiplying two integers represented with $M$-bits. (We will assume that for input of size $N$, $W=O(\log{N})$.) \end{Definition} Finally, to get linear runtime results, we will need to define another parameter modeling the (weighted) number of monomials in $\expansion{\circuit}$ that need to be `canceled' when monomials with dependent variables are removed (\Cref{subsec:one-bidb}). Let $\isInd{\cdot}$ be a boolean function returning true if monomial $\encMon$ is composed of independent variables and false otherwise; further, let $\indicator{\theta}$ also be a boolean function returning true if $\theta$ evaluates to true. \begin{Definition}[Parameter $\gamma$]\label{def:param-gamma} Given \abbrOneBIDB circuit $\circuit$, let \[\gamma(\circuit)=\frac{\sum_{(\monom, \coef)\in \expansion{\circuit}} \abs{\coef}\cdot \indicator{\neg\isInd{\encMon}} } {\abs{\circuit}(1,\ldots, 1)}.\] \end{Definition} \subsection{Our main result}\label{sec:algo:sub:main-result} We solve~\Cref{prob:intro-stmt} for any fixed $\epsilon > 0$ in what follows. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \mypar{Algorithm Idea} Our approximation algorithm (\approxq) % pseudo code in \Cref{sec:proof-lem-approx-alg}) is based on the following observation. Given a lineage polynomial $\poly(\vct{X})=\polyf(\circuit)$ for circuit \circuit over \abbrOneBIDB (recall that all \abbrCTIDB can be reduced to \abbrOneBIDB by~\Cref{prop:ctidb-reduct}), we have: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{equation} \label{eq:tilde-Q-bi} \rpoly\inparen{p_1,\dots,p_\numvar}=\hspace*{-1mm}\sum_{(\monom,\coef)\in \expansion{\circuit}} \indicator{\isInd{\encMon} }\cdot \coef\cdot\hspace*{-2mm}\prod_{X_i\in \monom}\hspace*{-2mm} p_i. \end{equation} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Given the above, the algorithm is a sampling based algorithm for the above sum: we sample (via \sampmon) $(\monom,\coef)\in \expansion{\circuit}$ with probability proportional to $\abs{\coef}$ and compute $\vari{Y}=\indicator{\isInd{\encMon}} \cdot \prod_{X_i\in \monom} p_i$. Repeating the sampling an appropriate number of times and computing the average of $\vari{Y}$ gives us our final estimate. \onepass is used to compute the sampling probabilities needed in \sampmon (details are in \Cref{sec:proofs-approx-alg}). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \mypar{Runtime analysis} We can argue the following runtime for the algorithm outlined above: \begin{Theorem} \label{cor:approx-algo-const-p} Let \circuit be an arbitrary \emph{\abbrOneBIDB} circuit, define $\poly(\vct{X})=\polyf(\circuit)$, let $k=\degree(\circuit)$, and let $\gamma=\gamma(\circuit)$. Further let it be the case that $\prob_i\ge \prob_0$ for all $i\in[\numvar]$. Then an estimate $\mathcal{E}$ of $\rpoly(\prob_1,\ldots, \prob_\numvar)$ satisfying \begin{equation} \label{eq:approx-algo-bound-main} \probOf\left(\left|\mathcal{E} - \rpoly(\prob_1,\dots,\prob_\numvar)\right|> \error' \cdot \rpoly(\prob_1,\dots,\prob_\numvar)\right) \leq \conf \end{equation} can be computed in time \begin{footnotesize} \begin{equation} \label{eq:approx-algo-runtime} O\left(\left(\size(\circuit) + \frac{\log{\frac{1}{\conf}}\cdot k\cdot \log{k} \cdot \depth(\circuit))}{\inparen{\error'}^2\cdot(1-\gamma)^2\cdot \prob_0^{2k}}\right)\cdot\multc{\log\left(\abs{\circuit}(1,\ldots, 1)\right)}{\log\left(\size(\circuit)\right)}\right). \end{equation} \end{footnotesize} In particular, if $\prob_0>0$ and $\gamma<1$ are absolute constants then the above runtime simplifies to $$O_k\left(\left(\frac 1{\inparen{\error'}^2}\cdot\size(\circuit)\cdot \log{\frac{1}{\conf}}\right)\cdot\multc{\log\left(\abs{\circuit}(1,\ldots, 1)\right)}{\log\left(\size(\circuit)\right)}\right).$$ \end{Theorem} The restriction on $\gamma$ is satisfied by any $1$-\abbrTIDB (where $\gamma=0$ in the equivalent $1$-\abbrBIDB of~\Cref{prop:ctidb-reduct}) as well as for all three queries of the PDBench \abbrBIDB benchmark (\Cref{app:subsec:experiment}). Further, we can also argue the following result.%, recalling from~\Cref{sec:intro} for \abbrCTIDB $\pdb = \inparen{\worlds, \bpd}$, where $\tupset$ is the set of possible tuples across all possible worlds of $\pdb$. \begin{Lemma} \label{lem:ctidb-gamma} Given $\raPlus$ query $\query$ and \abbrCTIDB $\pdb$, let \circuit be the circuit computed by $\query\inparen{\tupset}$. Then, for the reduced \abbrOneBIDB $\pdb'$ there exists an equivalent circuit \circuit' obtained from $\query\inparen{\tupset'}$, such that $\gamma\inparen{\circuit'}\leq 1 - \bound^{-\inparen{k-1}}$ with $\size\inparen{\circuit'} \leq \size\inparen{\circuit} + \bigO{\numvar\bound}$ and $\depth\inparen{\circuit'} = \depth\inparen{\circuit} + \bigO{\log{\bound}}$. \end{Lemma} We briefly connect the runtime in \Cref{eq:approx-algo-runtime} to the algorithm outline earlier (where we ignore the dependence on $\multc{\cdot}{\cdot}$, which is needed to handle the cost of arithmetic operations over integers). The $\size(\circuit)$ comes from the time taken to run \onepass once (\onepass essentially computes $\abs{\circuit}(1,\ldots, 1)$ using the natural circuit evaluation algorithm on $\circuit$). We make $\frac{\log{\frac{1}{\conf}}}{\inparen{\error'}^2\cdot(1-\gamma)^2\cdot \prob_0^{2k}}$ many calls to \sampmon (each of which essentially traces $O(k)$ random sink to source paths in $\circuit$ all of which by definition have length at most $\depth(\circuit)$). Finally, we address the $\multc{\log\left(\abs{\circuit}(1,\ldots, 1)\right)}{\log\left(\size(\circuit)\right)}$ term in the runtime. \begin{Lemma} \label{lem:val-ub} For any \emph{\abbrOneBIDB} circuit $\circuit$ with $\degree(\circuit)=k$, we have $\abs{\circuit}(1,\ldots, 1)\le 2^{2^k\cdot \depth(\circuit)}.$ Further, if $\circuit$ is a tree, then we have $\abs{\circuit}(1,\ldots, 1)\le \size(\circuit)^{O(k)}.$ \end{Lemma} Note that the above implies that with the assumption $\prob_0>0$ and $\gamma<1$ are absolute constants from \Cref{cor:approx-algo-const-p}, then the runtime there simplifies to $O_k\left(\frac 1{\inparen{\error'}^2}\cdot\size(\circuit)^2\cdot \log{\frac{1}{\conf}}\right)$ for general circuits $\circuit$. If $\circuit$ is a tree, then the runtime simplifies to $O_k\left(\frac 1{\inparen{\error'}^2}\cdot\size(\circuit)\cdot \log{\frac{1}{\conf}}\right)$, which then answers \Cref{prob:intro-stmt} with yes for such circuits. Finally, note that by \Cref{prop:circuit-depth} and \Cref{lem:circ-model-runtime} for any $\raPlus$ query $\query$, there exists a circuit $\circuit^*$ for $\apolyqdt$ such that $\depth(\circuit^*)\le O_{|Q|}(\log{n})$ and $\size(\circuit)\le O_k\inparen{\qruntime{\query, \tupset, \bound}}$. Using this along with \Cref{lem:val-ub}, \Cref{cor:approx-algo-const-p} and the fact that $n\le \qruntime{\query, \tupset, \bound}$, we have the following corollary: \begin{Corollary} \label{cor:approx-algo-punchline} Let $\query$ be an $\raPlus$ query and $\pdb$ be a \emph{\abbrOneBIDB} with $p_0>0$ and $\gamma<1$, where $p_0,\gamma$ as in \Cref{cor:approx-algo-const-p}, are absolute constants. Let $\poly(\vct{X})=\apolyqdt$ for any result tuple $\tup$ with $\deg(\poly)=k$. Then one can compute an approximation satisfying \Cref{eq:approx-algo-bound-main} in time $O_{k,|Q|,\error',\conf}\inparen{\qruntime{\optquery{\query}, \tupset, \bound}}$ (given $\query,\tupset$ and $p_i$ for each $i\in [n]$ that defines $\pd$). \end{Corollary} Next, we note that the above result along with \Cref{lem:ctidb-gamma} answers \Cref{prob:big-o-joint-steps} in the affirmative as follows: \begin{Corollary} \label{cor:approx-algo-punchline-ctidb} Let $\query$ be an $\raPlus$ query and $\pdb$ be a \abbrCTIDB with $p_0>0$, where $p_0$ as in \Cref{cor:approx-algo-const-p}, is an absolute constant. Let $\poly(\vct{X})=\apolyqdt$ for any result tuple $\tup$ with $\deg(\poly)=k$. Then one can compute an approximation satisfying \Cref{eq:approx-algo-bound-main} in time $O_{k,|Q|,\error',\conf,\bound}\inparen{\qruntime{\optquery{\query}, \tupset, \bound}}$ (given $\query,\tupset$ and $\prob_{\tup, j}$ for each $\tup\in\tupset,~j\in\pbox{\bound}$ that defines $\bpd$). \end{Corollary} \begin{proof}[Proof of~\Cref{cor:approx-algo-punchline-ctidb}] By~\Cref{lem:ctidb-gamma} and~\Cref{cor:approx-algo-punchline}, the proof follows. \end{proof} \qed If we want to approximate the expected multiplicities of all $Z=O(n^k)$ result tuples $\tup$ simultaneously, we just need to run the above result with $\conf$ replaced by $\frac \conf Z$. Note this increases the runtime by only a logarithmic factor. %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: "main" %%% End: