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\section{Compressed Representations of Polynomials and Boolean Formulas}\label{sec:compr-repr-polyn}
There is a large body of work on compact using representations of Boolean formulas (e.g, various types of circuits including OBDDs~\cite{jha-12-pdwm}) and polynomials (e.g.,factorizations~\cite{OS16,DBLP:conf/tapp/Zavodny11}) some of which have been utilized for probabilistic query processing, e.g.,~\cite{jha-12-pdwm}. Compact representations of Boolean formulas for which probabilities can be computed in linear time include OBDDs, SDDs, d-DNNF, and FBDD. In terms of circuits over semiring expression,~\cite{DM14c} studies circuits for absorptive semirings while~\cite{S18a} studies circuits that include negation (expressed as the monus operation of a semiring). Algebraic Decision Diagrams~\cite{bahar-93-al} (ADDs) generalize BDDs to variables with more than two values. Chen et al.~\cite{chen-10-cswssr} introduced the generalized disjunctive normal form.
\section{Parameterized Complexity}\label{sec:param-compl}
In~\Cref{sec:hard}, we utilized common conjectures from fine-grained complexity theory.
\BG{ATRI: Parameterized complexity discussion}