
526 lines
20 KiB

% -*- root: main.tex -*-
%Temporary Macros for Outline Comparison
%editing/highlighting sections
\newcommand{\BG}[1]{\todo{\textbf{Boris says:$\,$} #1}}
\newcommand{\SF}[1]{\todo{\textbf{Su says:$\,$} #1}}
\newcommand{\OK}[1]{\todo[color=gray]{\textbf{Oliver says:$\,$} #1}}
\newcommand{\AH}[1]{\todo[backgroundcolor=cyan]{\textbf{Aaron says:$\,$} #1}}
\newcommand{\AR}[1]{\todo[color=green]{\textbf{Atri says:$\,$} #1}}
%v---what is this?
\newtheorem{hypo}[Theorem]{Conjecture}%used in mult_distinct_p.tex
% Rel model
%Need to have all Rel stuff in one place
\newcommand{\reli}{S}%<----better names?
\newcommand{\tset}{\mathcal{T}}%the set of tuples in a database
%Perhaps PDB abbreviations should go here?
%Two-step (intensional evaluation model)
\newcommand{\termStepOne}{Lineage Computation\xspace}
\newcommand{\termStepTwo}{Expectation Computation\xspace}
\newcommand{\expectProblem}{\textsc{Expected Result Multiplicity Problem}\xspace}
\newcommand{\termSMB}{standard monomial basis\xspace}
\newcommand{\abbrSMB}{SMB\xspace}%we already have this; one has to go
\newcommand{\termSOP}{sum of products\xspace}
%Function Names and Typesetting %
%Verify if we need the above...
%saving \treesize for now to keep latex from breaking
%I believe this is used in the algo psuedocode
% Incomplete DB/PDBs %
\newcommand{\pd}{{\mathcal{P}_{\idb}}}%pd for probability distribution
\newcommand{\dbbaseName}{deterministic bounding database\xspace}
\newcommand{\nxdb}{D(\vct{X})}%\mathbb{N}[\vct{X}] db--Are we currently using this?
\newcommand{\valworlds}{\eta}%valid worlds--in particular referring to something like a BIDB, where not all worlds have Pr[w] > 0.
\newcommand{\bivar}{x_{\block, i}}
%PDB Abbreviations
\newcommand{\abbrTIDB}{\textnormal{TIDB}\xspace}%replace \ti with this
\newcommand{\abbrTIDBs}{\textnormal{TIDBs}\xspace}%replace \ti with this
%not sure if we use these; arguably the above abbrev macros should have a name change
\newcommand{\probDist}{\vct{\probOf}}%<---I don't think we need this.
\newcommand{\probAllTup}{\vct{\prob}}%<---I was using simply \vct{\prob}; decide on a convention
\newcommand{\wSet}{\Omega}%<---We have \idb, the set of possible worlds; decide on one of these
%Is this being used?
%Math Symbols, Functions/Operators, Containers %
%Number Sets
%Probability, Expectation
\newcommand{\expct}{\mathop{\mathbb{E}}}%why not just call this \expect
\newcommand{\probOf}{Pr}%probability function
\newcommand{\suchthat}{\;|\;} %such that
\newcommand{\eval}[1]{\llbracket #1 \rrbracket}%evaluation double brackets
\newcommand{\pbox}[1]{\left[#1\right]}%<---used for expectation
%consider replacing \pbrace with what is below
\newcommand{\inset}[1]{\left\{{#1}\right\}}%we already have this as \pbrace; need to pick one
% Variable, Polynomial and Vector Notation
%Instance Variables
\newcommand{\wElem}{w} %an element of \vct{w}
%Polynomial Variables
\newcommand{\pVar}{X}%<----not used but recomment instituting this--pVar for polyVar
\newcommand{\kElem}{k}%the kth element<---where and how are we using this?
%Random Variables
\newcommand{\rvW}{W}%\rvW for random variable of type World<---this is the same as \randWorld
%One of these needs to go...I think...
\newcommand{\randomvar}{W}%this little guy needs a home!
%Container for Polynomial Params
\newcommand{\polyinput}[2]{\left(#1,\ldots, #2\right)}%do we still use this?
%Number of Variables--this could easily be number of tups--maybe move to Rel Model?
\newcommand{\vct}[1]{{\bf #1}}
%using \wVec for world bit vector notation<-----Is this still the case?
\newcommand{\polyX}{\poly\inparen{\vct{\pVar}}}%<---let's see if this proves handy
\newcommand{\rpoly}{\widetilde{\poly}}%r for reduced as in reduced 'Q'
\newcommand{\rpolyX}{\rpoly\inparen{\pVar}}%<---if this isn't something we use much, we can get rid of it
\newcommand{\biDisProd}{\mathcal{B}}%bidb disjoint tuple products (def 2.5)
\newcommand{\rExp}{\mathcal{T}}%the set of variables to reduce all exponents to 1 via modulus operation; I think \mathcal T collides with the notation used for the set of tuples in D
\newcommand{\polyForTuple}{\poly_{\tup}}%do we use this?<--S 2
%Do we use this?
\newcommand{\out}{output}%output aggregation over the output vector
\newcommand{\prel}{\mathcal{\rel}}%What is this?
\newcommand{\linsett}[3]{\Phi_{#1,#2}^{#3}}%Where is this used?
\newcommand{\wbit}{w}%don't think we need this one
%Graph Notation %
\newcommand{\esetType}[1]{\edgeSet^{\gtype{#1}}}%edge set for induced graph G^{\inparen{\ell}}
\newcommand{\eset}[1]{E^{(#1)}_S} %edge set for arbitrary subgraph
%I don't think we use these anymore
%Circuit Notation
\newcommand{\inputs}{\vari{inputs}}%do we use this?
\newcommand{\subcircuit}{\vari{S}}%does this clash/conflict with \coeffset?
%types of C
%Do we use this?
% Datalog
% Query Classes
\newcommand{\np}{{\sf NP}\xspace}
\newcommand{\polytime}{{\sf P}\xspace}
\newcommand{\sharpp}{\#{\sf P}\xspace}
\newcommand{\sharpphard}{\#{\sf P}-hard\xspace}
\newcommand{\sharpwone}{\#{\sf W}[1]\xspace}
\newcommand{\sharpwonehard}{\#{\sf W}[1]-hard\xspace}
\newcommand{\ptime}{{\sf PTIME}\xspace}
%Approx Alg
%Pseudo Code Notation
%I don't think we use reduce anymore
\newcommand{\ceil}[1]{\left\lceil #1 \right\rceil}
\newcommand{\numsamp}{\vari{N}}%we have \samplesize above; we can get rid of one of these
\newcommand{\numedge}{m}%we have set size above; we can get rid of one of these
\newcommand{\bivec}{\vari{b}_{\vari{vec}}}%Section 3--proof in appendix for last theorem
%Major cleaning needed to get rid of obsolete notation like expression trees, etc.
%I don't know that we use any of the expression tree macros anymore; if we do, they would be predominantly in S 3 and 4 and their respective appendices
%expression tree T
%I don't think we talk of T but of C; let's update this. These should be used only in S 2 and S4
%members of T
%\newcommand{\smb}{\poly\left(\vct{X}\right)}%smb for standard monomial basis; S 2<---this command is, I believe, unnecessary
%not sure if we use this
%not sure if we use this
%verify this
%\expandtree is a placeholder until I change other files with the new macro name \expansion
%not sure if we use this; I think the only occurrence would be in the def section of S 4
%not sure if we use this anymore either
%expandtree tuple elements:
% REPRESENTATIONS--this might be Boris' or Atri's stuff; verify if these macros are current
\newcommand{\rmod}{Mod}%mod function which transforms N[X]-DB to N-DB (S 2 and App A)
\newcommand{\reprs}{\mathcal{M}}%used to define Representation System in App A
%not sure about these? Perhaps in appendix B for \assign and S 5 for \support?
\newcommand{\assign}{\psi}%assignment function from a world vector to polynomial output in App A
\newcommand{\eps}{\epsilon}%<----this is already defined as \error; need to pick one
% Forcing Layouts
%Proof/Section Headings %
%Is this being used?
\newcommand{\caseheading}[1]{\smallskip \noindent \textbf{#1}.~}
%%%Adding stuff below so that long chain of display equatoons can be split across pages
%Macro for mult complexity
%consider perhaps putting the tikz code into a separate file.
% Tikz Graph Symbols
%Shift macro
\newcommand{\patternshift}[1]{\hspace*{-0.5mm}\raisebox{-0.35mm}{#1}\hspace*{-0.5mm} }
%Global styles
default_node/.style={align=center, inner sep=0pt},
pattern_node/.style={fill=gray!50, draw=black, semithick, inner sep=0pt, minimum size = 2pt, circle},
tree_node/.style={default_node, draw=black, black, circle, text width=0.5cm, font=\bfseries, minimum size=0.65cm},
gen_tree_node/.style={default_node, draw, circle, text width=0.5cm, font=\bfseries, minimum size=0.65cm},
highlight_color/.style={black}, wght_color/.style={black},
highlight_treenode/.style={tree_node, draw=black, black},
edge from parent path={(\tikzparentnode) -- (\tikzchildnode)}
%Subgraph patterns
\begin{tikzpicture}[every path/.style={thick, draw}]%[baseline=0.00005cm]
\node at (0, 0)[pattern_node](bottom){};
\node [above=0.07cm of bottom, pattern_node] (top){};
\draw (top) -- (bottom);
% \node at (0, -2)[pattern_node, blue](b2){};
% \node [above=0.07cm of b2, pattern_node, blue] (t2){};
% \draw (t2) -- (b2);
\begin{tikzpicture}[every path/.style={thick, draw}]
\node at (0, 0) [pattern_node] (bottom1) {};
\node[above=0.07cm of bottom1, pattern_node] (top1) {} edge (bottom1);
\node at (0.14, 0) [pattern_node] (bottom2) {};
\node [above=0.07cm of bottom2, pattern_node] (top2) {} edge (bottom2);
\begin{tikzpicture}[every path/.style={thick, draw}]
\node at (0, 0.08) [pattern_node] (top){};
\node [below left=0.095cm and 0.05cm of top, pattern_node](left){};
\node[below right=0.095cm and 0.05cm of top, pattern_node](right){};
\draw (top) -- (left);
\draw (top) -- (right);
\begin{tikzpicture}[every path/.style={thick, draw}]
\node at (0, 0) [pattern_node] (bottom1) {};
\node[above=0.07cm of bottom1, pattern_node] (top1) {} edge (bottom1);
\node at (0.14, 0) [pattern_node] (bottom2) {};
\node [above=0.07cm of bottom2, pattern_node] (top2) {} edge (bottom2);
\node at (0.28, 0) [pattern_node] (bottom3) {};
\node [above=0.07cm of bottom3, pattern_node] (top3) {} edge (bottom3);
\begin{tikzpicture}[every path/.style={ thick, draw}]
\node at (0, 0.08) [pattern_node] (top){};
\node [below left=0.08cm and 0.01cm of top, pattern_node](left){} edge (top);
\node[below right=0.08cm and 0.01cm of top, pattern_node](right){} edge (top) edge (left);
\begin{tikzpicture}[every path/.style={thick, draw}]
\node at (0, 0) [pattern_node] (node1a) {};
\node [above=0.07cm of node1a, pattern_node] (node1b) {} edge (node1a);
\node [right=0.099cm of node1a, pattern_node] (node2b) {}; %edge [semithick] (node1b);
\node [above=0.07cm of node2b, pattern_node] (node3b) {} edge (node2b);
\draw (node1b) -- (node3b);
\begin{tikzpicture}[level/.style={sibling distance=0.14cm, level distance=0.15cm}, every path/.style={thick, draw}]
\node at (0, 0) [pattern_node] {} [grow=down]
child{node [pattern_node]{}}
child {node [pattern_node] {}}
child{node [pattern_node] {}};
\newcommand{\bsym}[1]{\boldsymbol{#1}}%b for bold; sym for symbol
%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
%%% TeX-master: "main"
%%% End: