
38 lines
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--- For Camera-Readh ---
- Spend more time emphasizing:
- The "First run" problem
- Dynamic provenance changes with each update
- Static buys you better scheduling decisions
- Better explain "hot" vs "cold" cache (e.g., spark loading data into memory)
- Explain that the choice of spark is due to Vizier having already chosen it. The main thing we need it for is Arrow and scheduling.
- Space permitting, maybe spend a bit more time contrasting microkernel with jupyter "hacks" like Nodebook.
- Add some text emphasizing the point that even though Jupyter is not intended for batch ETL processing, that is how a lot of people (e.g., cite netflix, stitchfix?). (and yes, we're aware that this is bad practice)
- Around the point where we describe that Vizier involves explicit dependencies, also point out that we describe how to provide a Jupyter-like experience on top of this model later in the paper. "Keep the mental model"
- Typos:
- " Not that Vizier"
- Add more future work
- Direct output to Arrow instead of via parquet.
- Add copyright text
- Check for and remove Type 3 fonts if any exist.
- Make sure fonts are embedded (should be default for LaTeX)
--- For Next Paper ---
- Use GIT history to recover the dependency graph
- e.g., figure out how much dynamic provenance changes for a single cell over a series of edits.
- Static vs Dynamic provenance: How different are they?
- e.g., how often do you need to "repair"
- How much further away from serial does dynamic get you?